Игровые технологии
учебно-методический материал (8, 9, 10 класс)

Суворова Людмила Вячеславовна

Игровые технологии


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Предварительный просмотр:

Role - playing

1. На семейном совете обсуждается вопрос о поездке на отдых. Отец семейства сообщает, что семья может поехать в Великобританию. Члены семьи Петровых: бабушка, мама, дочь Анна и сын Борис. Каждый из участников игры высказывает свое мнение об этой поездке, использует карты, фотографии и предлагает маршруты путешествия семьи Петровых. Участники игры должны выбрать маршрут, способ путешествия. Сообщение каждого члена семьи осуществляется в зависимости от его характеристик и склонностей, которые описаны на ролевых карточках:

1.   Grandmother doesn't like travelling by plane and by car. But she likes travelling because of delicious food.

 Granny can use the following words and word combinations: I am afraid; so cold; tasty; rainy; expensive; aircrash; carcrash; carsick; airsick; homesick; I don't know English well enough.

2. Ann likes traveling by ship. She likes different kinds of entertainment. She plays tennis well.

Ann can use the following words and word combinations:

 new friends; entertainment; tasty food; restaurant; shopping; tennis court; museums; art galleries.

3. Mother wants to know more about history, traditions of British people.

Mother can use following words and word combinations:

 I suppose; customs; traditions; old provincial towns; ancient castles, museums, art galleries.

4. Boris is a fun of the English group “The Beatles”. He wants to visit the native country of this group. He dreams of getting education in England. He is also a good sportsman.

Boris can use following words:

Legendary; Liverpool; cultural; museums; yachting; football; old universities.

5. Father tries to understand the interests and the wishes of everybody in his family. He can't decide what means of travelling to choose and how to plan the holiday. He asks questions.

2. Work with your partner

 Imagine you opened the door of the classroom and found you were in:

  • Siberia
  • Hawaii
  • Scotland
  • the Tibet mountains
  • Cairo
  • the Amazon rainforest

What would (wouldn`t) you be able to do?

What it would look like?

What would the weather be like?

What would people look like?

What would you eat and drink?

Would you have a good time?


3. Work in two groups and discuss the following statement:

 "Studying at school is the happiest time of life".

  • Which of the points below, in your opinion, prove and which argue this sentence?
  •  Divide the points into two groups, then add your own ideas
  •  One group will think of the ideas which prove the statement, and the other group will think of the ideas which argue it.

  • It's quite boring for people to have nothing to do. But you have a lot of things to do: you have to take part in the after-school activities, you have to do homework everyday and you have to revise for the exams.
  • You don't have to work and to make money.
  • You study a lot of interesting subjects. Everyday you start learning new things.
  • You have to get up early every morning from Monday to Saturday. People say that it's very useful for health.
  • You make a lot of friends at school.
  • School helps you choose your future profession.

4. Work in groups of three and roleplay an interview between three schoolchildren.

Pupil-1 and pupil-2: You are British schoolchildren. You've come to Russia to meet Russian pupils. Find out your personal history from the chart. Give information about your school. Choose a name..

Home town




Name of the school





Abbey Road


Best subjects

Maths, Physics






Number of lessons a


5 -6 lessons

5 -6 lessons

5 -6 lessons

Number of school-

days a week

5 days

5 days

6 days

Favourite holidays

Winter holidays





After school


Sport activities:



Helping in


Singing in the

 school choir


Playing chess



Playing the


Future plans

Studying at the






a singer

Pupil-3: You are a Russian pupil. Interview your foreign friends. What questions would you ask to your British friends about their school life? Find out:

  • which city (town) your friends have come from;
  • how their schools are called;
  • if they have favourite subjects;
  • how many lessons they have everyday;
  • what after-school activities they would like to take part in;
  • what hobbies they would like to learn or take up;
  • what are their plans for the future;
  • how many times a week they go to school.

Pupils 1, 2, 3 may use the following words and phrases:

  • I'm looking forward to...;
  • I study at...;
  • It's called ...;
  • I can't do without ...;
  • I like ...;
  • It's nice that...;
  • I agree ...;
  • More than that...;
  • Besides ...;
  • I'm sure that ...;
  • favourite subject;
  • to join a club;
  • to take part in;
  • after-school activities;
  • to go in for sports;
  • to have ... lessons a day;
  • to have ... twice a week;
  • to prepare for studying at the university;
  • to enjoy;
  • to be interested in;
  • school (big, new, old, wooden, modern, built after a special design, small, provincial);
  • a gymnasium;
  • a swimming-pool;
  • a library;
  • to develop muscles;
  • to be good for health;
  • to do different physical exercises;
  • to spend time playing;
  • to play outdoor games;
  • to develop thinking;
  • to allow minds to explore;
  • to investigate the world around;
  • to discover new things.


5. Elementary, my dear Watson

Let's work in groups of four. Read the case-study and then turn up the first clue card.

 Каждая группа получает текст и перечень фактов-улик, которые находятся в стопке и перевернуты лицом вниз. Учащиеся поочередно читают вслух следующий по порядку факт и высказывают свои предположения по поводу происшествия.


Alec Crabtree was found dead at his desk in his study last night. He had been hit on the head with a blunt object. He had been sitting at the desk with his back to the door, and was in the middle of writing a letter. He was found by his wife, when she went in to bring him his bedtime cocoa at 11.15 p.m., but his watch, which had been smashed in the struggle, had stopped at 11.05 p.m. The suspects are the people who were in the house at the time. Mrs Crabtree (the dead man's wife), Daniel Crabtree (the dead man's brother), Mr and Mrs Fairfax (old friends of the Crabtrees), and Susie (the maid).


  1. A silver vase was missing from the room.
  2. The window was open.
  3. A cigarette-end was found by the body.
  4. Everybody smokes except Mr Crabtree and the maid.
  1. A piece of red material was found on the window.
  2. The silver vase (badly dented) was found in a flowerbed.
  3. Mrs Crabtree, Mrs Fairfax, and Daniel were all wearing red.
  1.  A note was found in Mrs Crabtree's handbag. It said: “Alec, meet me in the garden at II o'clock, Alice”.
  2. Everyone was playing cards until 11 p.m., except Susie, who was washing-up in the kitchen between 10.30 and 11.15;

10. At 11 o'clock Mr Crabtree got up and said he had a letter to write. He went into the study.

  1.  Mrs Crabtree's name is not Alice.
  2.  Mrs Fairfax went outside at 11 o'clock, saying she was hot and needed fresh air.
  3.  In the drawer of the desk was a will. The will left £ 10,000 to Daniel.
  4.  The maid heard footsteps in the hall and the study door opening at just after 11 o'clock.
  5.  Daniel had debts of about £ 9,000.
  6.  At about five past eleven, the maid heard the front door opening and footsteps in the hall. It was Mrs Fairfax, coming in from the garden. She went straight into the living-room.
  7.  Daniel and Mr Fairfax started to watch a TV programme after the game of cards finished ad 11 o'clock. They were still watching it at five past eleven when Alice Fairfax came in and joined them.
  8.  Alec Crabtree had been writing a letter. It began: “Dear Anne. I don't know how to tell you this, but I am leaving you, Alice and I …”.
  9.  At about ten past eleven, the maid heard the front door opening again. This time it was Mrs Crabtree, who came into the kitchen and started to make cocoa for herself and her husband.
  10.  Mrs Crabtree's name is Anne.

Make deductions about the identity of the murderer, or his/her probable actions, based on the evidence given on the clue card.


Цель: развитие навыков диалогической речи.

 Языковой    материал:  May   I...?,   some,   any,

  выражение просьбы

Дидактический материал: ролевые карточки, картинки с изображением различных продуктов.

Форма речевого взаимодействия: групповая (4—6 человек).

Ход  игры:

  1. Класс делится на группы по 4—6 человек, каждая группа подразделяется на пары.
  1. Каждая группа знакомится с ролевым заданием.

You are expecting important visitors tonight. You have been cooking for them, but suddenly you find you have run out of a vital ingredient. It is Sunday and the shops are shut. You must borrow from one of your

 neighbours — the other people in your group. Remember to be polite. Explain why you need the ingredient so urgently (decide what you are cooking). If you cannot find what you want, you must think of alternative.

  1. Участникам игры раздаются наборы картинок с изображением необходимых предметов. Например, учащемуся A: You want: (some eggs, salt, flour, butter, etc.); учащемуся В: You have lots of: (eggs, salt, butter, flour, etc.).
  2. В процессе игры преподаватель поочередно присоединяется к той или другой группе с целью контроля или активизации речевой активности учащихся.

Возможные варианты:

Вариант I. Студенты жалуются на своих соседей, которые причиняют им беспокойство. Сначала преподаватель выясняет у студентов, беспокоят ли их соседи и что именно их беспокоит (вечеринки, громко включенное радио, телевизор, стук и т. д.). Все называемые студентами причины недовольства соседями записываются преподавателем на доске. После этого группа делится на пары, каждая пара выбирает одну из указанных причин и, познакомившись с ролевыми заданиями, разыгрывает диалог.

Role Card A. Complain politely. Give reasons why it is very important that you should not be disturbed, for example, you need to sleep as you have to get up early in the morning; you are feeling unwell; you cannot hear your own music, etc. Remain polite and friendly, even if your neighbour is not very helpful.

Role Card B. Apologize for disturbing your neighbour. Explain why it is impossible to stop whatever it is you are doing. Make suggestions to help your neighbour, for example, earplugs, soundproofing, ask him or her to come to the party, suggest he or she changes their routine. Remain polite and friendly, but do not argee to change your habits.

Вариант II. Все рабочие группы объединяются вместе, чтобы составить правила хорошего соседства (Make up a list of rules for good neighbours. What people should do and should not do), которые затем обсуждаются.

Вариант III. Рабочие группы составляют письма-жалобы на соседа, который не перестает причинять им беспокойство.

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Предмет: Физическая   культураТема урока:  «Баскетбол»Тип урока:  КомбинированныйФорма урока: коллективная,  парная, игроваяТехнологии: здоровьесберегающие, личностно-ор...

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Цель проекта: отобрать, систематизировать и реализовать игровые технологии, направленные на формирование познавательных действий в процессе уроков письма и развитии речи. Задачи проекта: формирование ...