Дистанционное обучение. Внеурочная деятельность по английскому языку "Г.Р. Державин. От Петербурга до Званки"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Зубова Дарья Викторовна

Курса внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку «Г.Р. Державин. От Петербурга до Званки» для обучающихся 7 класса.

МОУ «Державинский лицей» названо в честь выдающегося русского поэта конца XVIII начала XIX в., видного российского государственного деятеля, первого Олонецкого губернатора.

В лицее с 2003 году была создана экспозиция о жизни и деятельности Державина, материалы которой активно используются при проведении уроков по предметам гуманитарного профиля и элективных курсов по английскому языку с учащимися гуманитарного профиля. Предлагаемый спецкурс обобщает опыт работы учителей МОУ «Державинский лицей» по изучению жизнедеятельности Г.Р. Державина и предлагает программу подготовки учащихся для проведения экскурсий на английском и русском языках по фотовыставке «От Петербурга до Званки».

Данный курс направлен на расширение лексического запаса и правильного грамматического оформления иноязычной речи по теме спецкурса. Он также выступает средством развития у учащихся иноязычной билингвальной коммуникативной компетенции.

Главные цели курса соответствуют зафиксированным в стандарте основного общего  образования  по иностранному  языку.  Это  формирование  и  развитие  иноязычной  коммуникативной  компетенции  учащихся  в совокупности  её  составляющих:  речевой,  языковой,  социокультурной,  компенсаторной  и  учебно-познавательной. Особый акцент делается на личностном развитии и воспитании учащихся, развитии универсальных учебных действий, готовности к самообразованию, владении ключевыми компетенциями, а также на развитии и воспитании потребности у школьников пользоваться английским языком как средством общения, познания, самореализации.

При создании программы учитывались и психологические особенности данной возрастной группы учащихся. Это нашло отражение в выборе тем, текстов, форме заданий, видах работы, методическом аппарате.

Основными целями курса являются следующие:

- развитие у школьников иноязычных коммуникативных умений;

- культуротворческое развитие школьников средствами ИЯ;

- развитие самообразовательных возможностей учащихся при изучении курса;

- развитие умений общения с незнакомой публикой, получение навыков профессии экскурсовода;

- интегрированный подход в обучении ИЯ, связь с другими предметами (история, литература, информатика).

Задачи курса:

- развитие у учащихся устной и письменной речи по теме;

- формирование у учащихся культуры чтения аутентичных текстов публицистического характера;

- развитие у учащихся речетворчества и общекультурынх умений, необходимых в условиях иноязычного общения;

- использование компьютерных технологий в процессе изучения курса;

- расширение у учащихся информационного поля профессиональной компетенции средствами ИЯ.



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Life and work of G.R. Derzhavin

Слайд 2

Цели проекта Развитие у школьников иноязычных коммуникативных умений; Культуроведческое развитие школьников средствами ИЯ; Развитие самообразовательных возможностей учащихся при изучении курса; Развитие умений общения с незнакомой публикой, получение навыков профессии экскурсовода; Интегрированный подход в обучении ИЯ, связь с другими предметами (история, литература, информатика)

Слайд 3

Contents A decisive epoch in the development of Russia The biography of Derzhavin The personality of Derzhavin Derzhavin as a great Russian poet Derzhavin in Karelia Places in Petrozavodsk connected with Derzhavin

Слайд 4

A decisive epoch in the development of Russia At the end of Catherine’s reign, Russia had expanded westward and southward over an area of more than 200000 square miles, and the Russian rulers’ ancient dream of access to the Bosporus Strait had become an attainable goal. At the end of her reign Catherine claimed that she had reorganized 29 provinces under her administrative reform plan. She invested funds in many projects. More than a hundred new towns were built; old ones were expanded and renovated. As commodities were plentiful, trade expanded and communications developed. She was a patron of literature and a promoter of Russian culture; she herself wrote, established literary reviews, encouraged the sciences, and founded schools.

Слайд 5

The biography of Derzhavin The main facts of the biography : born July,14, 1743, Kazan province, Russia joined the army as a common soldier in 1762 was made officer in 1772 His first book of poems was published in 1776. entered the civil service in St. Petersburg in 1777 got the rank of state councillor wrote the ode “Felitsa”in 178 3 mid-September, 1784 till October, 1785 held the post of the Olonets governor was appointed to the post of the Governor of Tambov on December,15,1785 Secretary to Catherine the Great, December,12, 1791 became Senator and President of the Commercial College, September, 1792 was Chancellor of the Exchequer and a member of the Imperial Council in 1800 Was appointed Minister of Justice and performed functions of General Procurator retired to his estate at Zvanka in 1803 in 1815 was present at an examination in the Tsarskoye Selo lyceum and heard with delight young Pushkin reciting his own poems died July,20, 1816, Zvanka, Novgorod province, Russia

Слайд 6

The personality of Derzhavin “ Short-tempered and very devil”, when it comes to defending truth, was how Derzhavin described himself. He was honest but quick-tempered, with his invariable insistence on just solutions.

Слайд 7

Derzhavin as a great Russian poet The poems of Gavrila Derzhavin , the greatest poet of the epoch, are distinguished by their vivid, conversational style. Derzhavin’s odes resembled long poems with a subject, containing genre scenes and purely lyrical digressions and moral exhortation and satire. Derzhavin was reacting against the strict classical canon. His high eloquence is constantly overrun by waves of ordinary, everyday speech. With Derzhavin it is as though Russian poetry had stepped out into live life, into everyday reality. He drew his life in material, sensual images. Recreating colour, sound, the very material solidity of the world with unrivalled sharpness, he once called poetry “speaking painting”. His lyrics and odes include Na smert knyazya Meshchersko (1779, “On the Death of Prince Meshchersky”), Vlastitelyam I Sudjam (1780, “ To Lords and Judges ”), Bog (1784, “Ode to the Deity”), and Vodopad (1791-1794, “Waterfall ”).

Слайд 8

Derzhavin in Karelia Водопад Алмазна сыплется гора С высот четыремя скалами, Жемчугу бездна и сребра Кипит внизу, бьет вверх буграми; От брызгов синий холм стоит, Далече рев в лесу гремит. Waterfall Diamond – like pours, And down a four-cliffed mountain roars, Out of a bottomless pool some silvery pearls It boils below and upward hurls. From the spray a blue cloud stands, While its thunder in the distant wood resounds.

Слайд 9

Derzhavin’s places in Petrozavodsk

Слайд 10

Catherine the Great Read the text and do some tasks to it. In 1744 Catherine arrived in Russia, assumed the title of Grand Duchess Catherine Alekseevna, and the following year married her cousin, the grandson of Peter the Great and heir to the throne of Russia, the Grand Duke Peter. The marrige was a complete failure: the following 18 years were filled with deception and humiliation for her. Russian in full Yekaterina Alekseevna, (original name Sophie Friederike Auguste, Prinzessin Von Anhalt-Zerbst) was German-born empress of Russia (1762-1796), who led her country into full participation and cultural life of Europe, carrying on the work begun by Peter the Great. With her ministers she reorganized the administration and law of the Russian Empire and extended Russian territory, adding the Crimea and much of Poland. Russia at the time was ruled by Peter the Great’s daughter, the empress Elizabeth, whose 20-year reign greatly stabilized the monarchy. Catherine, however, would not have become empress if her husband had been at all normal. He was extremely neurotic, rebellious, obstinate, perhaps impotent, nearly alcoholic, and, most seriously, a fanatical worshipper of Frederick of Prussia, the foe of the empress Elizabeth. Catherine, by contrast, was clear-headed and ambitious. Her intelligence, flexibility of character, and love of Russia gained her much support. The empress Elizabeth died on Jan. 5, 1762, while Russia, allied with Austria and France, was engaged in the Seven Years’ war against Prussia. Shortly after Elizabeth’s death, Peter, now emperor, ended Russia’s participation in the war and concluded an alliance with Frederick II of Prussia. He made no attempt to hide his hatred of Russia and his love of his native Germany; discrediting himself endlessly by his foolish actions, he also prepared to rid himself of his wife. Catherine had only to strike: she had the support from the army, especially the regiments at St, Petersburg, where Grigory Orlov, her lover, was stationed; the court; and the public opinion in both capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg). She was also supported by the “enlightened” elements of aristocratic society, since she was known for her liberal opinions and admired as one of the most cultivated persons in Russia. On July, 9, 1762 she led the regiments into St. Petersburg and proclaimed herself empress and autocrat in the Kasan Cathedral. Peter III abdicated and was assassinated eight days later. In September 1762 she was crowned with great ceremony in Moscow, the ancient capital of tsars, and began a reign that was to span 34 years as empress of Russia under the title of Catherine II. Despite Catherine’s personal weakness, she was above all a ruler. Truly dedicated to her adopted country, she intended to make Russia a prosperous and powerful state. Her most pressing practical problem was to replenish the state treasury, which was empty when Elizabeth died; this she did in 1762 by secularizing the property of the clergy, who owned one-third of the land and serfs in Russia. In 1768 Russia began war against Turky. Inevitably, the war fired patriotism but Russia also faced many difficulties. First, a terrible plague broke out in Moscow; along with the hardships imposed by the war, it created a climate of disaffection and popular agitation. In 1773 Yemelyan Pugachov, a former officer of the Don Cossacks, pretended to be the dead emperor Peter III, incited the greatest uprising of Russian history prior to the revolution of 1917. Starting in the Ural region, the movement spread rapidly through the vast southeastern provinces, and in June 1774 Pugachov’s Cossack troops prepared to march on Moscow. At this point, the war with Turky ended in a Russian victory, and Catherine sent her crack troops to crush the rebellion. Defeated and captured, Pugachov was beheaded in 1775, but the terror and chaos were not soon forgotten. Catherine now realized that for her the people were more to be feared than pitied, and that, rather than freeing them, she must tighten their bonds. Before her accession to power, Catherine had planned to emancipate the serfs, on whom the economy of Russia, which was 95% agricultural, was based. The serf was the property of the master, and the fortune of a noble was evaluated not in lands but in the “souls” he owned. Catherine turned her attention to organizing and strengthening a system that she herself had condemned as inhuman. She imposed serfdom on the Ukrainians who had until then been free. At the end of her reign, there was scarcely a free peasant left in Russia, and, because of more systematized control, the condition of the serf was worse than it had been before Caterine’s rule. Thus, 95% of the Russian people did not in any way benefit directly from the achievements of Catherine’s reign. Rather, their forced labour financed the immense expenditures required for her ever-growing economic, military and cultural projects. In these undertakings, at least, she proved herself to be a good administrator and could claim that the blood and sweat of the people had not been wasted.

Слайд 11

Tasks to the text “Catherine the Great” I. Give the English equivalents 1. императрица немецкого происхождения 2. принимать титул 3. упрямый 4. быть вовлеченным в войну заключать союз с кем-то 6. культурный человек 7. провозгласить себя императрицей 8. отречься 9. быть убитым 10. быть коронованным 11. процветающее и мощное государство 12. пополнять государственную казну 13. крепостной, крепостное право14. страшная чума разразилась в Москве 15. подстрекать к восстанию 16. полк, войско 17. подавить восстание 18. быть обезглавленным 19. освободить крепостных крестьян 20. оценивать состояние дворянина 21. усиливать систему 22. осуждать систему 23. навязывать крепостное право 24. управлять, управление 25. требовать огромных расходов II. Paraphrase the sentences using the expressions above. 1. Catherine the Great was born in Germany. 2. Russia, together with Austria and France, unleashed ( развязывать ) the war against Prussia. 3. Catherine declared herself empress and autocrat. 4. Catherine was an intelligent and well-mannered person. 5. Catherine’s first intention was to set the serfs free . 6. Peter III was killed by Catherine’s supporters. 7. Catherine wanted to make Russia a strong and developed country. 8. Catherine II ruled the country for 34 years. III. Answer the questions 1. How long did Catherine reign the country? 2. Where did she come from? 3. Who was head of Russia at that time? 4. Who was the heir to the throne of Russia? What was his title? 5. What was Peter like? 6. How did Peter discredit himself? 7. Why did Catherine manage to become empress? 8. What did she do to make Russia prosperous and powerful? 9. What were the reasons for Pugachov’s rebellion? How did it end? 10. What was the economy of Russia based on? 11. How did Catherine strengthen the social system of Russia? IV. Find in the text words and word combinations about Catherine’s personality. V. Why is the period of Catherine’s reign often called “a decisive epoch in the development of Russia”?

Слайд 12

Gavrila Derzhavin Text 1 Read the text and do exercises to it. Gavrila Derzhavin . Born in Kazan. His father was an impoverished nobleman and served as an officer in remote provincial garrisons. Derzhavin studied at the gymnasium in Kazan but did not graduate from it: he was called up to serve in the Preobrazhensky Regiment in which he had been enrolled at birth. It was at that time that he began writing poetry. His first book of poems was published in 1776. Soon afterwards, Derzhavin was transferred to the civil service and he was in turn the governor of the Olonets and Tambov provinces, a senator, chancellor of the exchequer, and, under Alexander I, Minister of Justice. In 1783, Derzhavin’s “Felitsa”, an ode to Catherine II, made him truly famous. “In Derzhavin,” said Belinsky, “Russian poetry made a great step forwards.” Derzhavin’s odes brought together in a mainstream all the various literary genres from the hymn to the verbal portrait. Though he voiced no opposition to the foundations and moves of the serf-owning system, he did sharply criticize the tsars and the nobles, stood for observance of the law, and interceded for ordinary people. In 1815, the poet was present at an examination in the Tsarskoye Selo lyceum where he heard with delight young Pushkin reciting his own poems, and saw in the boy the future hope of Russian Literature. Impoverished - обедневший to transfer to – переводить на To enroll – зачислять в армию должность intercede (for) – вступаться за Chancellor of the exchequer – Министр финансов

Слайд 13

READ TEXTS 2 AND 3 AND DO EXERCISES TO THEM Text 2 Derzhavin, Gavrila Romanovich (b. July,14, 1743, Kazan province, Russia – d. July,20, 1816, Zvanka, Novgorod province, Russia), Russia’s greatest and most original 18-century poet, whose finest achievements lie in his lyrics and odes. Born into an impoverished noble family, Derzhavin joined the army as a common soldier in 1762 and was made officer in 1772. In 1777 he entered the civil service in St. Petersburg, and during the next 26 years his posts included those of provincial governor at Olonets and Tambov, senator and minister of justice. His Oda k Felitse (1782, “Ode to Felicia”), addressed to Catherine the Great, gained her favour, and he was, for time, her private secretary. His liberal political inclinations finally put an end to his career in 1803, at which time he retired to his estate at Zvanka. Derzhavin preserved the grandeur and solemnity of the classical ode as practiced in Russia but made it less restrictive and more lyrical and personal in its tone and subject matter. His odes are notable for the passages of magnificent imagery that they contain. Derzhavin worked in many other poetic genres, and his poems express both lofty and idealistic moralism and his strongly sensual appreciation of life. His lyrics and odes include Na smert knyazya Meshcherskogo (1779, “On the Death of Prince Meshchersky”), Bog (1784, “Ode to the Deity”), and Vodopad (1791-1794, “Waterfall”). Grandeur – грандиозность, величие Solemnity - торжественность Restrictive – ограничительный Imagery – образность Lofty – возвышенны Sensual - чувствительный Appreciation – оценка, суждение Deity – божество Text 3 The poems of Gavrila Derzhavin, the greatest poet of the epoch, are distinguished by their vivid, conversational style. Derzhavin’s odes resembled long poems with a subject, containing genre scenes and purely lyrical digressions and moral exhortation and satire. Derzhavin was reacting against the strict classical canon. His high eloquence is constantly overrun by waves of ordinary, everyday speech. With Derzhavin it is as though Russian poetry had stepped out into live life, into everyday reality. He drew his life in material, sensual images. Recreating colour, sound, the very material solidity of the world with unrivalled sharpness, he once called poetry “speaking painting”. Sometimes it is as though his verses were woven like rich brocade, at others it was forged of bronze: “I am a tsar, a slave, a worm, a god!” Derzhavin’s life and personality are interesting in themselves. The son of a provincial nobleman, Derzhavin inherited an estate of only ten “souls”, served as a soldier in the ranks, then as a Guards officer, then rose to become governor of a province and personal secretary to Catherine the Great, senator and Minister of Justice. His periods in office invariably involved the poet in quarrels and conflicts. “Short-tempered and very devil”, when it comes to defending truth, was how Derzhavin described himself. He was even taken to court and the empress must often have longed to be rid of her honest but quick-tempered secretary, with his invariable insistence on just solutions. Digression – отступления to weave (wove, woven) - сочинять Exhortation – призыв brocade - парча Solidity – твердость forge - ковать Unrivalled – не имеющий равных invariable – неизменный

Слайд 14

Tasks to the texts about Derzhavin Text 1 I. Ask your partner 1. where Derzhavin was born 2. what his father was 3. where he studied 4. what regiment he was called up to serve 5. when he started writing 6. when his first book of poems was published 7. what posts he held during his life time 8. which ode made him famous 9. what contribution to Russian literature Derzhavin made 10. if he was against serfdom in Russia 11. if he felt sympathy for ordinary people 12. if he ever met Pushkin II. Paraphrase the sentences 1. Derzhavin’s father served in distant garrisons. 2. Gavrila Derzhavin didn’t finish gymnasium. 3. He went to serve in the Preobrazhensky Regiment which had been chosen for him at birth. 4. Derzhavin was taken to the civil service and held some posts one by one. 5. His odes included a great variety of literary genres from the hymn to the verbal portrait. 6. Derzhavin was not against serfdom in Russia. 7. But he felt sympathy for ordinary people and made everyone respect the law. Text 2 I. True, false, don’t know 1. Derzhavin was an outstanding poet of the 18th century, famous for long poems and plays. 2. He was born into a well-to-do family. 3. He served as a common soldier in the Preobrazhensky Regiment. 4. His civil service started in 1777. 5. Catherine the Great was so much impressed by the ode “Felicia” that she presented the poet with a beautiful snuff-box decorated with precious stones. 6. In 1803 Derzhavin retired because of his poor health. II. What is special about Derzhavin’s odes? Use the following expressions: less restrictive; more lyrical and personal; the passages of magnificent imagery; many poetic genres; express lofty and idealistic moralism and strongly sensual appreciation of life. Text 3 I. Find the English equivalents 1. отличаются живым, разговорным стилем 2. походить на длинные стихи 3. c одержать лирические отступления, моральный призыв и сатиру 4. высокое красноречие 5. шагнуть в живую жизнь, ежедневную реальность 6. чувственные образы 7. роскошная парча 8. наследовать поместье в 10 душ 9. служить рядовым 10. гвардейский офицер 11. вовлекать поэта в ссоры и конфликты 12. несдержанный (2) 13. защищать права 14. иметь сильное желание избавиться от кого-то 15. неизменная настойчивость справедливых решений II. Translate into English Державин – величайший и самый оригинальный поэт России 18 века. Он известен своими лирическими стихами и одами. Поэт сохранил величие и торжественность классической оды, но сделал ее менее строгой и более лиричной и личной. Оды Державина были похожи на длинные стихи, которые содержали жанровые сцены, чисто лирические отступления, моральный призыв и сатиру. С одной стороны, его оды примечательны высоким красноречием и как бы сотканы из роскошной парчи. С другой стороны, они отличаются живым, разговорным стилем, непревзойденной остротой. Его стихи выражают возвышенную нравственность, чрезвычайно чувствительное понимание жизни. В 1782 году Державин написал оду «Фелица», адресованную Екатерине Великой и заслужил ее благосклонность. Его другие стихи и оды включают «На смерть Мещерского», «Властителям и судьям», «Бог», «Водопад» и другие.

Слайд 15

Derzhavin’s personality (tasks) Speak about Derzhavin’s personality using the Russian text. «Слово о Державине», И. Костин (отрывок) По свидетельству современников, Державин был довольно высок ростом. Несколько худощав, особенно в молодые и средние годы. Походка была стремительной. Фигуру держал прямо. В его ясных голубых глазах постоянно читалась какая-то мысль. Современник Державина известный поэт того времени И. Дмитриев, близкий в некоторые годы к Державину человек, говорил о том, что голова его была хранилищем запаса сравнений, сентенций и картин для будущих его творческих произведений. Он охотник был до чтения, но читал без разборчивости. Говорил отрывисто и некрасно. Кажется, будто заботился лишь о том, чтобы высказаться поскорее. Часто посреди гостей, особенно же у себя, задумывался и склонялся к дремоте; но я всегда подозревал, что он притворялся, чтобы не мешали ему заниматься чем-нибудь своим… По своему характеру он был неровен. Временами вспыльчив и раздражителен, особенно когда защищал «честь, правду и язык богов». Его ум постоянно жаждал и искал какой-нибудь полезной деятельности. Его стремление к правде и справедливости не могло ограничиться только поэзией. Он был создан для большой государственной работы. Но при размытости законов того времени и чиновном произволе он то и дело «натыкался» на козни сослуживцев, вся энергия которых была направлена на личное обогащение, и непонимание высших государственных деятелей вплоть до монархических особ его порывов бескорыстного служения. The following words may be useful: Свидетельство – witness Современник – contemporary Стремительный – rapid , swift Походка – gait Хранилище – storehouse Сентенция – maxim Отрывистая речь – curt speech Неровный, непостоянный – inconstant Жаждать – to hunger for Искать – to seek for (sought, sought) Стремление – aspiration for Двусмысленный – ambiguous Двусмысленность – ambiguity Бюрократизм чиновников – bureaucratism of the officials Натыкаться на козни – to experience intrigues Сослуживец - colleague

Слайд 16

To Lords and Judges Read the ode in Russian and then in English and do some tasks Властителям и судьям Восстал всевышний бог, да судит Земных богов во сонме их: Доколе, рек, доколь вам будет Щадить неправедных и злых? Ваш долг есть: сохранять законы, На лица сильных не взирать, Без помощи, без обороны Сирот и вдов не оставлять. Ваш долг: спасать от бед невинных, Несчастливым подать покров; От сильных защищать бессильных, Исторгнуть бедных из оков. Не внемлют! Видят – и не знают! Покрыты мздою очеса: Злодействы землю потрясают, Неправда зыблет небеса. Цари! Я мнил, вы боги властны, Никто над вами не судья, Но вы, как я подобно, страстны, И так же смертны, как и я. И вы подобно так падете, Как с древ увядший лист падет! И вы подобно так умрете, Как ваш последний раб умрет! Воскресни, боже! Боже правых! И их молению внемли: Приди, суди, карай лукавых, И будь един царем земли! 1780 To Lords and Judges The Lord of Heaven rose in judgement Of Lords who earthly power bear: “ How long?” quath he, “shall you unjustly The wicked and unrighteous spare?” “ Your duty is: the laws enforcing To show no favour to the strong, To shield the widow, aid the orphan, Defending them against all wrong. “ Your duty is: to house poor wretches And save the innocent from pain, To take the side of the defenceless And rid the poor man of his chain.” The lords ignore him – nothing seeing, For coins of silver blind their eyes: From wickedness the earth is reeling, Injustices convulse the skies! You tsars, I thought, our fortunes fashion, Earth’s judgement you like gods defy! Yet you, like me, are slaves to passion And no less mortal that am I! You too shall fall, go headlong flying As leaves do when a gale sweeps by! You too shall one day be dying! Just as your humblest slave must die! Arise, arise, God of the righteous! Come heed the pleas of men of worth: Punish the wicked men who spite us And be alone Lord of the Earth! 1780 Translated by Peter Tempest

Слайд 17

Tasks to the ode “To Lords and Judges” I. Answer the questions 1. What is the title of the ode? 2. When was it written? 3. Who was it translated by? 4. What is the main idea of the poem? (to condemn the world’s strong; to condemn the actions of; to expose the wicked deeds of; to intercede for ordinary people; to defend the poor) 5. Fill in the table “Lords and judges’ deeds/ Their duties” (They should V/ have to V), using word combinations from the poem. Then speak about the deeds and duties of the lords. 6. How does Derzhavin show that all people are equal whatever their social level, titles, wealth? 7. What do you know about figurative language? Read the following information and try to find some of these devices in the ode. Figurative language Simile – comparison using like or as . Ex. My love is like a red, red rose… Metaphor – comparison without like or as. Ex. The heart is a lonely hunter. Personification – treating animals or objects as if they were human. Ex. The rose smiled when the sun kissed her face. Hyperbole – exaggerating to emphasize a point. Ex. The student studied for six days without sleeping or eating in order to pass her exam. Irony – when the author states his or her idea in words that carry the opposite meaning. Ex. The boy looked out of the window at the rain and dark clouds and said, “What a lovely day!” Alliteration – repetition of the same letters or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are close to each other. Ex. Masha makes mushrooms on Mondays in March. 8. Translate into English Ода «Властителям и судиям» написана Державиным в 1780 году. Он написал ее в Петербурге по отлучению от тамбовского губернаторства, но скрыл до 1790 года. А с началом Французской революции 1789-1794 г. можно было говорить против их (французского) тиранства и коварства. Ода подверглась цензурному гонению за резкое обличение «земных богов». Екатерина II назвала стихотворение якобинским. Из издания 1798 года ода была изъята. Державину принадлежит самое резкое в русской поэзии 19 века обличение деспотизма. Поэт критикует государственных деятелей и судей, которые помогают и щадят неправедных и злых. Сильные мира сего - рабы страсти и желают только обогащения. Державин указывает, что обязанность властей – защищать бедных, помогать сиротам и вдовам, предоставлять кров бездомным. Поэт подводит к мысли, что все люди равны независимо от социального положения, званий и достатка. Ода написана возвышенным, торжественным языком. Державин использует устаревшие слова, поэтическую лексику. В то же время его высокое красноречие сочетается с выражениями и словами, взятыми из простой, ежедневной речи. В оде поэт использует несколько художественных приемов. Так, например, он сравнивает человека с увядшим листом. Поэт говорит, что царь так же смертен, как и его раб, и их обоих ждет смерть в конце жизненного пути. Этот художественный прием называется сравнением. В оде можно найти примеры метафоры, например, «покрыты мздою очеса». «Злодейства землю потрясают, неправда зыблет небеса» это примеры олицетворения. «Исторгнуть бедных из оков» - гипербола. Читая стихотворение, чувствуешь негативное отношение поэта к властителям и судьям. С другой стороны Державин вступается за простых людей, защищает слабых и обездоленных. 1. to relieve smb of his post – снять с должности 2. to censor – подвергать цензуре 3. to be persecuted – подвергаться гонению 4. sharp accusation of – резкое обличение 5. Jacobinic – якобинский 6. accusation of despotism – обличение деспотизма 7. tyrant, tyranny – тиран, тиранство 8. insidiousness – коварство 9. irrespective of – независимо от 10. withered – увядший 11. unfortunate – обездоленный 12. obsolete – устаревший

Слайд 18

Derzhavin in Karelia G.R. Derzhavin was the greatest Russian poet of the end of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century, an outstanding statesman, the first Governor of the Olonets province. In May, 1784, at the decree of Catherine the Great, Derzhavin was appointed to the post of the first Governor of Olonets. He held the post from mid-September, 1784 till October, 1785 and took the opportunity to realize his views on power in reality:”not to bend before the throne, stand straight and tell the truth”. Though there are a lot of materials devoted to Derzhavin’s life and work, little can be found about the period when he was Governor of the Olonets province. However, there is quite a number of documents in the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia. One of the first documents made by Derzhavin was his report to the Senate on the establishing the Olonets province dated from December,17, 1784, followed by the description of the solemn ceremony held on such a big occasion. The archives documents inform us about various problems Derzhavin faced being the administrator. They also confirm his sincere devotion to the law and his reasonable demands towards the subordinate, who were, in his opinion, to serve the Government unselfishly. Derzhavin became Governor of Olonets 13 years after the Kizhi uprising incited by the serfs attached to the state (1769-1771). And being a wise ruler, he demanded the peasants should fulfill all their obligations, but at the same time, he interceded for ordinary people and clearly understood that “poverty and destruction often caused violence and crime”. When in Karelia, Derzhavin showed his great interest to many fields of life, including industry, science, culture, etc. Thus, he got acquainted with the work of the largest enterprise, Alexandrovsky works in Petrozavodsk. Besides, he was the first one to pay attention to the nature protection and prevention Karelian woods from destruction. Also Derzhavin took an active part in the establishment of the Russian- Swedish boarder and in drawing out plans of the district towns and the map of the Olonets province. Interesting information about northern Karelian villages was compiled. Some of them still exist nowadays, including Vojnitsy, Reboly, Kimasozero, Yushkozero and others. In the summer of 1785 Derzhavin himself set out to look around the Olonets province. He covered the distance of about 2000 km boating and riding a horse. During the dangerous journey he kept a diary called “Daily Notes”, the original copy of which is kept in St. Petersburg. The Notes contained valuable data about nature, ethnography, economy of our parts in the 18th century. In particular, it had the description of the Kivatch Waterfall, provincial and district towns, the first description of the Karelian kantele, the narration of the northern old-believers. It reflected the specific features of the Karelian language and cultural traditions. In the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia there is a document that witnesses Derzhavin’s departure from Petrozavodsk on June,19, 1785. The first Governor of the Olonets province also did much for the organization of health service, public education and charity on its territory. Derzhavin personally opened the Olonets Department of Social Security, the aim of which was to direct the work of public schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. He himself replenished the department treasury, making a contribution of 100 roubles which was quite a great sum of money to the measures of that time. It was also Derzhavin’s idea to open the first public hospital in Petrozavodsk, where poor people could be provided with free of charge medical treatment. The code of rules for the hospital and chemist’s was worked out by Gavrila Derzhavin himself. The name of Derzhavin is also associated with opening in 1786 the public gymnasium in Petrozavodsk. According to the documents this question was arisen and discussed at the meetings of the Department many times. Though Derzhavin was very busy as an administrator, he could manage to find time the “antiquities” of our land. Later Derzhavin reflected his memories and impressions of Karelia in his poems and odes. His famous ode “Waterfall” is closely connected with our parts. It is the beginning of the Karelian theme in Russian poetry. In Petrozavodsk the only poem he wrote is called “Upovayushchemu na svoyu silu” (“To the one setting hopes on his power”), devoted to his complicated relations with the Arkhangelsk and Olonets General-governor T.I. Tutolmin. In 1785 Derzhavin began his work on the poem “Bessmertie dushy” (Immortality of Soul”) that was finished in 1796. On December,15, 1785, at the decree of Catherine the Great, Derzhavin was appointed to the post of the Governor of Tambov. In the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia there is a letter from G. Derzhavin, addressed to the administration of the Olonets province about his transference to Tambov.

Предварительный просмотр:

Derzhavin’s civil service

During his life time Derzhavin held several posts: Governor of Olonets and Tambov, senator, Minister of Justice, Chancellor of exchequer and others.

In 1762 Derzhavin began his service in the Preobrazhensky Regiment in which he had been enrolled at birth as a common soldier. He served well but only in ten years he was made officer. He took part in crushing the rebellion under Pugachev.

In 1777 he retired from the army and was transferred to the civil service. He held the post of an executor in the 1st department.

In June 1782 he got the rank of the state councillor and in May 1783 Derzhavin wrote his ode ”Felitsa” addressed to Catherine II, which made him truly famous. The ode gained the empress’s favour.

On November, 24th, 1873 a monument to Catherine the Great was unveiled in St. Petersburg. It represents a huge figure of the empress below which are nine statues of very important persons, including ministers and statesmen. Among them there is G. Derzhavin.

In May, 1784 Derzhavin got the post of the Olonets governor and in December, 1785 he moved to Tambov to hold the post of governor there.

But the administrative service gave the poet a lot of problems and pains. Because of misunderstanding and conflicts with General Governor Gudovich he was prosecuted. But in June, 1789 Catherine the Great sentenced him not guilty.

For a while the empress didn’t give Derzhavin another post because of his quarrelsome character.

And only on December, 12, 1791 Catherine made Derzhavin her secretary.

In September the next year he became a senator and at the same time the President of the Commercial College.

Under Emperor Paul I, Derzhavin was first a senator and in August, 1800 again was made head of the Commercial College and later became Chancellor of the exchequer and a member of the Imperial Council.

On March, 12, 1801 new Emperor Alexander I dismissed Derzhavin from all offices, but senator. But on September, 8, 1802 Derzhavin was appointed Minister of Justice for the first time in the history of Russia. At the same time he performed the functions of General Procurator. But in a year Emperor dismissed Derzhavin from office, because he got tired of the poet’s honesty and justice. It was true because Derzhavin had never in his life departed from the letter of the law. His liberal political inclinations finally put an end to his career in 1803, at which time he retired to his estate at Zvanka. After his retirement Derzhavin spent all his energy on writing poetry.

Предварительный просмотр:

Derzhavin’s Life in Zvanka

        Before the retirement in 1797 Derzhavin had bought the Zvanka estate which was located on the bank of the Volhov river.

        It wasn’t very huge. Besides Zvanka was in disorder that is why Derzhavin’s second wife Daria Alekseevna had to work a lot to put it in order. Daria Alekseevna was born on the 8th of March in 1767 and died on the 16th of June in 1842.

        The poet used to spend every summer in his estate. It included picturesque forests, large shadows. More than that there was a steam-driven mill, moderate wooden and cloth factories and a weaving factory. High annual income allowed Derzhavin’s family to spend winters in St.Petersburg. The host and hostess were always honored for their kindliness? Enlightment and hospitality.

        In Derzhavin’s poem “To Yevgenyi. Life in Zvanka” the poet described the image of his everyday village leisure. It is devoted to Derzhavin’s good friend – monk and literary man Yevgenyi. He lived in Hutinsky monastery and Derzhavin often visited him. They spent much time discussing literary works, books. Besides derzhavin was interested in writing plays which he read to Yevgenyi because at that time the poet was fond of Dramatic art.

        Now a few words about the Derzhavin’s house in Zvanka. It was a two-stored house located on a hill and built by the architect Lvov.

        The house was a cultural centre where plays and musical performances were constantly staged. And usually after supper beautiful fireworks were lighted and the orchestra played in the garden. Derzhavin adored those parties and felt the happiest of all.

        Derzhavin’s house was always crowded it was visited by Derzhavin’s relations, friends from St.Petersburg and his neighbours. When the poet was alone he worked hard writing new poems and he sadly thought that the most wonderful moments of his life would soon come to an end.

        The greatest event in Derzhavin’s latest period of life was his meeting with the poet    A.S. Pushkin on the 8th of January in 1815.

        If we come back to the estate from time to time they came back to St.Petersburg and lived there for a while but at the end of May in 1816 the Derzhavins went to Zvanka again.The poet’s life became very ordinary and calm. He read a lot and worked in his study.

        In July 1816 in Zvanka Derzhavin began writing his last poem “The River of Times”. It hadn’t been finished because 3 days later on the 8th of July Derzhavin died. He was buried in the church of the Hutinsky monastery near Novgorod.

        A few years before his death he had written the following funeral inscription:

“Here lies Derzhavin,

Who stood for justice.

He defended the law

But he died because of lies”

        In 2003 Russian people celebrated the 260th birthday of G.R. Derzhavin. We, the inhabitants of Karelia associate the name of Derzhavin with our republic and its capital Petrozavodsk. We are proud of being students of the Derzhavinsky Lyceun named after this outstanding poet and statesman.

Предварительный просмотр:

G.R. Derzhavin was the greatest Russian poet of the end of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century, an outstanding statesman, the first Governor of the Olonets province.

        In May, 1784, at the decree of Catherine the Great, Derzhavin was appointed to the post of the first Governor of Olonets. He held the post from mid-September, 1784 till October, 1785 and took the opportunity to realize his views on power in reality:”not to bend before the throne, stand straight and tell the truth”.

        Though there are a lot of materials devoted to Derzhavin’s life and work, little can be found about the period when he was Governor of the Olonets province. However, there is quite a number of documents in the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia. One of the first documents made by Derzhavin was his report to the Senate on the establishing the Olonets province dated from December,17, 1784, followed by the description of the solemn ceremony held on such a big occasion.

        The archives documents inform us about various problems Derzhavin faced being the administrator. They also confirm his sincere devotion to the law and his reasonable demands towards the subordinate, who were, in his opinion, to serve the Government unselfishly.

        Derzhavin became Governor of Olonets 13 years after the Kizhi uprising incited by the serfs attached to the state (1769-1771). And being a wise ruler, he demanded the peasants should fulfill all their obligations, but at the same time, he interceded for ordinary people and clearly understood that “poverty and destruction often caused violence and crime”.

        When in Karelia, Derzhavin showed his great interest to many fields of life, including industry, science, culture, etc. Thus, he  got acquainted  with the work of the largest enterprise, Alexandrovsky works in Petrozavodsk. Besides, he was the first one to pay attention to the nature protection and prevention Karelian woods from destruction. Also Derzhavin took an active part in the establishment of the Russian- Swedish boarder and in drawing out plans of the district towns and the map of the Olonets province. Interesting information about northern Karelian villages was compiled. Some of them still exist nowadays, including Vojnitsy, Reboly, Kimasozero, Yushkozero and others.

        In the summer of 1785 Derzhavin himself set out to look around the Olonets province. He covered the distance of about 2000 km boating and riding a horse. During the dangerous journey he kept a diary called “Daily Notes”, the original copy of which is kept in St. Petersburg. The Notes contained valuable data about nature, ethnography, economy of our parts in the 18th century. In particular, it had the description of the Kivatch Waterfall, provincial and district towns, the first description of the Karelian kantele, the narration of the northern old-believers. It reflected the specific features of  the Karelian language and cultural traditions. In the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia there is a document that witnesses Derzhavin’s departure from Petrozavodsk on June,19, 1785.

        The first Governor of the Olonets province also did much for the organization of health service, public education and charity on its territory. Derzhavin personally opened the Olonets Department of Social Security, the aim of which was to direct the work of public schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. He himself replenished the department treasury, making a contribution of 100 roubles which was quite a great sum of money to the measures of that time.

        It was also Derzhavin’s idea to open the first public hospital in Petrozavodsk, where poor people could be provided with free of charge medical treatment. The code of rules for the hospital and chemist’s was worked out by Gavrila Derzhavin himself.

        The name of Derzhavin is also associated with opening in 1786 the public gymnasium in Petrozavodsk. According to the documents this question was arisen and discussed at the meetings of the Department many times.

        Though Derzhavin was very busy as an administrator, he could manage to find time the “antiquities” of our land. Later Derzhavin reflected his memories and impressions of Karelia in his poems and odes. His famous ode “Waterfall” is closely connected with our parts. It is the beginning of the Karelian theme in Russian poetry. In Petrozavodsk the only poem he wrote is called “Upovayushchemu na svoyu silu” (“To the one setting hopes on his power”), devoted to his complicated relations with the Arkhangelsk and Olonets General-governor T.I. Tutolmin. In 1785 Derzhavin began his work on the poem “Bessmertie dushy” (Immortality of Soul”) that was finished in 1796.

        On December,15, 1785, at the decree of Catherine the Great, Derzhavin was appointed to the post of the Governor of  Tambov. In the State Archives of the Republic of Karelia there is a letter from G. Derzhavin, addressed to the administration of the Olonets province about his transference to Tambov.  

Предварительный просмотр:

Derzhavin as a poet

Derzhavin is Russia’s greatest and most original 18century poet, whose finest achievements lie in his lyrics odes. Derzhavin’s poems are distinguished by their vivid, conversational style. His odes resembled long poems with a subject, containing genre scenes and purely lyrical digressions and moral exhortation and satire. Derzhavin was reacting against the strict classical canon. He preserved the grandeur and solemnity of the classical ode as practiced in Russia but made it less restrictive and more lyrical and personal in its tone and subject matter. His odes are notable for are passages of magnificent imagery that they contain. Derzhavin’s high eloquence is constantly overrun by waves of ordinary, everyday speech. He drew his life in material, sensual images. Recreating colour, sound, and the very material solidity of the world with unrivalled sharpness, he once called poetry “speaking painting”. Derzhavin worked in many other poetic genres, and his poems express both lofty and idealistic moralism and his strongly sensual appreciation of life. His lyrics and odes include “On the Death of Prince Meshchersky’(1779), “Ode to the Deity” (1784), “Waterfall” (1794) and his outstanding ode “Felicia”. In 1783 the ode to Catherine the Second made him truly famous.   Derzhavin took the fairy-tale by Catherine the Second as a foundation of this poem. Felicia is киргиз-кайсацкая princess. Derzhavin commends Felicia for her wise activity. Poet shows habits of Catherine the Great in the ode. For example: He says that she likes to go on foot and eat ordinary food in spite of her social position in society. Besides Derzhavin tells us about real social work of Catherine the Great: especially about her protection of trade, industry and education. I would like to add that Felicia is brightly example where Derzhavin breaks strict traditions of classical ode: combination ode – high genre and satire – low genre is good evidence. Despite ode is enough big it is extracted in unite tone from the beginning to the finish.

        His other wonderful ode “To Lords and Judges” didn’t gain him Catherine’s favor. Ode was written in 1780. Catherine the Great called this poem as якобинские poems. After it the ode was censored and was forbidden to publication. Poet criticizes state man and judges that don’t help to unfortunate people.   Derzhavin wasn’t afraid to show sharp accusation of tyranny and insidiousness.

The lords ignore him – nothing seeing,

For coins of silver blind their eyes:

From wickedness the earth is reeling,

Injustices convulse the skies!

Derzhavin told that duty of government is to spare poor people, to rid wretches of wickedness. Judges and lords ought to condemn the wicked deeds; they should enforce the laws and defend poor people.Читай текст! Ode was written by grandeur and solemnity language.  Derzhavin used obsolete words. He unite high eloquence with ordinary speech. Derzhavin used some худож. средства. For example simile: he compares man with leaves? Tsar with slave. There are metaphors in ode: “For coins of silver blind their eyes”. “From wickedness the earth is reeling,/ Injustices convulse the skies!” are example of personification. “And rid the poor man of his chain” is a hyperbole.

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Моделирование внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку как эффективный способ прогнозирования результатов обучения.

Внеурочная деятельность, как деятельность, организуемая педагогами деятельность школьников вне урока, направленная на удовлетворение их индивидуальных потребностей и достижение ими личностных и метапр...

Рабочая программа внеурочной деятельности по предмету История и культура Санкт-Петербурга для 6 классов

Рабочая программа внеурочной деятельности по истории и культуре Санкт-Петербурга (краеведение) для 6 класса содержит изложение целей и задач курса, тематическое планирование (темы и количество часов н...

Построение системы внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку в целях повышения качества обучения.

Построение системы внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку в целях повышения качества обучения....

Педагогический опыт "Применение технологии проектного обучения как средства развития познавательных универсальных учебных действий на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку"

Педагогический опыт "Применение технологии проектного обучения  как средства развития познавательных универсальных учебных действий на уроках и во внеурочной деятельности   по англ...

Итоги внеурочной деятельности в ГБОУ СОШ №4 Кусто Санкт-Петербурга за 2016-2017 учебный год

Эта статья посвящена итогам внеурочной деятельности (ВД) в ГБОУ СОШ №4 Кусто в 2016-2017 уч. году....