Открытый урок в 11-м классе по теме: "Television is a wonderful invention"
план-конспект урока (11 класс) на тему

Забайлович Елена Владимировна

Открытый урок в 11-м классе по теме: "Television is a wonderful invention"


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Открытый урок в 11-м классе по теме: "Television is a wonderful invention"

Забайлович Елена Владимировна, учитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков 


  • подвести итог знаниям, навыкам и умениям учащихся в рамках изученной темы (произношение, активный запас фраз и речевых образцов, умения устного активного и рецептивного речевого общения);
  • вовлечь школьников в активную речевую деятельность на уроке путем использования современных средств обучения и различных организационных форм работы;
  • обеспечить активную деятельность каждого ученика в течение всего урока, максимально увеличить время говорения каждого школьника;
  • развивать критическое и логическое мышление при постановке проблемы, умение аргументировано высказываться, убеждать собеседников, учитывая при этом их аргументы и факты;
  • обеспечить коммуникативную направленность обучения и естественность общения.

Оборудование: компьютеры, два моноблока.


I . Вступление.

Our mankind has entered the 21st century, the 3rd millennium. And what was the 20th century famous for? Why was it important for us, for our history? We all consider that the 20th century was the century of dynamic development, the era of science and technological progress. It is not much of exaggeration to say that we live in the world that materially and intellectually has been created by science. This point of view is easy to illustrate on the material level. One nearly needs to mention the automobile, the airplane, the radio, the telephone and, of course, the television. It is difficult to imagine an ordinary day of an ordinary inhabitant of our Earth without this wonder of technique. Television gives us the opportunity to watch the world, to get fresh first – hand information. It is both a pleasant companion and a real member of a family. It makes people’s living conditions much more comfortable. But unfortunately we go much more seldom to the theatres or museums, pay visits to each other, television

“kills” conversation. But we can’t do without television nowadays. It is an indisputable fact. Today we’ll speak about television.

II. Рассказ ученика об истории создания телевидения.

III. Речевая зарядка.

I want you to answer my questions about people, programmes and television techniques.

– Why do we prefer to see things on the screen and not only to hear voices speaking about them over the radio?

–Give a brief description of different kinds of programmes:

a) current affairs programmes (deal with political and social problems of modern society. Their aim is to give an analysis of the problems and to show different viewpoints. They are concerned with the country’s national events, festivals and public gatherings. They also include news commentaries);

b) panel discussions (deal with a group of speakers, chosen to speak, answer the questions, take part in a game, before an audience, for example listeners to a broadcast);

c) magazine programmes (programmes which are a mixture of “hard” news and feature items);

d) cartoons ( cinema films made by photographing series of drawings);

e) wild life programmes (programmes showing animals, birds etc. in their natural surrounding (environment);

f) educational programmes (deal with systematic training and instruction of different subjects. With the help of these programmes one can get knowledge and abilities, develop his/her character and mental powers);

g) quiz programmes (programmes on which members of the audience are asked questions, in case of correct answer they receive prizes);

h) “soap” operas (“soap” operas (afternoon television regular feature films) which originally appeared on the radio and were sponsored by soap advisers, continuing from day to day, presenting emotional and melodramatic situations like many operas of the 19th century(thus named “soap” operas);

i) thrillers (novels, plays or films in which excitement and emotional appeal are the essential elements);

j) westerns (uniquely American films presenting myths about pioneering, courageous Americans);

k) sitcoms (situational comedies – short films providing entertainment).

– What are the professions of the people in television?

(announcers, newsreaders, correspondents, commentators, interviewers, quiz masters, cameramen/operators, editors, producers, technicians, soundmen).

– What qualities do you look for in a television programme?

– What genres seem to dominate prime-time viewing?

IV. Работа с видеофрагментом.

I think that there is a programme that appeals to almost all age groups. I mean the programme consisting of new, fresh information, reports of what has most recently happened. This programme has the title” Time” or “News”. At our lyceum we have our own TV studio and we have a programme reporting about news of our lyceum. Now I offer you to watch the new issue of this programme. The announcers are Alyona Dyachenko and Misha Popov. Misha often works as a cameraman. Be ready to answer my questions and the other students’ ones after the issue.

(Учащиеся смотрят выпуск новостей лицейского телевидения на моноблоке).

– Name the main topics of the issue.

– What is necessary to be a good announcer?

(good appearance (an attractive face and a reasonable figure); intelligence ( good understanding of language and a measure of common sense); good memory; a friendly, likeable manner; the right kind of voice (pleasant, quiet, confident); the ability to hold her/himself at ease before the camera).

– What can you say about the work of a cameraman/operator?

V. Аудирование.

People of all ages like to watch cartoons. Today we have a guest – the student of the form 9a Andrei Baranovsky. He makes cartoons himself.

(Ученик рассказывает о крупнейших студиях, снимающих мультфильмы, о том, как он сам делает мультики и показывает свои “ творения”.)

VI. Обучение неподготовленной диалогической речи (озвучивание кинофрагментов).

You know that there are different kinds of feature films: thrillers, westerns, television plays, sitcoms, serials, “ soap” operas. Nowadays our TV companies buy a lot of foreign video cassettes with feature films. Interpreters or translators and soundmen resound them. Here I have two episodes from different films. But they have no sound. Resound them, please. Before you begin let me tell you how I want you to do it. Divide yourselves into two groups. Your task is to resound these fragments. I only know that the first film is a thriller, the second one is a “soap” opera with many love scenes. One of you must help the “actors”, he must be “a producer, a soundman and a technician” at the same time. Decide, please, who you will be, what you are going to say. Prepare your parts carefully. Work out in details how you will resound the scene. Rehearse the situation.

(Учащиеся просматривают кадры на моноблоках по группам и озвучивают их).

I was cunning a little. They were not two films but only one. Do you know its title? I think all of you have seen the screen version of the novel “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. It’s an old film but still it enjoys great popularity. There are many famous American actors in it with Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable starring. I was deeply impressed by their acting and the film itself. It hasn’t lost its visual splendour by the passage of time. The continuation of this film has the title “Scarlett”. Here there were two episodes from “Scarlett”.

VII. Работа с компьютером.

And now I want to say some words about computers. The computer is a data storage system created by man. A human tells the machine what to do, when to do and how it should be done. And there is no magic involved. The machine is programmed to process data fast and accurately. Computers do a lot of useful operations, calculations, keep records of our financial affairs, create charts and drawings, process the results of different experiments. They are applied in weather forecasting, medicine, manufacturing and research. They save a lot of energy and time.

Now we’ll work on computers. On your displays you see the text about television. Your task is to read it very carefully, to understand it, to grasp the main idea of each passage and to mark it with any colour you like. Be ready to read the text and the main ideas of the passages. Let’s get down to work.

– Television is doing a lot of harm, I think. We begin to forget how to occupy our spare time. For instance, we used to have hobbies, we used to meet our friends, we used to go outside for our amusements to the theatres, cinemas and sporting events. We used to read books and listen to music. Now all our free time is given to television.

– Well, nobody makes you watch TV. If you don’t like it, switch off your TV set. But why do you forget what a great amount of information we get! I think we must watch TV to be well-informed. It gives wonderful possibilities for education. Besides, there is a considerable variety of programmes. We can choose what we want to see.

– Yes, I agree. But I am always under the impression that little by little television cuts us from the real world. It is so easy to sit in our armchairs watching others working. We get so lazy, we choose to spend a fine day glued to our sets, rather than go out into the world itself. Television may be a splendid medium of communication with each other. Only when we spend a holiday by the sea or in the mountains, far away from civilization, we quickly discover how little we miss television.

– No, I disagree entirely. It’s an absurd idea that television makes you its slave. It enriches our intellect, gives us opportunities to see the best actors and performances, to hear the latest news, to listen to political discussions. In my opinion, TV is a great force in the world.

VIII. Дискуссия по теме “ Телевидение”.

“ Discussion” is from the Latin word that means exchange of opinions. Discussion is based on equal conditions for everybody. Each participant has the right both to ask and to state. The problem is not always solved during discussion, differences in opinions are left sometimes. It is necessary to use argumentation – statements and explanations. Each participant should hold certain discussion regulations:

– to be well-prepared;

– to speak clearly and logically;

– to explain arguments;

– to express opinions quietly;

– not to digress from the topic;

– not to speak too long;

– to listen to others without interrupting them.

Here you can see some discussion phrases. They may help you.

– May I put a word in?

– If you ask me...

– It just occurred to me

– Generally speaking...

– Strictly speaking...

– That depends on...

– I want to press the point that...

– On the one hand...

– On the other hand...

– As far as I am able to judge...

– From my point of view...

– To sum it all up...

– All things considered...

– On the whole...

– To be brief/ In a short word...

– If I am not mistaken...

– If I remember rightly...

– If my memory serves me rightly...

– As far as I know...

– There is no doubt...

– It is quite obvious/ evident...

– It goes without saying...

– It is common knowledge that...

– In my opinion...

– It seems to me...

– To tell the truth...

– And what about you?

– As for me...

– To begin with...

Alyona, you are the chief of our discussion, as usual. Your task is to keep the discussion to the point. Make sure everybody has an opportunity to express his/her opinion. And here are the statements.

1. Children and TV. Is it a great problem?

2. Television is doing a lot of harm.

3. Television may lead to poor health.

4. The more channels we have the better.

5. Films should be censored.

6. Commercials are interesting, useful and necessary.

7. Television is a splendid medium of communication.

8. Television may be the cause of many disputes and conflicts in the family.

9. Television has both advantages and disadvantages.

(План дискуссии записан на доске. У каждого ученика есть листочек с фразами для ведения дискуссии).

IX. Заключительный этап урока.

1. And now some words in conclusion.

Television nowadays, its role and responsibility are being widely discussed as it has really become one of the most important mass media. I am sure that television is doing a lot of good because it is invaluable for the information it provides; it has vast educational opportunities; it makes people argue and discuss, think more; it is one of the mighty means of forming people’s character, ideology and outlook. Thus it is clear that television is one of the most valuable achievements.

But it occupies all our spare time. We rush home to be in time for this or that programme. The violence on TV creates violence in real life, television is bad for people’s health, it is like a drug, it “kills” conversation. But is it solely the television which is at fault? Of course, television is a hard test of our wisdom: either we can use it or it can use us. And I think that you use and will use television for your best benefit and enrichment.

2. Выставление оценок, их комментирование, объяснение домашнего задания.

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