Самостоятельная работа "Фразовый глагол RUN"
консультация (9 класс)

Усманова Назиля Ниязовна

Самостоятельная работа "Фразовый глагол RUN"


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Урок 30

Great works of art of the UK and Russia

In this lesson:

  • You will read and speak about works of art
  • You will practice asking about and stating preferences

Ключевыеслова:avant-garde, asymmetric(al), geometric(al), saturated, organic, alogism, cubism, futurism, suprematism, constructivism, analytical art, organic movement, modernism, still life

phrasal verbs: run into, run out of, run through, run away, run over

Речевой материал:


Сравнительная степень употребляется для сравнения объектов.

Превосходная степень используется для указания на высшую степень качества у того или иного объекта в группе подобных объектов. После прилагательного в сравнительной степени обычно используется than.

Перед прилагательным в превосходной степени обычно используется определенный артикль the.

Образование степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий

  • к односложным прилагательным добавляется -(e)rдля образования сравнительной степени и -(e)st для образования превосходной:

long – longer – longest

!!! у односложных прилагательных,оканчивающихся на гл. + согл., эта согласная


big – bigger – biggest

  • двусложные и многосложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень с помощью more, а превосходную с помощью most.

important – more important – most important

!!! у двусложных прилагательных, оканчивающихся на согл. + y, -y заменяется на -i и добавляется -er/-est:

easy – easier – easiest

!!! прилагательные clever, cruel, friendly, gentle, narrow, quiet, shallow, simple, stupid образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения как с -er/-est, так и при помощи more/most:

friendly – friendlier/more friendly – friendliest/most friendly

  • кнаречиям, которыесовпадаютпоформесприлагательными (hard, fast, early, late, high, low, deep, long, near, straight), добавляется-er/-est:

fast – faster – fastest

  • кдругимнаречиям (quickly, slowly, easily) добавляетсяmore/most.


good/well – better – best

much – more – most

far – farther/further – farther/furthest

bad/badly – worse – worst

little – less – least

!!! elder/eldest употребляется для описания возраста людей из одной семьи

Выражение предпочтений


Предпочтения, которые высказываются в ситуации речи:

  • I prefer + noun/-ing + to + noun/-ing.

  • I prefer + to-infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive.
  • I’d prefer + to-infinitive (+ rather than + bare infinitive)

  • I’d prefer + noun (+ rather than + noun)

  • I’d rather + bare infinitive (+ than + bare infinitive)

  • PresentSimple употребляется, когда речь идет о постоянных действиях, законах природы, привычных и повседневных действиях, расписаниях и чувствах и эмоциях.
  • PresentContinuous употребляется, когда речь идет о:
  • действиях, происходящих в момент речи;
  • действиях, происходящих в настоящий период времени;
  • запланированных действиях в будущем, особенно, когда известно время и место действия;
  • временных ситуациях;
  • меняющихся и развивающихся ситуациях;
  • с такими наречиями, как always, constantly, continually, для выражения эмоционального состояния (часто раздражения) по поводу часто повторяющихся действий.
  • PresentPerfect употребляется, когда речь идет о:
  • о действии, произошедшем в прошлом, но имеющем видимый результат в настоящем;
  • о действиях, произошедших в неустановленное время в прошлом, и имеется результат. При этом действие более важно, чем время;
  • о недавно завершенных действиях, результат которых налицо в настоящем;

о личном опыте, переживаниях, изменениях, которые произошли.

Указателивремени, употребляемыес Present Perfect: just, already, yet, ever, never, for, since.

  • Present Perfect Continuousупотребляется, когда:
  • подчеркивается значение длительности действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до настоящего времени;
  • описывается действие, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом и косвенные результаты  которого очевидны в настоящем;
  • речь идет о повторяющихся действиях в прошлом, продолжающихся до настоящего момента.

Указатели времени, употребляемые с PresentPerfectContinuous: since, for, howlong (акцент на длительности действия).

  • Do you know any works of art? Which ones?
  • Which ones appeal to you? Why?
  • Which ones do you not like? Why?

Match the adjectives for describing works of art to their definitions.

  1. organic
  1. unequallyproportioned
  1. asymmetric(al)
  1. bright in colour
  1. saturated
  1. looking like shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, etc.
  1. geometric(al)
  1. free flowing or rounded


The Russian avant-garde

The Russian avant-garde was one of the trends of modernism in Russia in 1900-1930.  It’s most fruitful period is considered to be from 1914 to 1922. The avant-garde embraced all spheres of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, literature, music, cinema and others.  The main representatives of the Russian avant-garde in painting were: Varvara Stepanova, Pyotr Konchalovsky, AlexandrRodchenko, Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky

The avant-garde became a real artistic tornado. It captured both young and mature artists of the early 20th century. The histories of their lives were both bright flashes and long creative paths, success stories and tragedies.

The age of the avant-garde was the time of ambitious people. Many became the founders of new trends and styles in painting like cubism, futurism or suprematism. Artists united in groups and societies, organized avant-garde exhibitions in Russia and abroad. They also formulated artistic principles in the so called manifestos.Since the beginning of the 1930s their art was declared alien to socialist society.  The  great works of art, today considered Russian avant-garde, by 1936 disappeared from the museums. But in the mid-1960s, interest in the avant-garde arose again. Gradually, alogism, cubism, futurism, suprematism, constructivism, analytical art of Filonov's school and organic movement of Matyushin's school are recognized as stages in the same artistic process. Today these artistic trends are defined as the Russian avant-garde.

What well-known pictures of these artists do you know?

Pyotr Konchalovsky

Marc Chagall

Wassily Kandinsky

Тренировочные упражнения

Упражнение 1

Use the phrases to complete the dialogue.

  1. What do you think of Edgar Degas?
  2. Sure, count me in!
  3. What style of art do you like?
  4. I can’t make it, I’m afraid.

Chris: Hey, Pete. We’re all going to the Damien Hirst exhibition tonight. Do you want to come with us?

Pete: 1) ……  . And to be honest, I’m not too keen on contemporary art.

Chris: I didn’t know that. 2) ……  ?

Pete: Actually, I’m really into impressionism.

Chris: I like that too. 3) ……  ?

Pete: My favourite!

Chris: Well, that’s great, because I have an invitation for the opening of Edgar Degas exhibition next month? Do you fancy going to that?

Pete: 4) ……  !

Упражнение 2

Match the phrasal verbs with their definitions.

  1. run into
  1. to have none left
  1. run out of
  1. to leave a place because you’re not happy there
  1. run through
  1. to meet by accident
  1. run away
  1. to knock down
  1. run over
  1. to rehearse

Упражнение 3

Choose the right item.

1 The book is set/situated in and old castle in Edinburgh.

2 Tom Cruise plays/stars the lead role in American Made.

3 My sister takes/makes photographs for a living, but she prefers painting still life pictures.

4 Alicia takes part in a dance presentation/performance at the theatre tonight.

5 Guernica is the most famous art exhibit/exhibition in Queen Sofía Museum in Madrid.

Упражнение 4

Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.

1 Let’s run ……  that monologue just one more time.

2 William thought Diana was out of town, but he ran……  her in the supermarket.

3 Harry almost ran ……  a hare yesterday when it jumped in front of his car.

4 The book is about a young girl who runs……  from home and gets into a fairytale country.

5 We’ve run……  milk ― I’ll go and buy some.

Упражнение 5

Choose the right item.

1 The band’s new album sold out very/completelyfast.

2 They  wanted  to  buy  a  painting  from  the gallery,  but  it  was  completely/rather expensive.

3 It’s very/absolutelyimpossible for Tina  to  finish the portrait in two days; it’s huge!

4 The acting in this performance  wastotally/extremelyperfect.

5 They are  completely/ratherworried  that  they will be late to the beginning of the concert.

Упражнение 6

Fill in the gaps choosing the right grammar form for the capitalized words.

The opera 1) ……  already ……  and Mr Hill is still stuck in the 6 o’clock traffic. He is on his way to see his favourite singer. He 2) ……  to drive to the opera theatre because the metro would have been too busy. He 3) ……  forward to the performance all week.

“I can’t believe I 4) ……  it!” he says aloud. He sighs and tunes in to the radio station he usually 5) ……  to. It is his favourite aria from this opera! “How unfair”, he 6) ……  . He has a ticket for the opera and he has to listen to it on the radio!








Fill in the gaps choosing the right grammar form for the adjectives in brackets.

1. Damien Hirst’s saturated pictures and scandalous sculptures are the (expensive) ……  of all contemporary art today.

2. Today the queue for the tickets for Goncharova’s exhibition is (long) ……   than it was yesterday.

3. The prices of works by Malevich are getting (high) ……  and……  each year.

4. This gallery is the (big)……  in our town.

Упражнение 8

Fill in: in, of, by, with, for, at or to.

1 It was very nice ……Jessie to invite us to the gallery.

2 His amusing paintings with organic shapes in them are popular ……  children all around the world.

3 Some paintings……  Trumpet the elephant were sold……  auction.

4 Ryan Gosling stars……  La La Land.

5 Giorgio Morandi is famous……  his still life pictures.

6 The sculptures in the back yard add value……  the house.

Контрольные задания

Вариант 1

Задание 1

Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.

1. Please, let’s run……  the last scene.

2. I’m running……  white paint. I have to go and buy some.

3. Yesterday in the gallery I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

4. When going by bikes along the Trolls' Path in Norway, we almost ran……  a forest polecat.

5. In his childhood my father ran……  from home three times. He didn’t get on well with his mother.

Задание 2

Fill in the gaps choosing the right grammar form for the adjectives in brackets.

1. Could you speak a bit (slowly)……  , please? I don’t quite understand what you’re saying.

2. Do you like my new sculpture? – It’s by far the (fascinating)……  sculpture I’ve ever seen.

3. Cubism is (popular)……  in the world than alogism.

4. The (good)……  time to go to Vienna is spring when the city is in bloom.

5. If you need any (far)……  help, don’t hesitate to ask me.

Задание 3

Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words.

Wife and colleague in both life and art, Varvara Stepanova (1894-1958) was the wife of AleksandrRodchenko. She was also a (1) ……  , (2) ……  and (3) ……  . She was a member of the group of artists that worked in the Russian avant-garde (4) ……  and, later in her career, she referred to herself as a (5) ……  . Her work shows a direct influence of the (6)……  and the futurism art movements and she spent her career trying to use her work to create (7) ……  change within society.







Вариант 2

Задание 1

Fill in: into, out of, though, away or over.

1. We’re running……  flour. Steve, please, go and buy some!

2. Be careful! When driving in fog it is possible you might run……  a small animal.

3. It is a book about two boys who ran……  from home and get through fantastic adventures.

4. Yesterday at the gas station I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

5. Please, let’s run……  the last monologue. I can’t feel what my character feels.

Задание 1

Fill in the gaps choosing the right grammar form for the adjectives in brackets.

1. The (good)……  time to go to Rome is spring when the city is in bloom.

2. Constructivism is one of the (popular)……  styles of avant-garde.

3. Do you like my new drawing? – It’s by far the (fascinating) ……  work I’ve ever seen.

4. If you need any (far)……  help, don’t hesitate to ask me.

5. Could you speak a bit (fast)……  , please? We can’t lose time, we need to take measures immediately.

Задание 1

Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming the capitalized words.

Wife and colleague in both life and art, Varvara Stepanova (1894-1958) was the wife of AleksandrRodchenko. She was also a (1) ……  , (2) ……  and (3) ……  . She belonged to the Russian avant-garde (4) ……  . Her work was influenced by the (5) ……  and the futurism art movements and she spent her career trying to use her work to create (6) ……   change within society.
As a designer she created everything from posters and books to costumes for local theaters. Her work, along with the work of the rest of the Russian avant-garde and (7) ……  artists, helped pave the way for all modern graphic designers.







Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.            1 variant

1. Please, let’s run……  the last scene.

2. I’m running……  white paint. I have to go and buy some.

3. Yesterday in the gallery I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

4. When going by bikes along the Trolls' Path in Norway, we almost ran… a forest polecat.

5. In his childhood my father ran……  from home three times. He didn’t get on well with his mother.

Fill in: into, out of, though, away or over.                              2 variant

1. We’re running……  flour. Steve, please, go and buy some!

2. Be careful! When driving in fog it is possible you might run……  a small animal.

3. It is a book about two boys who ran….from home and get through fantastic adventures.

4. Yesterday at the gas station I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

5. Please, let’s run……  the last monologue. I can’t feel what my character feels.

Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.            1 variant

1. Please, let’s run……  the last scene.

2. I’m running……  white paint. I have to go and buy some.

3. Yesterday in the gallery I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

4. When going by bikes along the Trolls' Path in Norway, we almost ran… a forest polecat.

5. In his childhood my father ran……  from home three times. He didn’t get on well with his mother.

Fill in: into, out of, though, away or over.                              2 variant

1. We’re running……  flour. Steve, please, go and buy some!

2. Be careful! When driving in fog it is possible you might run……  a small animal.

3. It is a book about two boys who ran….from home and get through fantastic adventures.

4. Yesterday at the gas station I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

5. Please, let’s run……  the last monologue. I can’t feel what my character feels.

Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.            1 variant

1. Please, let’s run……  the last scene.

2. I’m running……  white paint. I have to go and buy some.

3. Yesterday in the gallery I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

4. When going by bikes along the Trolls' Path in Norway, we almost ran… a forest polecat.

5. In his childhood my father ran……  from home three times. He didn’t get on well with his mother.

Fill in: into, out of, though, away or over.                              2 variant

1. We’re running……  flour. Steve, please, go and buy some!

2. Be careful! When driving in fog it is possible you might run……  a small animal.

3. It is a book about two boys who ran….from home and get through fantastic adventures.

4. Yesterday at the gas station I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

5. Please, let’s run……  the last monologue. I can’t feel what my character feels.

Fill in: into, out of, through, away or over.            1 variant

1. Please, let’s run……  the last scene.

2. I’m running……  white paint. I have to go and buy some.

3. Yesterday in the gallery I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

4. When going by bikes along the Trolls' Path in Norway, we almost ran… a forest polecat.

5. In his childhood my father ran……  from home three times. He didn’t get on well with his mother.

Fill in: into, out of, though, away or over.                              2 variant

1. We’re running……  flour. Steve, please, go and buy some!

2. Be careful! When driving in fog it is possible you might run……  a small animal.

3. It is a book about two boys who ran….from home and get through fantastic adventures.

4. Yesterday at the gas station I ran……  Pavel, thought I thought he was in the USA.  

5. Please, let’s run……  the last monologue. I can’t feel what my character feels.

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