Сценарии сказок на Новый год
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Константинова Ирина Андреевна

Сценарии разработаны для учащихся начальной школы


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий новогодней сказки «New Year»

A Russian girl is sitting in am armchair and reading a book of fairy-tales.

Her mother calls her.

Mother: Stop reading books, dear, New Year is coming. Help me to lay the table, please.

Russian girl: Just a moment, Mum. It’s my favourite tale. I wish I was  there in the fairy-tale.

Music. Lights go down.

A group of children is singing......

Russian girl is looking around her with great interest.

Russian girl: Where am I? I can’t believe my eyes. Is it a fairy-tale? Oh, it’s cold here. Where shall I go?

A white rabbit appears on the stage. He is in a hurry. He is looking at his watch

Rabbit: Oh! I’ll be too late!

Russian girl: What? A rabbit with a pocket and a watch in it? Of course, I’m in a tale. Who’s ever seen a rabbit with a watch?

Russian girl: Mister Rabbit, wait for me, please!


Lights go down.

Queen’s palace. (slide “Palace”)

The Queen is sitting at the desk. There is a blackboard near the desk. Rabbit comes through the gates and runs into the palace. The Russian girl enters and hides

Rabbit: Good evening, Your Majesty! I am on time (bows).

Queen: All right. Let’s start our lesson. Write down.....

Chancellor comes.

Chancellor: Good evening, Your Majesty! May I ask you to put Your signature? To four edicts only.

Queen: Write! Well! Give me your papers!

Chancellor: Thank you very much, Your Majesty!

Queen: And what shall we write?

Russian girl (comes out): Stop it!

Queen: Who are you? Why do you speak to me like this? I am your Queen

Russian girl: My Queen?! Oh, I am so sorry but you are not my Queen. I am not from here. I am from Russia.

Queen and Rabbit:  Russia?

Rabbit: Where is it? Oh, I know, your people live on the other side of the Earth and they walk on their hands.

Russian girl (laughing): Do you study at school? You don’t know Geography at all. (slide “The map of Russia”)Russia is the largest country in the world with a long and interesting history and culture. Do you know how Russian people celebrate Christmas traditionally?

Queen and Rabbit: We don’t know!

A group of children is going around the hall and singing Russian folk songs.

Russian girl: It’s winter now....and tomorrow we are going to have a New Year’s party.

Rabbit: New Year? What is it?

Russian girl: I like this holiday best of all. We decorate New Year’s tree with coloured balls and little lights. We  usually prepare tasty food- chicken, potato....

Queen and Rabbit:  Mmm...

Russian girl: Oh, no....It’s time to go home. But how can I do that? (crying)

Queen: My dear, stop crying, please. Chancellor, where are you?

Chancellor: I am here, Your Majesty. What do you want?

Queen: Tell me please, how this little girl can get home?

Chancellor: I don’t know!

Queen: What shall we do?

Rabbit: I know! The famous mouse lives here. I hope she can help us.

Queen: Let’s go!

Lights go down

Music (смена слайдов-поля, леса)

Танец снежинок

Дом мышки, стук в дверь

Mouse: Who is it?

Queen: your Queen!

Mouse: Good evening, Your Majesty. What brings you here?

Rabbit: This little girl wants to get home.

Mouse: Where do you live, my dear?

Girl: I live in Russia

Mouse: I have an idea! I know what to do. You may go to the palace, Your Majesty.

Queen:  Goodbye, my dear  and have a happy holiday!

Rabbit: Goodbye, my friend!

Girl: Goodbye!

Lights go down

Music (девочка сидит на кресле и мышка с ребятами поет колыбельную)

Lights go down (на сцене мама и елка)

Mother: My dear, wake up. Can you help me?

Girl: Oh, mum! I am at home. I am so glad to see you (обнимаются)

Финальная песня

Предварительный просмотр:

Santa Claus and the Grey Wolf

Звучит музыка

Crow: Right. Straight. Straight. Left. Stop!  Right.

Wolf : Very cold…It’s joke – I creep through the forest…

Crow: So nobody sees you. And if they see you, our plan will fail

Wolf: Ok

Музыка. Домик. К домику подходят  Волк и Ворона. Перешептываются. Волк прячется за дерево, а Ворона стучит в дверь. Из домика выходит Дед Мороз

Santa Claus: Who's there?
Crow: Santa Claus, a hare is broken his leg. He lies and crying.
Santa: Oh, what a pity! Ah, poor thing! We must help him. Will you show me the way?
Crow:   Of course. Not far from here.

Дед Мороз и Ворона уходят в лес. Волк выходит из-за дерева, потирает лапы, смотрит по сторонам и крадучись идет в домик Деда Мороза. В домике все трогает и рассматривает. Радуется, увидев костюм Деда Мороза. Надевает его. Берет мешок, читает вслух на нем надпись «ПОДАРКИ». Прилетает Ворона, стучит в дверь. Волк прячется. Ворона заглядывает в дом

Crow: Do not be afraid, it's me. Let’s go faster.
Wolf - Look what I found. (Показывает мешок с подарками)
Crow: That's great!

Wolf: Oh, I’m hungry. Let’s go to the hares!

Они вдвоем уходят в лес, унося с собой мешок с подарками.

Дом зайцев. Папа, мама и зайчата веселятся.

Танец зайцев

Father Hare:  New Year is coming.  We are going  to the forest for the Christmas tree.
Mother Hare: And you do not open the door to anyone, or the grey wolf will come and eat you.

Hares: Ok. We understand you. Goodbye!

Зайчата играют. В это время к домику подходят Волк и Ворона. Волк стучит в дверь.

Hares: Who's there?
Wolf: It's me, Santa Claus. I brought you presents.
Hares: How amazing!
Hare: (девочка ) But our mother said not to open the door to anyone.
Hares: (мальчики) But it's Santa Claus!

Зайчонок открывает дверь. Волк заходит. Садится на стул. Мешок кладет рядом. Зайчата обступают его.

Hares: Santa Claus and where are our presents?
Wolf:  Presents? Get in the bag, there are you can find them.

Зайчата залезают в мешок. Зайка отходит и прячется. Ворона помогает Волку. Они с мешком выходят из домика.

Wolf: It’s very cold…..

Возвращаются Заяц с Зайчихой

Father Hare: Hares, where are you?

К ним выходит Зайка

Hare: Wolf took our hares!

Заяц с Зайчихой плачут. Мимо идет Дед Мороз

Santa: What has happened? Why are you all crying?
Hares: Wolf took our hares.
Santa: Trouble! Trouble! Trouble over the forest! Wolf has stolen hares!

Дед Мороз, Заяц, Зайчиха и Зайка уходят, на встречу им лесные зверята

Santa: Hello, animals. Have you seen the wolf?

Animals: Yes, he went there!

Santa: Thank you!

Дед Мороз с Зайцем, Зайчихой и Зайкой уходят. Зверята машут им вслед и смеясь убегают. Около домика сидит Волк. Рядом сидят зайчата и дрожат.

Выходят Дед Мороз, Заяц, Зайчиха и Зайка.

Подходят к домику, стучат.

Santa, Hares: Wolf, give us our hares!

Wolf: I’m alone here. I haven’t got your hares!

Santa: Don’t lie! Give us our hares!

Wolf: Will you take me for a holiday?

Santa: Ok, hares, will we forgive him?

Hares: Of course!

Wolf: Here your hares.

Зайчата выбегают радостно

Hares: Mother, Father!

Wolf: I’m sorry, I don’t do it again.

Santa: That’s good!

Все встают на поклон. Говорят хором:

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

Все участники поют песню “ We wish you a Merry Christmas”

Предварительный просмотр:

Christmas Fairytale


  1. Santa  
  2. The Christmas Star  
  3. The Witch  
  4. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Deer  
  5. Elf 1  
  6. Elf 2  
  7. Narrator  

Episode I

Narrator: Our story begins at night – the night before Christmas. Everything is clear and white. Everyone is preparing for the holiday. The elves are cleaning the sleigh (эльфы выходят на сцену, чистят сани, танцуют и поют*), Santa is looking through his lists of presents (Санта сидя в кресле просматривает списки)


Rudolph (запыхавшись): Santa!

Santa: What’s up?

Rudolph: It’s become so dark outdoors! The Christmas Star is out!

Santa: She isn’t out! Somebody has stolen her!

Elf 1 (взволнованно): What shall we do???

Elf 2: We have to find her!

Santa: Yes, we have to. Christmas won’t come without the Star…

Episode II

Narrator: It’s so dark around!.. But what is there? There is a light in the distance! Look! Let’s see what is happening…

Witch (танцует по комнате**): Finally! All the presents will be mine! Because now I have got the Christmas Star, she fulfils all the wishes!

Christmas Star: Yes, you have stolen me. But I won’t fulfill your wish! I can fulfill only good wishes!

Witch: You will do it! I’ll make you do it! I’ll turn you into a frog!..

Christmas Star: It won’t help you…

Episode III

Santa: My dear elves, we have to go now! We must bring back the main symbol of Christmas, our Star!

Elf 1: Santa, we are ready!

Elf 2: Yes, we are ready! Let’s go!

Rudolph: I’m going with you! I know where we should go, the birds have told me! It was the Witch who had stolen our Star!

Narrator: And they went to the Witch’s castle to save the Christmas Star…

Episode IV

Narrator: We have almost come to the castle. The snowstorm is so strong!..

Witch: What a strange noise is there outdoors! Is that the wind?

Christmas Star: That’s not the wind! There are a lot of jingle bells in the street***! (раздаются звуки бубенчиков)

Witch: No! That can’t be!

Christmas Star: My friends are coming…

Episode V

Elf 1: We have already come!

Elf 2: Yes, there is the castle!

Rudolph: We should hurry up!

Episode VI

Narrator: The Witch is scared; she hides the Christmas Star under her black magic blanket.

Santa (заходит в комнату): We are here, Witch! Where is the Star?

Elves: Give her back to us!

Witch: Never! You will never find her! I have hidden her well!

Narrator: And suddenly some light appears in the room. It becomes brighter and brighter and finally the Christmas Star takes the magic blanket off! The spell is ruined!

Rudolph: That’s the Star, I can see her!

Santa: So can I!

Elves: So can we!

Christmas Star: I’m free! Thank you, my friends! The holiday will come in time now!

Witch: I won’t get any present now! Poor, poor me! (плачет)

Santa: Don’t cry! Everyone will have a present because it’s Christmas now! (дарит Ведьме подарок) I give you kindness and happiness because you need them!

Witch: Oh, thank you very much! Now I know that good always triumphs over evil!

Narrator: The Christmas Star comes back to the sky and her light spreads all over the world…

Elf 1: Well, we have a lot of work now…

Elf 2: The Christmas is coming…

Santa: Merry Christmas!

All together: Merry Christmas!


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