Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Обобщение степени сравнения прилагательных.


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План урока по английскому языку, данный в 6 классе

Тема урока:

Задачи урока: обобщить грамматический материал: степени сравнения прилагательных; практиковать учащихся в устной речи; стимулировать их желание общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке, совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь.

Оснащение урока: плакат с прилагательными, кроссворды, карточки с заданиями, аудио кассеты с песнями на английском языке; звездочки с заданиями по географии

План урока.

I.        Приветствие.

Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends! How are you? Today we have a lot of quests. They are teachers of our district. Who is on duty today? Ask questions! (Д. задает 10 вопросов). And now ask D. questions!

II.        My dear friends, we have a lot of to do today: to repeat our adjectives, proverbs,
do a crossword, play games, sing songs.

For our game we must have two teams. And now let's play "London Bridge". English children like to play this game. Invent a password for each side! (Дети поют песню "London Bridge", двое образуют мост, а остальные проходят через "мост", и опустив руки одного не пускают, спрашивают "пароль", например: "sun" or "moon", ученик выбирает и встает на сторону, которую выбрал). What do you choose? "sun" or "moon"?

III.        Now we have 2 teams. But first your greeting!
Команды дают название, девиз и песню.

It was your homework.

1. Now ask 3 questions! The captain of the team "sun" asks questions!

(Команды задают друг другу по 3 вопроса).

  1. 2. The second task: We are on the planet of Adjectives. Let's do a crossword!
  2. Make the degrees of comparison of these adjectives, (no 8 прилагательных каждой команде).

"sun"        "moon"

  1. медленный (slow)        1. новый (new)
  2. плохой (bad)        2. маленький (small)
  3. холодный (cold)        3. старый (old)

      4. хороший (good)        4. некрасивый (ugly)

5. молодой (young)        5. непослушный (naughty)


  1. красивый (beautiful)   6. большой (big)
  2. высокий (high)        7. быстрый (fast)
  3. приятный (nice)        8. горячий (hot)

VI.        1. The next task: Finish the proverbs!

1.        Better Late...        1. Time is...

2.        Two heads...        2, A friend in need is...

  1. East or West...        3. All for one...
  2. Live and...        4. Strike while...

2. Дайте русские эквиваленты этих пословиц.

VII.        Now we are on the planet of Geography.

There are some small stars with the questions on them.

  1. Which river is longer? a) the Mississipi; b) the Volga.
  2. Which is the biggest ocean on our planet?

a) the Indian; b) Atlantic; c) the Pacific.

3.        Which city is older?

a) London; b) New York.

4.        Which is the biggest planet (on our planet?) in the world?

a) the Mars; b) the Jupiter.

  1. Which is the highest mountain in the world?
  2. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

VIII.        Физкультминутка.

IX.        You had a home task. You had to do the project. Now you must do little

X.        The next task. One of you must tell about himself. I give you a plan. Here it is!
Tell us about yourself.

  1. Your name.
  2. Your surname.
  3. Your age.

        4. Your family.

5.        Your favorite subject at school.

  1. Your friend.
  2. Your hobby.
  3. Your favorite animal.
  4. Your favorite sport.

My name is.... My surname is.... I'm eleven. My family is not very big: father, mother, brother and I. My favorite subject at school is.... I have got a friend. My friend's name is .... He (she) is.... My hobby is.... My favorite sport is volleyball.

My favorite animal is a cat. It's name is.... It is fat and clever.

XL Укажите слово, выпадающее из данного смыслового ряда.

  1. blue, black, yellow, zero, red, white, purple.
  2. father, mother, daughter, son, secretary, uncle, sister.

XII.        Now we have a competition of poems and rhymes.
Which team names more poems and rhymes?

XIII.        Now let's sing the song "The more we get together".
Thank you very much for your work.

I give you the next marks. Вопрос учащимся: "Who was the best?" Who was better Alina or Polina?

XIV.        Homework (p.58) A, B.


1. London Bridge is falling down Falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady, oh!

2. Fix it up with bricks and stones,

    Bricks and stones, bricks and stones,

    Fix it up with bricks and stones,

    My fair lady, oh!

 3. Off to the corner she must go,

     She must go, she must go,

     Off to the corner she must go,

     My fair lady, oh!

IV.        A crossword.

V.        Степени сравнения прилагательных.

  1. slow - slower - the slowest
  2. bad - worse - the worst
  3. cold - colder - coldest
  4. good - better - the best
  5. young - younger - the youngest
  6. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
  7. new - newer - the newest
  8. small - smaller - the smallest
  9. old - older - the oldest


  1. ugly - uglier - the ugliest
  2. naughty - naughtier - the naughtiest
  3. big - bigger - the biggest
  4. fast - faster - the fastest
  5. hot - hotter - the hottest
  6. high - higher - the highest
  7. hot - hotter - the hottest

VI.        Finish the proverbs!

  1. Better late... (than never).
  2. Two heads... (are better than one).
  3. East or West... (home is best).
  4. Live and... (learn).
  5. Time is... (money).
  6. A friend in need is... (a friend indeed).
  7. All for one... (and one for all).
  8. Strike while... (the iron is hot).

VII.        Дайте эквиваленты этих пословиц.

  1. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
  2. Ум хорошо, а два лучше.
  3. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
  4. Век живи, век учись.
  5. Время - деньги.
  6. друзья познаются в беде.
  7. Один за всех, все за одного.
  8. Куй железо, пока горячо.

VIII.        Физкультминутка.

Let's have a rest! Let's sing "Hokey Pokey".

  1. Put your right hand in, take your right hand out, Put your right hand in, and you shake it all about. Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's al about.
  2. Put your left hand in, take your left hand out, Put your left hand in, and you shake it all about. Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's al about.
  3. Put your right foot in, take your right foot out, Put your right foot in, and you shake it all about. Do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around. That's what it's al about.
  4. Put your left foot in, take your left foot out, ...
  5. Put your whole self in, take your whole self out, ...


IX. The more we get together, together, together The more we get together. The happier will be. For your friends are my friends And my Friends are your friends. The more we get together The happier will be.

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