Эссе на тему "A Spirit of Homeland"
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Эссе на английском языке


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THE SPIRIT OF HOMELAND … My native place is the city of Voronezh where I was born and have been living from childhood. But I feel more at home in the dearest village of Novaya Chigla. Voronezh is lively and amazing but you see… In city we are pressed by many things and often in a hurry. It is an awfully noisy place. The streets are crowded with people who often seem unfriendly. The traffic is awful. And the air is far from clean. It’s not that easy for me to have fun in city. I rarely go out in the evenings because frankly speaking my native city is an unsafe place. There is a lot of crime nowadays. Having to stay in I often get villagesick. I can’t wait for summer when I go to Novaya Chigla and have a good time with my friends and relatives. You can’t imagine how lovely it is here in summer! I relax completely enjoying the scenery which is wonderful even in the pouring rain. I like countryside lifestlyle a lot. It’s so exciting to see the sunrise or spend a day in the garden taking care of plants or help with haymaking. Village people are easy and comfortable to live with. They are more relaxed. They have time to talk to you and don’t hurry everywhere. I adore their openness and informality. Everybody knows everybody and ready to help each other whenever there is a need. Homeland is not just the place where you live, but it’s the spirit of a certain place where you always want to come back, where you’re loved and waited for and that’s why feel at home. This is what I think anyway. Astakhova Oksana, the1st year student of the Voronezh State Industrial – Humanities College

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