Many languages - one world Сидоренко Варвара 9В СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ
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Many languages - one world Сидоренко Варвара 9В СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ


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International Essay Competition in foreign languages among

students of educational institutions of Ulan-Ude and Ulan Bator on the topic:

"Many languages - one world"

SN: Sidorenko Varvara

Ed.Ins., class: secondary school №2, Ulan-Ude, 9 class «V»

Organizer: Irina Danilovna Kluyeva

Ulan-Ude, Buryatia


The Earth will wait and bear everything,

As it’s not a cripple. No, never!

Who believes that the Earth doesn’t sing,

And has fallen dead for ever?


No, the Earth’s ringing, suppressing the groans,

From its outlets, wounds all around,

Our Earth is the soul that mourns,

And can never be trampled down.


Who could say that the earth has gone?

No, she’s hidden, she’s waiting.

Vladimir Vysotsky "Song of the Earth"

      I’m going to school along the familiar road. It's snowing, and it’s very quiet. It seems that passers-by are gliding past like snowmen, and only the creak under their steps is returning me back to the reality from this winter fairy fantasy. Sparrows are desperately fighting for crumbs on the edge of the pavement, a shaggy dog is trembling and sadly looking with its wet eyes at the indifferent stream of people.  I’m coming up to her, the dog is giving me its paw… Certainly, this lonely dog was a domestic one formerly ... She remembers the care and the warmth of human hands.

      Sometimes it seems to me that the similarity is one of the most fundamental laws of the Universe. Scientists say that the Universe is infinite, diverse, full of mysteries. Nevertheless it’s strictly subordinated to the laws and interrelations. It seems to me that our planet Earth is under the mysterious dome of powerful and ruthless forces which are absolutely alien to the nature of Man and his destiny in the Universe. Opening the space age, Gagarin exclaimed that the Earth is so small, beautiful, blue. I maintain that my planet is so boundless and unfathomable. Living in Buryatia, I can only imagine my travelling to the Arctic Ocean with its icebergs, as well as penguins jumping from huge icy slopes directly into the water. I would like to see the sunset on the lakes in West Africa, where even the grass seems to be pale-crimson and flocks of flamingos transmute into light silhouettes against the fairy landscape. Sometimes I imagine the ancient monasteries of India and Tibet in which the wise monks light on their candles praying Gods for  reason and virtue. Outside monkeys rest on the backs of tourists who launch their toy-ships of hopes in the sacred waters of the Gang. Proud camels cross huge sand dunes in the Arabian Peninsula, warming and protecting travelers, never astraying from the right path. I want to see the green hills of Wales, to admire the Lake District in Scotland, to wander along the ancient English castles ...

     In two years I’m graduating from the secondary school and I’ll do all the best to enter the university. I want to be a lawyer, and I know that English is the language of progressive ideas and business communication. More than that English is very cool! I would rather continue my education in Europe, somewhere in France. This country is the cradle of European civilization. France is the home land of unbending Joan of Arc and  inimitable Voltaire. France and Beauty are of the same origin. Grape wines, gracious women, elegant men, sounds of an accordion, chanson, literary salons, the Louvre, Champs-Elysées, luxury and intrigues, the Notre Dame, poverty, Edith Piaf, parks ...The  profound wisdom under the mask of light indifference and ironic smile ... On the barricades in Paris the First Banner of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was raised. For all that, mankind must be thankful and respectful to France.

      I believe that wisdom and the purpose of the Earth’s evolution have nothing with the ambitions of those who are in power. Human hearts, our souls are always striving to do good. Quite  beautifully and expressively Antoine de Saint-Exupery mentioned that idea in his masterpiece "The Little Prince." Realizing his responsibility for tender and defenseless Rose, the Little Prince became really human and saved his beloved Rose. At the end of his narration the author made a startling discovery that every day lots of pure souls come down to our Earth from the heavens, so that in each cradle there is a tiny angel. If there is  any replacement of true values ​​to currency transactions, when issues of vital importance are ruined with the violation of social immorality and juridical laws, when the value of a human life is reduced to zero and the bowels of the earth are illegally depleted for enrichment and bloodshed, when children become victims for porn sites, and avalanche of drugs and spices cover the whole continents, everyone ought to think: "What will happen next?"

      Terrorism, the main evil of the 21st century, has no colour, age, estate. This cancer occurs in different societies, in different countries, on all continents. What nourishes it? Humiliation of democratic values, appearing of sectarian dogmatic teachings, criminal offenses, moral degradation, uncontrolled enrichment are the basis of the world-spead terrorism.  Governments divide spheres of influence, peoples’ blood is ignored, backstage and official negotiations of the first Heads of States hardly make the world more peaceful and safe.

      On October 23, 2002 during the musical "Nord-Ost" in the Dubrovka Theater Center terrorists took hostages who were in the building - more than 900 people. As a result of a special operation 130 people were killed, including 10 children. (Application Pic. 1)

      In the morning rush hours of March 11, 2004 - between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning - in Madrid at the railway station "Atocha" there were 10 explosions which killed more than 190 people, 1,800 people were injured of varying severity. "Moroccan Islamic Combat Group" is responsible for that. (Application Pic. 2)

      From 26 to 29 of November 2008 in Bombay took place the events that later received the name "The attack on Mumbai." Just for three days seven attacks were being carried out in various strategic sites of the city, the largest one was an attempt to capture the station "Victoria" and the taking of hostages in hotels "Oberoi" and "Taj Mahal." As a result of firing by terrorists and operations of military and police forces of the country 195 people were killed. Almost all the attackers were killed, only one gunman survived , but in 2011 he was sentenced to death. Presumably, the commander of the attacks was Deccan Mujahedeen. (Application Pic. 3)

      On the Day of Knowledge on September 1st, 2004 a group of Chechen militants carried out the seizure of  school №1 in Beslan, Russia. As a result more than 1,000 people, most of whom were children, became hostages. The negotiations with the terrorists came to nothing. The official version says that at 13 pm on September 3 after two spontaneous explosions hostages began to panic, so the terrorists opened fire at them with automatic weapons.  The police forces received the command to storm the campus, despite the fact that there was no clear plan of action. As a result, 335 people were killed, 186 of them were children under the age of 17. (Application Pic. 4)

      The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 led to the unprecedented number of victims. 19 terrorists of the movement "Al-Qaeda" simultaneously hijacked four passenger planes. Two of them crashed into the World Trade Center towers in the United States, one was sent to the Pentagon building near Washington and another, as a result of struggle between the crew and passengers with the terrorists, lost its control and crashed near the city of Shenksvill in Pennsylvania. As a result, 2998 people were killed, the bodies of 25 have never been found. (Application Pic. 5)

      It will continue unless moral principles win in all social hierarchies so that international public and government institutions will monitor international rights and obligations. The Russian pilot who was shot at the border on Turkey is quite a symbol of violence and cynicism. A human life which is ever sacred was shot by the mercenaries from Turkey, Iran and some other countries of the Middle East. The parachute, descending a hopeful pilot down to the Earth, was killed precisely with a volley of fire mortars.

      "Earth" and "Woman"  are  words of the similar meaning. Whatever language a woman speaks, wherever she lives, a woman gives a birth, tirelessly sings lullabies, overcomes her children’s illnesses and  saves them from all sorts of hardship and misfortune and constantly hopes and prays. That’s why we all can talk and communicate. Communication and mutual respect, as well as honest international interrelations are the ways to make humanity much more wiser and to conquer evils of any kind. People are born for happiness, like a bird for flying. We speak different languages but we are always able to understand one another, to defend our homes, our beloved, relatives and friends, our countries and our common planet - the Earth. Indeed, many languages - one world.


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Application Pic. 1

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Application Pic. 2

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Application Pic. 3

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Application Pic. 4

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Application Pic. 5

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