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Кожина Ирина Викторовна

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Thanksgiving  Quiz

1.  How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?  

      2 days

      3 days

     4 days

2. What was on the first Thanksgiving menu?  

     5 deer, maybe plain cranberries

     5 sheep, maybe plain cranberries

     4 deer, cranberry sauce

3. Which president announced the first Thanksgiving national holiday?  

     President George Washington

     President Thomas Jefferson

     President John Adams

4. What year did he make the announcement?  




5. Which recipe didn't Sara Josepha Hale publish?  

      Pumpkin pie


     Cranberry sauce

6. What day did President Abraham Lincoln set aside for the celebration?  

    The first Thursday of November

     The final Sunday of November

     The final Thursday of November

7. Why did President Roosevelt move the holiday forward by a week?  

    To give retailers time to prepare for the selling season

    To give retailers a longer pre-Christmas selling season

    To give some holidays to the retailers

8.  When is Thanksgiving celebrated now?  

     On the second Thursday of November

     On the third Tuesday of November

    On the fourth Thursday of November

9.  What unusual thing does the President do every Thanksgiving?  

     He chooses one or two turkeys for dinner

     He pardons one or two turkeys

     He cooks one or two turkeys

KEYS   Thanksgiving  Quiz

1.  How long was the first Thanksgiving celebration?  

      2 days

      3 days

     4 days

2. What was on the first Thanksgiving menu?  

     5 deer, maybe plain cranberries

     5 sheep, maybe plain cranberries

     4 deer, cranberry sauce

3. Which president announced the first Thanksgiving national holiday?  

     President George Washington

     President Thomas Jefferson

     President John Adams

4. What year did he make the announcement?  




5. Which recipe didn't Sara Josepha Hale publish?  

      Pumpkin pie


     Cranberry sauce

6. What day did President Abraham Lincoln set aside for the celebration?  

    The first Thursday of November

     The final Sunday of November

     The final Thursday of November

7. Why did President Roosevelt move the holiday forward by a week?  

    To give retailers time to prepare for the selling season

    To give retailers a longer pre-Christmas selling season

    To give some holidays to the retailers

8.  When is Thanksgiving celebrated now?  

     On the second Thursday of November

     On the third Tuesday of November

    On the fourth Thursday of November

9.  What unusual thing does the President do every Thanksgiving?  

     He chooses one or two turkeys for dinner

     He pardons one or two turkeys

     He cooks one or two turkeys

II. Watch the video again and fill in the gaps

But we bet you didn't know Thanksgiving didn't become an  __    tradition until more than  ___     years later.

The Indians killed 5 deer as gifts for the colonists, so ____  was definitely on the first Thanksgiving menu. The pilgrims didn't plan on starting a Thanksgiving tradition. In fact, they didn't repeat the November celebration in ______  years.

But it didn't become an annual tradition ______ until the 19th century.

That's when an American writer named Sara Josepha Hale, most famous for writing the nursery rhyme 'Mary had a little lamb', was inspired by a diary of pilgrim life to _____ that first Thanksgiving feast.She also published  ___ for pumpkin pie, turkey, and stuffing, that probably didn't appear on the pilgrim's plates, but would become the staples of modern Thanksgiving meals.

The move was widely ___ , and in 1941 FDR signed a bill fixing Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November, where it stays today.

One of the_____Thanksgiving traditions began in 1989 when President George H.W. Bush granted the first official pardon to a turkey.

Every November since then, the current oval office occupant has given

 a reprieve to one or two turkeys, sending them into ______ on a farm rather than to a dinner table.


  • Venison is the meat of a deer.
  • Relish is a cold thick spicy sauce made from fruit and vegetables that have been boiled, that is served with meat, cheese, etc.
  • When you wage a war, a battle, a campaign, you start and continue it in order to get or achieve something.
  • staple is an important food that is eaten very often. e.g. Rice is the staple of their diet.  
  • Depression Era is the period of time (the 1930s) when the U.S. and many other countries were in a very bad depression (= a period of time in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs).
  • pardon is an official decision not to punish somebody for a crime.
  • reprieve is an official order stopping a punishment, especially for a prisoner who is condemned to death.  

KEYS    II. Watch the video again and fill in the gaps

But we bet you didn't know Thanksgiving didn't become an annual   tradition until more than 200 years later.

The Indians killed 5 deer as gifts for the colonists, so venison   was definitely on the first Thanksgiving menu. The pilgrims didn't plan on starting a Thanksgiving tradition. In fact, they didn't repeat the November celebration in  subsequent  years.

But it didn't become an annual tradition  nationwide   until the 19th century.

That's when an American writer named Sara Josepha Hale, most famous for writing the nursery rhyme 'Mary had a little lamb', was inspired by a diary of pilgrim life to  recreate  that first Thanksgiving feast.She also published  recipes  for pumpkin pie, turkey, and stuffing, that probably didn't appear on the pilgrim's plates, but would become the staples of modern Thanksgiving meals.

The move was widely  criticized  , and in 1941 FDR signed a bill fixing Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November, where it stays today.

One of the  quirkiest Thanksgiving traditions began in 1989 when President George H.W. Bush granted the first official pardon to a turkey.

Every November since then, the current oval office occupant has given

 a reprieve to one or two turkeys, sending them into  retirement on a farm rather than to a dinner table.

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