Презентация к уроку в 5 классе
презентация урока для интерактивной доски (5 класс) на тему

Презентация к  уроку в 5 классе "Голоса животных"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

… . in our life

Слайд 2

ANIMALS in our life

Слайд 3

What are kinds of animals? Endangered animals birds pets farm animals reptiles,water animals domestic animals wild animals animals a bear a fox a lion … a cow a horse a pig … a cat a dog a parrot … a frog a dolphin a shark … a raven an eagle a swan …

Слайд 4

Read and find an extra word: an elephant, a wolf, a dog, a hare 2. a cat, a canary, a swan, a hen, an eagle 3. a horse, a pig, an elephant, a cow, a cockerel 4. a bee, a fly, a spider, a cow 5. a fox, a dolphin, a rhino, a deer 6. a camel, a giraffe, a hippo, a spider, a deer 7. an ant, a butterfly, a frog, a bee

Слайд 5

1. Animals live in small cages. 2. Zoos help save endangered animals. 3. Animals don’t have enough space. 4. People feed baby animals. 5. There are no forests for the animals in the zoo. 6. Animals can’t eat their favourite food. 7. Animals get tired ( устают ) of visitors. 8. People can watch different kinds of animals and insects. 9. Children can watch exotic animals. 10. Zoos help scientists to learn more about living things. 11. Animals can not run, jump, fly. Zoos. What is good and what is bad.

Слайд 6

2. Zoos help save endangered animals. 4. People feed baby animals. 8. People can watch different kinds of animals and insects. 9. Children can watch exotic animals. 10. Zoos help scientists to learn more about living things. Zoos. What is good and what is bad . 1. Animals live in small cages. 3. Animals don’t have enough space. 5. There are no forests for the animals in the zoo. 6. Animals can’t eat the food that they have in the wild. 7. Animals get tired ( устают ) of visitors. 11. Animals can not run, jump, fly. good bad

Слайд 7

1 2 3 5 6 7 What we can do in the zoo (match the words and the pictures) 4 learn feed treat clean cages look after watch play wash 8

Слайд 8

Moscow Zoo

Слайд 9

The Present Perfect Tense have/ has + V3 Time expressions : just, already, never, ever, recently, lately, not yet

Слайд 10

The Present Perfect Tense Ride an elephant Eat snake meat See a giraffe Touch a camel Alex - √ √ √ Tim √ - √ √ Peter - - - √ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense 1. Alex _______________________________ (eat) snake meat. 2. Peter ____________________________________ (ride) an elephant. 3. Tim, Alex and Peter ______________________________ (touch) a camel. 4. __________ Peter and Tim ________________________ (ride) an elephant? 5. Peter and Tim _________________________(eat) snake meat. 6. ___________ Peter ____________________ (see) a giraffe?

Слайд 11

A - N - I - M - A - L - S - Save

Слайд 12

Homework «3» S/B p. 114, Ex. 34 a, b «4» S/B p. 114, Ex. 35 , 2 questions ( The Present Perfect Tense) «5» S/B p. 114, Ex. 35 , 5 questions ( The Present Perfect Tense)

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