Презентация "Terra australis incognita – the unknown southern land"
презентация к уроку (5 класс) на тему

Презентация создана для работы с текстом "Australia" учебника Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. (уровень V)


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Слайд 1

Terra australis incognita – the unknown southern land

Слайд 2

It is the leading industrial state. Most people live along the east coast. Sydney is the largest city in Australia The New South Wales

Слайд 3

In Victoria most people live in the South. Melbourne is the capital of the state. Grapes apricots peaches

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Queensland is Australia’s second largest state Brisbane is its capital The state has long beautiful sandy beaches. Its coast is a popular place for holidaymakers

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South Australia Most of South Australia is too dry for farming. Wheat and fruit (apricots, pears, peaches and grapes) are grown along the Murray river.

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The state of Western Australia is dry and inhospitable. Most of the land is desert. (The Great Sandy Desert, the Gibson Desert, The Great Victoria Desert)

Слайд 7

Northern Territory is the least populated part of Australia. Crocodiles still live in some of the swamps along the coast.

Слайд 8

Tasmania, the island state, is sometimes called the apple isle because it produces most of Australia’s apples.

Слайд 9

http://onlinputeshestvie.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/- карта-Австралии - e1434911700471.gif http://australia-world.ru/images/photos/medium/article653.jpg http://cs622822.vk.me/v622822919/2256d/ts4Ac0p0cho.jpg http://city.live174.ru/images/img.php?w=400&h=300&l=%2Fstore%2Fimage%2Favstralija_6_01560-376.jpg http://zarja.kiev.ua/images/a/d/samye-udivitelnye-pustyni_7.jpg http://visiontourclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/beaches-e1360914094869-300x172.jpg http://static.travelmag.pw/i/5d/4b/2f08b8d00a549726bd6690956f28.jpg http://oboi.cc/uploads_full/11_05_2013/view/201209/oboik.ru_25699.jpg Использованные интернет-ресурсы http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/alice-springs-northern-territory-australia-aerial-images-of-the-in-picture-id524040320?s=594x594 https://image.slidesharecdn.com/tasmaniandevil-110509142918-phpapp02/95/tasmanian-devil-6-728.jpg

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