Do You Have Any Superstitions?
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: «Do You Have Any Superstitions?»
Цели и задачи урока.
- Знакомство с традициями страны изучаемого языка, формирование межкультурной коммуникации учащихся, воспитание уважения к своей и чужой культурам.
- Обобщить лингвострановедческий материал по теме. Углубить и расширить знания по теме.
- Повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, реквизит для изготовления «фонарика» из тыквы, экран, учебник М. З. Биболетова “Enjoy English-4”.
Ход урока
1.Орг. момент. Введение в тему урока.
Good morning, children and guests. Glad to see you. How are you? Today our lesson is devoted to one of the most popular English holiday - Hallowe’en. At the beginning of the lesson let’s find out what do you know about this holiday. Answer my questions, please.
1. When do Englishmen celebrate Hellowe’en?
2. What are the most popular colours of Hallowe’en?
3. What are the symbols of Hallowe’en?
2 .Основной этап урока.
Many people in the world have some superstitions. They believe in good luck and bad luck. Some objects are associated with good luck and bad luck. Look at the screen. There will be some pictures. Tell us, please, what do they mean – good luck or bad luck?
Black cat.
White rabbit.
Falling leaves.
A tree.
Well done. And what about you? Do yоu have any superstitions? Tell us about them. All the rest should listen attentively and after that make up a summary what are the most popular and unpopular superstition in our group.
You have listened the superstitions of your classmates and now I want you to check your memory. At the blackboard you see a poster. Let’s fill in the columns one by one.
Names of your classmates. | Believe in. | Don’t believe in. |
Ann | Black cat | ladder |
Аудирование текста.
You have sheet of papers on your desks. Put down your name, please. Listen to the tape. As you listen to the story, complete the following sentences. The first letters of the missing words will help you.
1. You look s... and tired, don’t you? W... happеnd?
2. We were o... of l... yesterday.
3. It is a very u... day, isn’t it?
4. But the other team w... .
5. Or, may be, they just don’t b... in s... .
Let’s check how you’ve done the task.
Работа с диалогами.
There are some warnings. Let’s find out how to give up warnings. Open your books p.20 ex.56
Do the task.
Now work in pairs. Make up a dialogue using the notes below.
Работа с текстом.
Now ex.58
1. Read the text one by one.
2. Name at least 3 special things people do on Hallowe’en.
3. Answere my questions:
- When is Hallowe’en?
- What does this festival celebrate?
- What are there in the evening?
- What do people dress up?
- What is the American custom? What does it mean?
- What do children ask when they knock at the house?
- When do they go away?
- When do they play a trick on you?
- What do Hallowe’en party complete with?
Now look at the screen read and complete the sentences:
- Hallowe’en is on the... .
- People dress up as ... .
- Houses are decorated with ... .
- Some children knock at the house and ask “...” .
- If you don’t give any money or sweets, they ... .
- People usually tell ... on Hallowe’en night.
Работа у доски.
Look at the blackboard. Put in prepositions if needed.
The British celebrate Hallowe’en ... the 31 ... October. They believe that ... that day the souls ... the dead return ... places ... where they lived. People decorate their houses ... pumpkins, dress ... as witches, ghosts, devils, cats or bats. ... the evening there are a lot of ... Hallowe’en parties.
It is hard to imagine a party ... a scary story told ... a low voice ... Hallowe’en night.
Изготовление “lantern”
One of the symbols of Hallowe’en is LANTERN, which is made from a pumpkin. Let’s do it together.
Ученики по очереди подходят и выполняют следующие действия:
- At first we should cut the top and the bottom of the pumpkin.
- Then we should take out the plump from inside the pumpkin.
- After that we cut two eyes, a nose and a mouth on one side of the pumpkin.
- We should stand a candle in the bottom piece of the pumpkin.
- And after all that we put the head over the candle and light the candle.
3. Заключительный этап урока.
Our lesson is almost over. You worked hard during the lesson. And now it’s high time to put your marks.
You home task is ex.61 p.21
The lesson is over. Goodbye.
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