задания на словообразование к учебнику "Starlight 6"
учебно-методический материал (6 класс) на тему

Данная методическая разработка знакомит с основами английского словообразования и представляет практическую значимость для учащихся и учителей английского языка. Особый интерес эта работа будет представлять для учеников 6-х классов, так как здесь  будут напечатаны упражнения на словообразование к учебнику Starlight. Автор считает абсолютно необходимым начинать подготовку к данному заданию как можно раньше, чтобы выработать устойчивый навык успешного выполнения подобных упражнений.


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Словообразование (на материале УМК Starlight 6 класс)

как аспект подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку

Данная методическая разработка знакомит с основами английского словообразования и представляет практическую значимость для учащихся и учителей английского языка. Особый интерес эта работа будет представлять для учеников 6-х классов, так как здесь  будут напечатаны упражнения на словообразование к учебнику Starlight. Автор считает абсолютно необходимым начинать подготовку к данному заданию как можно раньше, чтобы выработать устойчивый навык успешного выполнения подобных упражнений.


  1. I have just returned from London, it was a(an)  ______________________trip! It was really cool! (forget)
  2. ________________________ is a small and beautiful flower.(forget)
  3. He always forgets everything, his __________________ is just annoying! (forget)
  4. She doesn’t remember anything, she is so ________________. (forget)
  5. The ________________ of trendy shops here, is really impressive. (selector)
  6. He has very __________________ memory. He remembers only what he needs. (selector)
  7. The fitness centre has a comprehensive range of ______________ for all fitness levels and abilities. (action)
  8. She doesn’t like anything to do, she is a(an) absolutely _____________ person. (action)
  9. This virus can ______________ your computer. (able)
  10. He _____________ in chemistry. (special)
  11. Everything is so expensive in this food outlet, the prices here are absolutely ________________ (reason).
  12. Think about this, everything should be done ________________. (reason)
  13. She has just started working as a teacher, she is slightly ___________________. (experience)

WORD FORMATION 6TH FORM Module 1 (Unit 1f,h)

  1. To avoid mistakes you should check up the whole work_________ (care)
  2. I’m afraid to travel by car with him, he drives so _____________ (care)
  3. He always thinks about other people’s problems, he is so _________(care)
  4. Do not touch snakes, some of them are ______________(poison)
  5. Do not eat this apple, it is _____________ so you may die. (poison)
  6. The ___________ of this palace is a Duke of Wales(disown)
  7. In my ______________ point of view, you should study better.(disown)
  8. It was a marvelous hotel, staying there is something ___________(image)
  9. She is so good at thinking of new and interesting ideas, she is really ___________(image)
  10. Sam thinks about everything he does, he is a very _________ boy.(think)
  11. It was _______________ of her not to tell us where she was going. Now we can’t find her.(think)


  1. Everybody will remember the ____________ of this holiday.(celebrate)
  2. This glossy magazine always publishes articles about ______________ (celebrate)
  3. Madonna is a ___________ singer.(celebrate)
  4. __________ of America was very important for humanity.(discover)
  5. Harlem is the most ___________ area in New York. (horrible)
  6. She was ___________ to discover that he loved Sally. (horrible)
  7. __________ movie is a popular genre nowadays. (horrible)
  8. Clubbing in London is _____________ ! (terrible)
  9. London at first was a small ___________ . (settle)
  10. A painter was ____________ by the beauty of nature. (inspire)
  11. A painter gets a/an _______________ from the beauty of nature. (inspire)
  12. This music was so dull and absolutely __________. (inspire)
  13. He was very rude, impolite so his behaviour was _________. (offender)
  14.  I was ________ by his proposal. (offender)
  15. The image of the lion __________ power and strength. (signify)
  16. We are not going to discuss this question, it is absolutely __________. (signify)

Word Building 6th form

  1. ______________ water is dangerous for our health.(poison)
  2. He doesn’t think about his parents, he is absolutely ______________ (care)
  3. It was ____________ of him to leave the unlocked, anybody can come in and steal something. (care)
  4. You need to think _______________ about what you do to avoid mistakes (care)
  5. Our trip was ________________, I ‘d like to go there once again. (image)
  6. He can’t create anything, he is absolutely _____________.(image)
  7. Everything here is the ________________ of Duke of Wales.(own)
  8. ______________  is a nice and useful quality.(thinking)


  1. ______________  countries should help __________ countries. (develop)
  1. This website is full of _____________ information. There is nothing interesting there.(use)
  2. The book is full of __________ information, you should read it! (use)
  3. When he was young, he didn’t like to read, to learn grammar rules, he didn’t listen to his teacher of the English language (ужас) and now he is an absolutely __________ person.(educate)
  4. This _______________ programme is very good and should be used at school.(educate)
  5. Some sick people are _______________ as they can’t learn anything.(educate)
  6. He wastes money everywhere, he is absolutely _______________(practise)
  7. ________________ makes perfect.(practise)
  8. “I don’t care”- he answered _________________(difference)
  9. Sam ________________ greatly from his brother.(difference)
  10. Two of the _______________ failed to take part in the race.(competition)
  11. Learning in a small group is_______________ to learning in s big, noisy group.



Fill the gaps with the suitable words.

  1. The _________  and  ___________ of the sea is difficult to measure.( deep, wide)
  2. Can you ___________ and __________ the hole, it is too narrow and little. (wide, long)
  3. Every person should do everything to _____________ the friendship. (strong)
  4. _____________ needs deep knowledge and experience. (wise)
  5. The weather here is _____________, it is impossible to be predicted. (change)
  6. _____________ in friendship makes a person happier. (believe)
  7. We should save _____________ birds. ( dangerous)
  8. We were able to watch the lions in __________, that’s why we were not afraid. (save)
  9. __________________ is a bad quality, you don’t remember what is necessary. (forget)
  10. He has a _____________ memory. (select)
  11. This virus can __________ your computer. (able)
  12. The book is not gripping, it is _______________. (forget)
  13. Everything should be done ______________. (reason)
  14. To have a good job, one should be ______________. (experience)
  15. It was a great hotel, staying there was _____________. (image)
  16. To avoid accidents, you should drive _______________ (care)
  17. She is a very ___________ girl, she always looks after her parents. (care)
  18. It’s a great ____________! (think)
  19. This ______________ programme is very good. (educate)
  20. He is a very _________ person, he knows everything. (educate)

Write a negative form of the word

  1. Famous                                 19 educative
  2. Popular                                  20 practical
  3. Attractive                               21 different
  4. Pleasant                                  22 competitive
  5. Pleased                                   23 respectful
  6. Believable                               24 obedient      
  7. Exciting                                   25 impressive
  8. Real
  9. Able
  10. Forgettable
  11. Active
  12. Reasonable
  13. Experienced
  14. Poisonous
  15. Developed
  16. Care
  17. Use
  18. Educable

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