Тест по английскому языку для 6 класса
тест по теме

Аюрзанаева Юлия Юрьевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

6 form.Hobbies

I. Name the hobbies in the picture. For example: playING football


1______________________        2___________________________3________________________        4____________________        5_____________________



6                7        8        9        10




Tenses: Present Perfect

Look! The rain has already stopped.

I have just washed my car. Now it’s clean.

Mike has broken his leg. He is in hospital.

We have already visited this museum.

My Mum has just cooked dinner.

Dad has given up smoking . Now he feels better.

Our football team has won the match.

The workers have just painted the house.

Look! I have received a letter from Jack!        

Read the text and fill the gaps with prepositions

This is the story … (1) a ghost. He lives in the beautiful Canterville Castle . Mr. Otis and his family live there, too. The ghost has got big red eyes, grey hair, a long nose, thin legs and a white face. He thinks he's very frightening. But nobody is afraid … (2) him.

The ghost is very sad and unhappy. He cries in his room … (3) the tower. Mr. Otis' daughter, Virginia feels sorry … (4) him and wants to help him. The ghost tells her … (5) his problem. He can only rest when a girl … (6) blond hair helps him and the almond tree has flowers. 

Virginia and the ghost go … (7) a wall. The Otis family looks for Virginia in the rooms, … (8) the beds, behind the doors, on the roof. They finally see her sitting … (9) the almond tree. They look  … (10) and notice that the almond tree has
flowers. Virginia and the ghost can finally rest. Now they are happy. 

1. A ) at B) of C) by

2. A ) of B) about C) in

3. A ) for B) along C) in

4. A ) with B) for C) at

5. A ) in B) about C) for

6. A ) with B) of C) in

7. A ) next B) in C) through

8. A ) above B) under C) of

9. A ) by B) next C) along

10. A ) for B) down C) up

Tenses:Choose the correct answer

1. Who's that girl? … .

A) Is Betty B) It's Jane C) She's a pupil

2. Whose dolls are these? They're … .

A) of the baby B) the baby's C) the babies

3. In his free time he likes … with his friend.

A) playing B) play C) plays

4. I … my homework because I left my book in school.

A) can't to do B) can't do C) don't make

5. Is your sister's … than yours?

A) hair more long B) more long hair C) hair longer

6. What's Peter like? He … .

A) is very well B) likes football C) is very nice

7. … the room!

A) Not to go into B) Don't going to C) Don't go into

8. … these three girls do you know?

A) How many B) Which of C) What of

9. Last week John … his leg.

A) fell and broke B) felt and broke C) fallen and broken

10. How long does it take to … to Moscow ?

A) get B) arrive C) make

Fill in: eat-a sweet-time, tooth, for their lunch, a lot of, slices, foreigners, drink.

The British have a sweet  ………..

A lot of people in England eat sandwiches …………..

There are …….. sandwich shops in London.

The English ….. a lot of tea.

Some ……… don’t like English tea.

For the British, any time is ……….

Each sandwich has two thin ….. of bread.

Выбери глагол в нужной форме

I  …. This book yesterday.

Have read

Will read


Tomorrow they …. help  me to set the table


Will help


Look! The children ….. with the puppy.

Are playing



Every year I …. special presents for my little nephews.

Will buy


Have bought

Выбери нужную форму возвратного местоимения (myself, yourself/ves, himself, herself, themselves, ourselves)

I saw …. in the mirror.

Jack is absent today. He burnt …..

We enjoyed …. at the party.

My friends made a ship ….. .

Mary promised …. to keep fit.

We set the table …..

?She … milk now.

+is drinking




?He … at the airport tomorrow.


-will arrival

+will arrive

-will arriver

?He … the passport control yet.

+hasn’t passed

-has passed

-has pass

-have passed

?They … the tickets 2 days ago .


-didn’t bought

-have bought

-has bought

?Paul … TV when his mother … into the room.

-watch … came

-watched …come

-watching … came

+was watching … came

?She … coffee while he … a newspaper.

+was drinking … was reading

-drinking … reading

-was drinking … read

-drinking …read

?The children were playing chess.


+yesterday at this time

-at 4 o’clock tomorrow

? Who came to the airport?

-she came

+she did

-she is


?Did they take many ... ?




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