тест для подготовки к ГИА (по учебнику Happy English.ru)
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тест для подготовки к ГИА (по учебнику Happy English.ru)


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Предварительный просмотр:

9 класс   К.И.Кауфман                                                 

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-7 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-H. Одна часть в списке лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.

This happened in one of the hottest places on Earth: Death Valley National Park. Three friends from France, Martin, Paul and Christian were only a couple of days into their tour of USA when they decided

  1. __________________________________. They arrived there in the evening and started
  2. __________________________________. They had bought a guidebook that described most interesting trails and decided to try some of them. They soon found out, though, that most of the trails were either closed or had
  3. __________________________________. If they had come to Death Valley in winter, they’d have been able to see more, but in summer most of the routes were too long and dangerous. If they went out hiking now, they could die of heatstroke or dehydration,
  4. ____________________________________. For Martin, the idea of hiking in Golden Canyon seemed very exciting. He didn’t want to miss all the fun just because of some warnings in a guidebook.

Martin’s friends tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen. The plan was that he would hike the trail and his friends would wait for him in car.

It was a hot July day. When Martin left early in the morning, the temperature was already more than 38 C in the shade,

  1. ____________________________________. The trail was only a couple of miles long and Martin believed winter weather a hike like that would have taken him about two hours. Martin also thought that he wouldn’t need more than a liter of water for this short hike. He was wrong about too.

Martin’s Friends were waiting for him in the car. Half an hour after the time they had arranged to meet, Martin still hadn’t turned up

  1. ___________________________________. Paul wanted to straight to go the rangers and ask for help, but Christian said they should wait a bit longer. They didn’t want Martin to come back and find nobody there.

After another half an hour Christian finally agreed with his friend

  1. ___________________________________. The rangers started a search immediately. By that time the temperature was already over 45 C. The rangers’ plan flew over the valley and soon they saw a body lying on the ground. They recognized Martin from the description given by his friend. When the rangers got out to him, he wasn’t to breathing, but they could still feel a very weak pulse. Only three hours after Martin started his hike he had nearly died. If the rangers had come ten hours minutes later, they wouldn’t have been able to save him.

While Martin was getting better in hospital, the rangers came to visit him and wished him a pleasant stay in America.

                A        but that didn’t seem to worry him                F        to visit this world-famous place

                B        and they went for help                                G        and they started to worry

                C         to plan their adventure                                H        but one of the friend wasn’t sure

                D        and they didn’t worry about him

                E        to go with a ranger


1 F, 2 C, 3 E, 4 H, 5 A, 6 G,  7 B

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