We All Are Children of The Planet Named The Earth Сидоренко Варвара 10В СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ
творческая работа учащихся

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

We All Are Children of The Planet Named The Earth Сидоренко Варвара 10В СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ


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The municipal essay contest in foreign languages

 ​​for secondary schools’ students of  Ulan - Ude

“We all are children of the planet named the Earth”

Written by: Varvara Sidorenko
Secondary school number 2

Grade the 10th B

November, 2016

There is a temple, as well as the temple of science.
                    But there’s also the temple of nature…


       Dear Jury! I’m not sure if it’s just a composition, it’s better to be accepted as an essay, it’s my reflection on the given topic.

       It happened to me on the 29th of September. That morning together with my classmates I visited the Ethnographical museum in the outskirts of Ulan- Ude. The weather was fine. The sky was bright – blue in which curly – white clouds of different forms were sparkling brightly upon the Earth. The air was filled with the unforgettable fumes of autumn leaves. It was very quiet. Our teacher proposed us to have a walk along the narrow paths under the picturesque old pines and birches. It seemed to me as if I appeared in a fairy – tale. Under my feet diversity of coloured leaves, fallen branches, little milti – coloured stones were turning into a fantastic carpet leading to a temple of something rare that may hardly be explained with words, but  is clearly exposed to everyone’s feeling. I felt an exclusive unity of my inner state with the mystery of nature. By and by we came up to a big yurta – like pavilion. We were invited to a mobile exhibition “The Drawings by Nadya Rusheva”. The guide told us such amazing and bitter stories that my heart seemed to blow up. I was crying. Not only I, nearly all of my classmates did…
     That talented girl was born of the 31
st of January in 1952 in Ulan – Bator and forever remained a 17 – year – old girl. She started drawing at the age of three, though nobody taught her how to do it. One day her father was reading aloud “The tale about the Tsar Saltan” and was awfully surprised . While listening to her father’s reading  little Nadya was drawing  illustrations to the tale. In a whole she drew 36 pictures then. Later on the girl used to reflect each of her living experience by inspiration, creating her own fantastic world by means of pencils, chalk, water – colours, felt – tips, pastel, india – ink. There were neither corrections in her works, nor she used a rubber. “I see them beforehand… They become visible on the paper as if they are water – sings and the only thing I have to do is to outline them,” – Nadya used to explain her talent.

      Since 1963 there were her personal exhibitions in Moscow, Warsaw, St. Petersburg. People were shocked by her drawings in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and India. “Bravo, Nadya, bravo!” – applauded the world-known Italian tale – teller Jianni Rodari. Nadya is famous for her illustrations to of “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, “Master and Margaret” by M. Bulgakov, “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, myths of the Ancient Greece.

Nadya was predicted to be an outstanding illustrator, though her own dream was to make cartoons. But on the 5th of  March , 1969 Nadya was going to school, but suddenly she fell down. Next day, staying unconscious, she died from aneurism of brain in the hospital.

      The brightest drawings were devoted to Alexander Pushkin. Please, pay attention to the fact that they were not illustrations to the poet’s masterpieces, but to the tragedy of his own destiny. Pushkin’s own fate was constantly in the very focuse of Nadya’s drawings. Her works are light, swift, exact and true – to – life. They are so romantic… There’s  the drawing that , I’m sure, is the key to the mystery of Nadya’s phenomenon. She drew herself as Alexander Pushkin’s lover.

      They are a pair, a spiritual unity, a symbol of everlasting perfection and harmony. Nadya decorated that drawing so thoroughly with lots of connected lines as if she wanted to say: “We’re not what people see, but we’re energies that are in frames. We travel in Nature and each of us is Nature. Sometimes we only remember what has already happened to our souls…Long, long ago, perhaps, I was Natalie Goncharova… I’m with my beloved soul forever. I’m happy!”

The academician of the Russian Academy of Science Dmitry Likhachyev wrote: “People need her art as they need a mouthful of fresh air. The genius girl had a striking gift of penetration in the sphere of human soul. She worked hard, even with despair, trying to tell people as more as possible. Her last drawings are especially exciting. How could a seven – year – old girl understand and display faraway epochs? It’s the mystery that will never be solved”.

          I’m so grateful for the unforgettable meeting with Nadya Rusheva. She turned me upside down!!! Now I’m firmly convinced that Nature is the Saint Temple for the whole Mankind, more than that, I believe it’s impossible to imagine Nature without us, people, because only human souls, thoughts, emotions, energies expose Nature through arts, poetry, music…through everyday life. We’re inside the Temple and everywhere! Unfortunately, people used to die and their bodies used to be buried. But the most precious integrity, our souls, is created to be in the endless universal travelling through ages.

Right now, I swear, that’s so!

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