“The Eco-Cultural Children’s Festival “The Baikal for the Universe”
проект (8 класс) на тему

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

Выступление Сидоренко Варвары, 8 «В» класс МАОУ «СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ» на международном интеграционном этно-туристическом форуме «На Великом Чайном пути», 12.01.2015 г., Улан-Удэ. Диплом I степени.



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PROJECT on the topic : “The Eco-Cultural Children’s Festival “The Baikal for the Universe” международный интеграционный этно-туристический форум «На Великом Чайном пути» Улан-Удэ 12.01.2015 г. Выступление Сидоренко Варвары, 8 «В» класс МАОУ «СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ»

Слайд 17

Creative group Thank you for your attention! You’re welcome! Anastasia PATRUSHEVA, 8 “V” Varvara sidorenko, 8 “v”

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PROJECT on the topic : “The Eco-Cultural Children’s Festival “The Baikal for the Universe” the seventh grade’s trip to ust-barguzin МАОУ “СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ ” 29-31.07.2015

Слайд 11

Creative group Thank you for your attention! You’re welcome! Anastasia PATRUSHEVA, 8 “V” Varvara sidorenko, 8 “v”

Предварительный просмотр:

Выступление Сидоренко Варвары, 8 «В» класс МАОУ «СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ» на международном интеграционном этно-туристическом форуме «На Великом Чайном пути», 12.01.2015 г., Улан-Удэ. Диплом I степени.

“The Eco-Cultural Children’s Festival “The Baikal for the Universe”

Hello! My name is Varvara Sidorenko .I`m going to tell you about our participation in “The Eco-Cultural Children’s Festival “The Baikal for the Universe” that took place in the end of July, 2013 in Ust-Barguzin.

It was organized to celebrate the International Friendship Day according to the resolution of the United Nations’ Organization. It’s moto was “Friendship among people, countries, cultures and persons to strengthen peace all over the world, to create relationship and tolerance within variety of social associations”.

On the way to the Baikal we enjoyed the sights of endless forests and villages. The sky was bright-blue and shining with pure-white clouds floating swiftly towards our bus.

In about two hours we reached the Sretensk Women’s Monastery. There we had an excursion and knew a lot of interesting facts about the development of Christianity in Buryatia. Icons, candles, atmosphere made a great influence on each of us.

 An hour and a half later our tour-bus arrived in the settlement of Turka. The Baikal met us heartily. Its water was crystal-clear. The air smelt sea-fumes. That was an exiting meeting with the Baikal.

In Ust-Barguzin we visited the local museum of Nature and were surprised at the variety of the Baikal ecological system. There are 787 species of plants, forests occupy about 70% of the territory. The total  list of rare, endemic and relict plants contains about 40 species, 49 species of mammals, 251 species of birds, 6 species of amphibians and reptiles, 12 species of fish.

The Baikal is considered as the world`s natural heritage and the «object» of environmental protection. The problems of the Baikal have got all characteristics of the global pollution of our planet. If people had realized the consequences of their activities they would have been wore serious and moral. Nowadays mankind ought to distinguish such damage  tendences as:
• water and air pollution
• deliberate destruction, injury or damage of objects of nature taken under state protection;
• illegal fishing (especially during the spawning period )
• illegal hunting
• cruelty to animals
• illegal forest – cutting down
• destruction (intentional or reckless ) of forests as a result of using fire
• deliberate contamination of forests

    How can people overcome the Baikal ecological dead – points? Is it really possible? There are different ways of improving the situation in the Baikal region, such as:
       Legal socialization. It means the necessity to explain people the Russian environmental legislation and the duty of everyone to aware the consequences of harmful activities in the Baikal – zone.
Economic socialization. Different modern ecological programmes must be introduced in contaminated areas, landscaping, water - filting, engineering communications in the areas of tourism
and recreation. Cutting the forests down must be forbidden, as well as illegal fishing.
       Aesthetic education. The educational system in Buryatia must bring up a new generation of the population with the developed ability to see and appreciate the beauty of nature and organize the life style according to the customs and traditions of their ancestors.
Patriotic education. It means to love Buryatia, to take part in ecological movements, understanding  the inter – relation between past, present and future, to desire the best to our Baikal, to our Buryatia, to the whole Earth.
   Next morning we crossed the Baikal on a ferry and were cleaning the coast-zone of the Baikal National Park. We collected fallen branches, all sorts of gabbage along the tourist – routes, we fed birds with bread and crops and guarded the entrance – gates of the Baikal National Park. Our action was awarded with “The Letter of Recognition” for our valuable contribution to the preservation of the virgin nature. There we took a lot of photos to remember the unique beauty of fur and pine-groves, daisies, rose-bays, clovers. We followed the dances of sea-gulls and the patterns of the Baikal sunset.                                  

We also met with the students of the Ust-Barguzin secondary school. Our meeting was joyful and friendly. We played different games, sang songs and even danced. In the evening round the farewell-fire on the Baikal we told each other different legends and mysteries about the Baikal. That made us sure that we live in one of the most unique areas of our planet and we gave a swear to do our best to take care of Buryatia. For the first time in our life we felt the tight connection with our land and people as if we were the whole family.

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