Конспект открытого урока в 6 классе "Животные в опасности"(технология активных методов обучения)
план-конспект урока (6 класс) по теме

Яковлева Мунира Сулеймановна

Конспект урока в 6 классе "Животные в опасности"


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Предварительный просмотр:

План проведения урока английского языка

( технология активных методов обучения

     с элементами игровой технологии)

 в 6 классе

Учитель -  Яковлева Мунира Сулеймановна

Тема урока: Animals in danger. Животные в опасности.

Цели и задачи урока:


Развитие навыков монологической речи, активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых оборотов, совершенствование навыков аудирования с целью полного понимания его содержания.


Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных умений обучающихся, самостоятельного исследовательского подхода.


Формирование лингвистической, тематической и социокультурной компетенции,  активная жизненная позиция и толерантность, формирование нравственных взглядов и оценок.

Ход урока. Вступительное слово учителя и речевая разминка.


T:        I’m very glad to see you and our guests.

You are welcome.

Look at the pictures on the walls, and at these wonderful books.

What do you think our lesson is about?

S:        Animals.

T:        Right, animals and more exactly – animals in danger. Every hour, two or three kinds of animals,  plants  or insects die out forever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become extinct twenty years from now.

        Today we are going to speak about this important problem, we are going to remember different animals,  we are going to discuss what we can do to help animals.

Look at the blackboard. Let’s play ABC game.

Do you know what you have to do? Guess what it is.

A – the topic of our lesson .                                ( Animals)

B – an animal with wings and feathers .                ( Bird)

C – one of the most popular pets.                        ( Cat)

D – a large sea animal, one of the cleverest animals

       in the world.                                        ( Dolphin)

E – the biggest land animal with long nose .                ( Elephant)

F – a creature that lives in water and can swim .        ( Fish)

G – the tallest animal in the world.                        ( Giraffe)

H – a large African animal with short legs and

       thick skin.                                                ( Hippo)

I – …

Well done, pupils. If you want, you can go on this game at home, remember English alphabet and animals.

 So, our topic is “Animals”. We’ve remembered some animals. Many of them people can see only at the Zoo.

Have you ever been to the Zoo?

Do you like going to the Zoo?

When did you go these last?

What animals did you see there?

Let’s remember different animals and play this game.

Do it in chain, repeat the previous sentence and add your own part, do not make a mistake, be attentive.

I’ll start:

T:        At the Zoo, there were two tigers.

S1:        At the Zoo, there were two tigers and three monkeys.

S2:        At the Zoo, there were two tigers, three monkeys and four crocodiles.

S8:        At the Zoo, there were …… and a hippo.

T:        Well done, you are the winner, your task was the most difficult.

        So, too many animals are at the Zoo nowadays. Why?

S1:        Because people living in cities can’t see animals in nature.

S2:        Because animals are disappearing.

S3:        Because they are in danger and this is one of the ways to save animals.

T:        You are right. Your home task was to read the text “Animals in Danger”. So, open your books at page…

        Did you read it? Was everything clear for you?

        Now, look through the text and answer the questions, then read the answers.

  1. What does the life of the people on Earth depend on?
  2. Why are some animals and birds on the Earth disappearing nowadays?
  3. Why do some people kill tigers?
  4. Are there many forests for tigers nowadays? Where do they hide?
  5. Why do people kill elephants?
  6. Why are other animals also in danger?
  7. Why can you find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book?

Have you ever seen the Red Book? Each country has it’s own Red Book. This is the Red Book of the rare plants of Russia and this is the Red Book of the rare animals of Russia.

I know that you have prepared some reports about rare animals. Who wants to be the first? Listen to them very attentively and ask them questions to get some more information.

S1: about African elephants

S2: about Polar (white) bears

S3: about Red wolves

S4: about Bighorns

S5: about Australian koalas

Where do they live?

What do they eat?

How long do the live?

Why do people kill them?

Why are they disappearing?

(управляемый диалог, если есть необходимость)

Well done! All these reports will be displayed in our classroom and you can get some more information.

And now I want you to listen to a story of giant pandas. Listen to the tape, and then answer the questions.


Giant pandas live in China. You can them in the forests and sometimes in the mountains. It’s very cold there, but their thick fur protects them. Baby pandas can’t walk until they are three months old, and the mother has to look after them. If they are in danger, they climb trees. They sleep at night and eat for most of the day. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves, but they also eat rats, birds, snakes, flowers and sometimes fish.

        Now, answer the questions:

  1. In what country do giant pandas live?
  2. Name two places you can find pandas.
  3. Is it hot or cold there?
  4. Can baby pandas walk when they are born?
  5. Can pandas climb trees?
  6. What do pandas do during the day?
  7. List three things that pandas eat.

Well done! You all are very clever and attentive girls and boys.

So, look, we’ve heard about some rare animals and we’ve mentioned the main reasons of their disappearing.

What are they? Let’s sum up all known facts.

T:        So, the 1st: Why do people hunt and kill animals?

S1:        People kill animals for their skin, fur, and meat and for fun.

T:        What do people do with skins, tusks, and shells of tortoises?

S:        They make fur-coats from fur, handbags and shoes, toys and ornaments.

T:        Do people need to use skins to make these things? Can people use other modern materials?

S:        Yes, they can.

T:        The next point, why do people cut down trees so animals have no place to live?

S:        People build roads, farms, they grow crops.

T:        Right, but people mustn’t forget about animals and their habitats.

Some countries now have National parks. Scientists move animals to these parks. Animals are safe there, because people can’t cut down trees or kill animals there.

        Have you ever heard about African safari?

        In the old days, people used to go on safari to hunt and kill wild animals, now they go to see animals and take photos.

T:        Now, tell me please, where else are animals safe? Where can you see rare animals?

S:        At the Zoo.

T:        Is it comfortable there?

        Is it good for them? Now, just imagine, is it comfortable for the giraffe in Saint-Petersburg if the giraffe comes from Africa?

S:        No, it isn’t.

T:        What is better: National Parks or Zoos?

S:        National Parks.

T:        Now, lets remember pets. Have you got any pets?

        I hope you don’t have any exotic which are so popular nowadays. Sometimes people keep crocodiles and monkeys as pets.

        Why do many wild animals sold as pets die?

S1:        Because too many are packed into small boxes to be transported to other countries.

S2:        Because they are kept in small cages.

S3:        Because people don’t know how to look after them properly.

S4:        Because people don’t know what food to give them.

S5:        Because the animals are so unhappy.

T:        Now, let’s remember about animals in wild nature.

        We’ve said sometimes animals have no place to live, and sometimes they have no good things to eat. What does that mean?

S:        Modern life is not good for them. The air is not fresh. The water is not clean.

T:        Right, one of the most important reasons of disappearing of animals and plants is air and water pollution.        What shall we do with this?

        Do you know any international organizations, which try to solve this problem? Have you ever seen these badges?

S:        I know Greenpeace.

T:        Right, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth act to protect nature.

        And WWF – the World Wide Fund for Nature looks after animals and plants, particularly endangered species.

        So, a lot of different organisations work to save animals and our planet.

        Can we do anything? Can we help nature? What can we do?

SS:        We can plant trees and flowers.

        We can build birds’ houses.

        We can feed birds in winter.

        We mustn’t litter in the forest.

        We must save natural resources.

        We won’t buy presents and toys made from rare animals.

        We won’t keep rare animals as pets.

        We can use modern materials to make fur-coats, handbags, etc.

T:        So, we can do a lot if we want.

        The future is in our hands. It’s the name of our song.

        Does anyone know this song?

        Look at the words and sing the song all together.


        We want to see blue seas,

        We want to see green trees,

        We are defenders of our lands,

        We want to breathe clean air,

        We want to show we care,

        We know the future’s in our hands.

        We want to see birds fly,

        Up into a clear sky,

        We are defenders of our lands,

        We want to see flowers grow,

        To pollution we say “NO!”

        We know the future’s in our hands.

And at the end of our lesson I want you to write down the names of the first tree animals that come into your head and give the names to your partner.

It seems funny but:

  • the 1st name is the animal you would like to be
  • the 2nd animal is what other people think you are
  • the 3rd is what you really are.

Remember about animals – our younger brothers.

Additional material: What you didn’t know about the animal world.

  • The largest animal ever to live on Earth – bigger even than the dinosaurs – is the blue whale. It weights around 80 tons – more than 24 elephants.
  • A newborn baby whale weighs as much as an adult African elephant.
  • A giraffe’s heart weighs 22 kilos.
  • A grizzly bear can run as fast as a horse.
  • A newborn panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about 100 grams.

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