Тест для 5 класса "Прошедшее и настоящее времена."
методическая разработка (5 класс) на тему

Клокова Ольга Николаевна

Материал для контроля усвоения знаний по прошедшему и настоящему временам.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb: Present Simple or Past Simple.

  1. It ________very hot last summer, this year the summer __________rather cool. (to be)
  2. We usually _______ watch TV in the evening, but yesterday we ________board games. (to play)
  3. Ann usually_______________ to the swimming pool twice a week, but last month she ______________ there only once a week. (to go)
  4. I ________ dishes yesterday and my mum _____very angry with me. (not to wash, to be)
  5. Usually Mark_________ good marks, but he ______________ a bad mark two days ago. (to get)
  6. My  sister usually ______________   me, but last week she __________. (to help, not can )
  7. We _____________ classes yesterday because it ______________ a holiday. (not to have, to be)
  8. My sister always ___________many books. Last month she ___________ only one . (to read)
  9. Jack________________ at the party yesterday  because he ______________ ill. (not to be, to be)
  10. Sam  can’t ride a bike. He _______ a bike when he ___________a child. (not to have, to be)

2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs given in the box in the Past Simple Tense.

move         meet          be(x2)         have             buy         come           go          drive           become          spend(x2)             play                live

             Three years ago we moved  to Izobilny. We _____________ in the city which ___________ far away from it, so we ______________ many hours to get to the town. When we __________ to Izobilny , we ________________ a new house . Our house ______________ not far from the school and we _____________ to school on foot. Sometimes our mum ____________ us to school. We ______________ many new people in that town and ______________ friends with them. We ______________ much in common. We ________________ tennis and football with our friends and ______________  much time together.

3. Ask the special questions to each sentence.

  1. She walked with her mother in the park yesterday.

When _______________________________________________?

  1. He  went to his granny last week.

Where _______________________________________________?

  1. Alice bought a new book.

What ________________________________________________?

  1. Children played football on Sunday.


  1. They liked to play together.


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