Where can you work-9 класс
план-конспект урока (9 класс) на тему

Микотина Тамара Сергеевна

закрепление знаний лексических единиц по теме “Профессии”.


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Предварительный просмотр:

9 cl.        

Цель урока : проработка изученной темы «Work»

Задачи урока:

  • образовательные

- закрепление знаний лексических единиц по теме “Профессии”, “Черты характера”;

- совершенствование навыков аудирования;

- совершенствование навыков разговорной речи;

- совершенствование навыков письма;

  • развивающие

- развивать умения анализировать, систематизировать и обобщать материал, делать выводы;

- развитие умения работать в коллективе;

- развитие памяти, логического мышления;

  • воспитательные

- воспитание толерантных отношений в ходе коллективной работы;

- воспитание ответственного отношения к выбору профессии;

- воспитание уважительного отношения к людям разных профессий;

Оборудование урока

- карточки с лексическими единицами по теме;

- индивидуальные листы для выполнения письменного задания;

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя, тема урока записана на доске:

T:Smile, please

 Погружение учащихся в урок- восхваление самого себя или соседа: “I’mclever”, “I’mresponsible”, “Youarekind-hearted” и т.д. Повторение личных качеств человека предваряет последующую работу на уроке.

T:Who is on duty?
– Who is absent?
– What date is it today?
– What day is it today?

2. Warm — up.

Unscramble the words; ( guess these words)
• h,e,t,c,r,e,a \ - teacher \
• t,o,c,d,r,o, \- doctor \

• n,g,e,s,r,e,I,d \- designer \
• g,n,a,m,a,e,r \- manager \
• s,r,n,e,u, \ - nurse \
• c,u,r,t,c,a,n,t,a,o,e \- accounter \

3/Совершенствование лексических навыков.

Оборудование: карточки с лексическими единицами.

Задание 3-1: To put the jobs and professions into categories.

  1. Doctors teach children.
  2. A nurse helps doctors.
  3. A pilot drives a car.
  4. A farmer works on a farm.
  5. Teachers work at school.
  6. A fireman brings letters.
  7. Workers bak bread.
  8. A programmer fights fires.
  9. Dancers work in the hospital.
  10. Clowns work in the circus.

3-2 What is a person? Where does he work?”

A person works on a farm

It’s a farmer.

A person works at a hospital

Doctor / nurse

A person works at a shop or a supermarket 


A person works at a factory (фабрика)


A person works at a bank


A person works at office


A person works at a school


A person works at an agency


A person works at an orchestra, pop group


A person works at a police station

Policeman / police Officer

A person works at a workshop (мастерская)


A person works at a house 


A person works at a kindergarten (детский сад)


A person who makes a newspaper


A person who serves in the Army.


A person who decorates houses and create new clothes


A person who makes films

Film maker

A person who earns much money


A person who shows fashionable clothes


A person who drives a car


A person who flies a lot. (управляет самолетом)


A person who acts in films and plays


A person who works with a computer

Computer operator

4. Work with proverbs:

a) Guessing words by the context.

T: Our “English teacher” has already mentioned one of English proverbs. There are many other proverbs to do with work.

St., go to the blackboard, match a line from column a with a line from column B to from an English proverb. The rest of pupils follow him , agree or disagree.

(St.’ читает про себя , затем спрашивает: Is it right(or wrong)

(St.-s читают и переводят)

(on the board)

1. A bad workman
2. All lay loads
3. Make hay
4. Many hands
5. Too many cooks
6. Actions speak
7.Never put off till tomorrow
8. Jack of all trades
9. The early bird

a. white the sun shines
b. louder than words
c. master of none   
d. blames his tools
e. what you can do today
f. make light work
g. catches the warm
h. on a willing horse
i. spoil the broth

Keys (1d, 2h, 3a, 4f,5i,6b,7e,8c,9g)

b) Speaking

T: Have a look at proverbs again and try to explain how you understand this or

that proverb. Take it in turn.

1. A bad workman blames his tools.

Плохой работник всегда винит свой инструмент

A careless or unskilled person blames his tools to excuse himself for bad work, white it is his own carelessness or lak of skill which is really to blame.

2. All lay loads on a willing horse

Все накладывают груз на старательную лошадь.

(Кто везет, того и погоняют)

A man willing to work is always given more work to do than a lazy one, because the work which is given to a willing man will be done well and quickly.

3. Make hay while the sun shines.

Заготавливай сено, пока солнце светит

(Коси коса, пока роса)

You must take advantage of the opportunities while conditions are favourable.

4. Many hands make light wok.

когда рук много, работа делается легко

(Дружно не грузно а, врозь хоть брось)

A job, duty, everything is to do if many people share the work.

5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Слишком много поваров портят бульон

(У семи нянек дитя без глазу)

If too many people try to do the same thing at the same time, the task will be done badly, spoilt or damaged.

6. Action speak louder than words.

Поступки говорят громче, чем слова

(Не по словам судят, а по делам)

People can say many things, because talking is easy, but it is more important what a person does than what he says he will do.

7. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Не откладывай на завтра то, что модно сделать сегодня.

You must carry out a lot a task or duty as soon as you can. If you leave it till tomorrow, you may forget about it or not find time to do it and it may never be done.

8. Jack if all trades master of done.

Джек на все руки мастер , а ни одним мастерством не владеет.

(За все браться ничего не cделать)

A person who works at many trades never becomes really expert at any one of them. If is better to be really skilful at one trade than to have small knowledge of many.

9. The early bird catches the worm.

Ранняя птичка словит червяка.

(Кто рано встает , тому Бог дает)

The person who get up early to work will be successful:

Those that arrive early at a place have the advantage over the latecomers.

5. writing:

Put in the missing words: a teacher, collecting, bodyguards, farmers, a nurse, hobbies, a postman, vets, a librarian, sportsmen.

  1. ....... are very strong and healthy.
  2. Our ....... will give us much homework tomorrow.
  3. ....... have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk.
  4. Our ....... helps people to find necessary books and magazines.
  5. ....... learn how to treat animals, don’t they ?
  6. A ....... didn’t bring a letter yesterday.
  7. Different people like doing different things; different people have different .......
  8. ....... stamps is easy and interesting.
  9. ....... is a person who works in hospitals and helps doctors.
  10. Good ....... are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients.

 6. Homework: Essay «My future job »

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