Викторина "Виват, Петербург!"
методическая разработка (8 класс) на тему

Бедовая Галина Васильевна

Игра посвящена 310 годовщине Санкт-Петербурга и проводится в 8 – 9  классах. Команды представляют туристические фирмы

Цель:  - Совершенствование ранее приобретенных умений и навыков устной


             - Расширение кругозора учащихся

             - Повышение чувства гордости за свою страну и родной город

             - Знакомство с профессией менеджера по туризму.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая разработка викторины «Виват, Петербург!»

Разработала учитель английского языка Бедовая Галина Васильевна

Игра посвящена 310 годовщине Санкт-Петербурга и проводится в 8 – 9  классах. Команды представляют туристические фирмы

Цель:  - Совершенствование ранее приобретенных умений и навыков устной


             - Расширение кругозора учащихся

             - Повышение чувства гордости за свою страну и родной город

             - Знакомство с профессией менеджера по туризму.


1.Оформление кабинета (Плакаты с видами города; рекламы турфирм, которые представляют учащиеся, магнитофон)

2.Эмблемы  у учащихся

3.Раздаточный материал

Ход мероприятия:

1 этап. Внеклассная работа по подготовке материалов к викторине. Команды оформляют визитки, плакаты, проспекты; готовят рассказы о достопримечательностях города, приветствие команды.

2 этап. Проведение мероприятия: приглашают ведущего и  жюри, состоящее из учителя английского языка и двух старшеклассников.

1.Приветствие команд, представление своей турфирмы, плакат или проспект. (10 баллов)

2.Разминка – вопросы по истории города. (Вопросы командам задают по очереди, возможны дополнения, за каждый правильный ответ и дополнение 1 балл.)

3.Рассказ об одной из достопримечательностей города. (Участники вытаскивают изображение одной из достопримечательностей и через три минуты представляют свой рассказ). (5 баллов)

4.Разгадывание кроссворда, можно использовать готовые варианты или командам обменяться заранее заготовленными друг для друга  кроссвордами с оговоренными параметрами. (10 баллов)

5.Спрашиваем дорогу. Команды получают карточки с ситуациями и готовят диалоги в течение 5 минут. (10 баллов)

Вопросы для разминки:

- What architectural styles can you see in the buildings of the city?

   Baroque style – Winter Palace; Classical style – Taurida Palace; style ‘Modern’ – the House of  


- When did St. Petersburg become the capital?

   In 1712, it remained the capital of Russia up to 1918.

- How many rivers, lakes and canals are there in St. Petersburg?

   There are 93 rivers, 20 canals, more than 100 lakes.

-  How many bridges are there?

   There are about 600 bridges.

- How many parks are there in St. Petersburg?

   There are about 23 large parks, the most famous one is the Summer Gardens.

- How many floods have there  been in Petersburg since foundation?

   There have been 286 floods in St. Petersburg since its foundation. The first recorded one was

   in 1703.

- When was St. Petersburg founded?

   St. Petersburg was founded on May 16(27) 1703 by Peter the Great. The cornerstone of the

   Peter and Paul Fotress was laid on the Marshy ground of Zayachy island.

- Who and when got the horses of Anichkov bridge as a gift?

   The King of Prussia in 1842.

- What is the first monument to Peter I in Russia?

   It was made by B.C.Rastrelli in 1724, cast in 1746 and set up only in 1800 in front of

   Mikhailovsky Castle.

- What is the climate like in St. Petersburg?

   It is quite mild.

- What building is decorated with the figures of ten Atlantes?

   The portico of the New Hermitage. The figures were cut from monolithic grey granite to a

   model by A.Terebenev.

- Why was the Fontanka River called so?

   Water for the fountains of the Summer Gardens was pumped from that river.

- How many times was St. Petersburg renamed?

   From 1703 to 1914 it was called St. Petersburg.

   From 1914 to 1924 – Petrograd.

   From 1924 to 1991 – Leningrad.

   In 1991 the first name was returned to the city.

- What is Rossi Street famous for?

   It is famous for its proportions: length – 220m; height and width of the building – 22m.

- How can citizens know that it’s noon?

   Every day at 12 o’clock one of the guns makes a signal shot from the Narishkin Bastion.

- What ship became a museum?

  The Cruiser ‘Aurora’ is a museum. On October 25, 1917 a blank shot was fired from the


- When was the blockade of the city lifted?

   The siege of the city was lifted on January 27, 1944.

- Where was the first bridge in St. Petersburg?

   It was over the stream surrounding Zayachy Island built in 1703.

- What do you know about the Festivals of Arts in St. Petersburg?

   White Nights International Arts Festival is held in June. Its programme includes the finest

    ballet, opera and drama productions.

 - Why was Prince Alexander nicknamed Nevsky?

    In 1240 on the Neva banks he defeated Swedes. On this place Peter I established a monastery.

 - Where was the monument to Kutusov built?

   It is in front of Kazan Cathedral. (sc. Orlovsky, arch. Stasov)

- What great disaster happened in St. Petersburg in 1824?

   It was the catastrophic flood and was described by A. Pushkin in the ‘Bronze Horseman’.

- What is the highest building in the city?

   The highest building in St. Petersburg is Peter and Paul Cathedral 122,5 m.

- What do you know about the city during the World War II?

   Leningrad was desieged by the fascists and cut off from the rest of the country. A lot of

   citizens were perished from starvation, cold and bombardment. The blockade lasted for 900


- What is the Hew Holland?

   The artificial island framed by the Moyka and the Krukov Canal. In 1703 it was used as a place

   to store ship timber.

-  Why was the largest island at Neva delta called Vasiliyevsky?

   It belonged to the Novgorod landholder of the 15th century Vasily Severen.

- What famous composers lived in the city?

   Chaikovskiy, Musorgskiy, Rimskiy-Korsakov, Glinka, Rubinshtein, Shostakovich, Borodin  

- Name the street that runs along the Pulkovo Meridian?

   It’s Moskovskiy Prospect.

- What places were named after Alexander Nevskiy?

   The street, the square, the metro station, the bridge, the Lavra were named after A.Nevskiy.

- What is the poetic name of St. Petersburg?

   It’s called “the Venice of the North” or “the Palmira of the North”

26. What is the most famous monument to Peter I?

28. How many railway stations are there in the city?

29. Where are the keys of the city kept?

30. Why does the coat of arms of the city have two anchors?


Peter and Paul Fortress

It was founded on 27,May 1703 to defend St. Petersburg against enemy raids. From the middle of the 18th century it contained Russia’s political prison. The complex includes: Peter and Paul Cathedral, designed by D. Trezzini, which is the city’s tallest building (the height of the spire is 121, badges8 metres), the house of the “grandfather of the Russian navy”, where an exact copy of Peter’s  little boat is kept, the Petrovsky and Nevsky Gates, and the old Mint founded in 1724.Coin, orders, medals have been minted there.

The Hermitage

One of the world’s greatest museums, founded in 1764 and occupying the buildings of the Winter Palace and Small, Old and New Hermitages and the Hermitage theatre. All the buildings are linked by the suspending galleries.

Hermitage means “the dwelling of a hermit”. This name dates back to the 18th century when Catherine II was the empress of Russia. At that time several paintings were purchased for the Winter Palace and placed in one of the distant rooms. Only a few of the empress’ courtiers were allowed to see her collection.

The museum’s collection now numbers more than 3 million items-paintings, graphic art, sculptures, applied art, coins and archeological finds. The collections are divided into the following departments:

1. West European culture

2. Oriental culture

3. Antique culture

4. Russian culture

5. Prehistoric culture

6. Numismatics.

You can see there the works by Leonardo da Vinchi, Raphael, Titian, Boticelli, Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyek, Van Gogh, Picasso, Matisse.

The Hermitage frequently displays its collections abroad and arrange foreign exhibitions in St. Petersburg.

Palace Square

The city’s central square and one of the world’s most perfect architectural ensembles: it includes the Winter Palace, the General Staff Heardquarters was designed by K. Rossi and built in 1829.It is a majestic edifice consisting of two wings, with a total length of 600 metres connected in the centre by a mighty archway, which is crowned by triumphal chariot of Victory. The Alexander Column was designed by A. Montferand as a monument to Russia’s military glory (1832 – 1834); the figure of the angel is the work of sculptor B. Orlovsky. The column is made from a single piece of granite and weighs 600 tonnes; the total height of the base and the statue is 47.5 metres.

Senate Square

Formerly called Decembrists Square, since it was here that the first armed revolt by noble revolutionaries took place on 14 December 1825 they were demonstrating against serfdom and the autocracy. The architecture in the square includes the Bronze Horseman, St. Issac’s Cathedral, the Admiralty, the Manege and the former Senate and Synod buildings. The “Bronze Horseman” is the monument to Peter the Great, the masterpiece of great French sculptor

E. Falconet, except for Peter’s head (by his pupil M-A.Collot) and the snake (be F. Gordeev). It was unveiled in 1782. The buildings of the Senate and Synod were rebuilt in 1829 – 1834 by C. Rossi. They are connected by a triumphal arch and decorated with columns and numerous

marble figures. In 1806 – 1823 A.Zakharov erected the building of the Admiralty on the site of the old Admiralty fortress and shipyard (designed by Peter the Great himself). The Manege by G. Quarenghi (1804 – 1807) serves as Central Exhibition Hall nowadays.

The Vasilevsky Island Spit

The architecture here, designed by Thomas de Thomon, includes the former Stock Exchange building (now the Central Naval Museum) and the two colossal rostral columns (34 metres in height), erected in 1810 to commemorate Russia’s glorious naval victories. They also served as beacons: nowadays torches are lit on special occasions at the top of the columns where once lanterns used to shine through the mist. At the base of the columns there are four massive statues representing the Neva, Volkhov, Volga, Dnepr rivers.


1. Match the columns:


Bronze Horseman



a - 6


Kazan Cathedral



b - 7


Winter Palace



c - 1


The General Staff Headquarters



d - 6


Peter and Paul Cathedral



e - 4


The Admilarty



f - 3


Alexander Column



g - 2

2. Answer the questions.

1. Where are the keys of the city kept?

2. Who was the first architect of the city?

3. What ship became the museum?

4. What was the first museum of the city?

5. What is the largest palace in the city?

6. What is the largest museum of Russian Art?

7. How many railway stations are there in the city?

8. What is the largest cathedral?

9. What is at the top of Alexander Column?

10. Where was M.Kutusov buried?








































































Asking the way.

1. You are at Victory Square.

    You want to visit Kazan Cathedral.  

     Ask a passer-by how to get there.

2. You are at Palace Square.

     You are staying at Pulkovskaya Hotel.

     Ask a passer-by how to get there.

Возможные варианты приветствия:

(Составлены учащимися)

Greeting 1

- Hello! Our tour agency “White Nights” invites you to have a rest in a city of many miracles.

- You’ll walk round the city gay and night and delight our charming white nights, gorgeous Neva   and rising bridges.

- You’ll admire the architecture of the city boating along the canals and rivers. You will see the famous Bronze horseman and the smallest monument Chizhik Pyzhik

- You’ll enjoy paintings in the greatest museums such as the Hermitage and the Russian Museum.

- The famous Marinsky, Alexandrinsky theatres will show you the best balleys and performances.

- You’ll see the wonderful suburbs of St. Petersburg with their parks, palaces and fountains or have a stroll in the Summer Gardens and admire the sculptures in open air.

- Don’t worry, we can deliver you from any cover of the world by air, sea or land.

- You’ll stay in the best hotels of the city or in hospitable Russian families.

- You won’t be hungry and you’ll taste pancakes with caviar, shchi, delicious fish dishes and what not!

- You will love our city at first sight. Welcome to St. Petersburg!

Greeting 2

- Hello! We are representing the most exciting city in the world.

- Have you ever been to Venice? You needn’t go there, as our canals, rivers and embankments are worth seeing not less.

- Do you like French Architecture? All styles: classical, baroque and modern you will see in our city.

- Have you seen the Egyptian sphinx? Don’t be upset, you may gaze into their eyes in our city.

- Do you like nature? You’ll enjoy fresh air in out-of-town residences of Russian tsars.

- Do you like sculpture? You can admire it in the Summer Gardens.

- Have you ever read at night without light? Never?! Come to our city in summer and you will realize the feeling of Pushkin and Dostoevskiy .

- Are you fond of Art? The exhibitions in the Russian museum and the Hermitage are waiting for you.

- Are you a gourmet? Indian, Georgian, Chinese, Japanese and of course Russian cuisines are at your disposal.

-Welcome to St. Petersburg!

Возможные варианты визитки и проспекта фирмы.

Возможные варианты диалогов.

1. Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to Kazan Cathedral?

2. Certainly. You can go by metro or by bus if you want to admire the city.

1. It would be nice and where is a bus station?

2. Not far. Cross the street and you’ll see a sign.

1. Thank you.

2. You are welcome.


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