Innovative speech therapy technologies for the development of speech respiration in primary school children with speech disorders
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Акулова Светлана Александровна / Akulova Svetlana

Innovative speech therapy technologies for the development of speech respiration in primary school children with speech disorders


Предварительный просмотр:


School No. 158

for children with disabilities


Akulova Svetlana

 a teacher of special education, speech therapist,

Moscow 2018

Innovative speech therapy technologies for the development of speech respiration in primary school children with speech disorders

By the age of 10, children develop speech respiration. Uttering a phrase in a calm emotional state occurs within one speech exhalation.

Pathological features of breathing in children with speech disorders:

physiological factors:

  • surface (upper-berber type)
  • arrhythmic

speech filters:

  • insufficient volume of inhaled air
  • violation of speech exhalation (short, irrational)
  • the utterance of words occurs in different phases of breathing - both on the inhale and on the exhale.

Conclusion: it is necessary to develop the volume of lungs, to form the thoracoabdominal type of breathing in children – the basis for speech breathing.


The work includes five stages that take place in strict sequence one after the other.

Stage 1. Preparation for the development of the thoracoabdominal type of breathing

The development of sensations of movement of the respiratory organs, the diaphragm and the anterior abdominal wall, which corresponds to the thoracoabdominal type of breathing.

Exercise 1

Children use tactile sensations to exercise mutual self-control. The task of this stage is aimed at the work of the diaphragm, and not at forming the duration of inspiration/exhalation.

Goal: to develop the child's thoracoabdominal type of breathing with the help of tactile control

Instruction manual: "Stand in front of each other, place your palm on each other's tummies, and feel them move as you breathe. The shoulders are relaxed and do not rise. Then put your hand on your tummy and breathe in the same way."

Stage 2. Development of the thoracoabdominal type of breathing with the inclusion of elements of A. N. Strelnikova's breathing exercises

This stage is aimed at further developing the activity of the diaphragmatic muscle, as well as developing coordination between breathing and movement of the trunk and limbs.

Exercise 2

Goal: to develop coordination of movements between the breath and the trunk, limbs

Perform a couple of "quick breaths" with the head tilted either to the right or to the left shoulder.

Starting position: standing, head straight, shoulders straight, hands on waist, feet shoulder-width apart.

Instruction manual: "We turn our head to the right shoulder, sniff the air: "sniff-sniff", then the starting position, rest, turn our head to the left shoulder, sniff the air "sniff-sniff", the starting position, rest."

Exercise 3        

Goal: to develop the thoracoabdominal type of breathing during walking

Instructions: "At the first step, we tilt our head to the right shoulder and sniff the air: "sniff-sniff". Then we look straight ahead and take three steps. And now we take a step, tilt our head to the left shoulder and sniff the air: "sniff-sniff". Again, we look straight ahead and take three steps.

Exercise 4

Goal: to train the thoracoabdominal type of breathing and increase lung volume

Instruction manual: "Feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered, palms clutching the pump. We'll pump up the tire and sniff the air. Tilt forward - "sniff" - once. They straightened up a little. Another slope – "sniff" - two. Now we've straightened up and are resting-three, four, five."

 Stage 3. Development of phonation exhalation

The stage includes seven exercises, during which the children's attention is directed not to the "fast" inhalation, but to the sound of the voice during the exhalation process. The duration of the stage is 8 weeks.

Exercise 5

Goal: development of phonation (voiced exhalation)

Instruction manual: "We inhale air with our mouth half open (we take a mouth breath), raise our hands up, slowly lower our hands on the exhalation and sing the vowel sounds "A – U – I – O"together. We do this 4 times. Then we sing the opposite "O – I – U – A". Repeat 4 times."

Stage 4. Development of speech breathing

This stage is basic. It is closely related to speech therapy work on the formation of speech utterances. During the exhalation process, children learn to pronounce syllables and individual words first, then phrases of two, and then three or four words, short poetic texts. Each exercise lasts no more than five minutes and is repeated 3 to 4 times a day. The duration of the stage is 5 weeks.

Purpose: development of own speech breathing, formation of long phonation exhalation.

Exercise 6

Instruction manual: "We perform oral inhalation and on exhalation we intone phrases consisting of several words: "MOM WASHED MILA WITH SOAP", "MOM WASHED MASHA WITH SOAP", "MOM SEWED MASHA A FUR COAT"

For children of the 3rd grade, you can use small phrases to consolidate the school material passed,

 For example, to consolidate knowledge in mathematics, everyone can chant the following phrases in turn::


Then you can sing in chorus: "Our class 3 "And" the best on earth".

Stage 5. Development of speech breathing in the process of pronouncing a prose text

Stage goal: training of speech breathing in the process of pronouncing a prose text. The duration of the stage is four weeks.

In the 3rd grade, the role of a small prose text can be played by saying several rules for fixing the current school material.

Exercise 7

Instruction manual: "Now everyone in turn will take a quick oral breath and on the exhalation sing a phrase of several words, then repeat the phrase in unison."

As lexical material, we use poems that were completed in the school curriculum.

Conclusion: All the listed stages of exercises are aimed at developing the phrenic, phonation and speech breathing types, which are necessary for children to successfully master speech function.

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