Телекомпании стран изучаемого языка
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Ожерельева Людмила Анатольевна

Эти тексты специально разработаны для  технологии "Зигзаг". Iэтап: учащиеся делятся на группы, в группах рассчитываются на такое количество, сколько групп.

IIэтап:рассаживаются в группы экспертов (по номерам), каждая группа получает определённое задание, в группе изучают, составляют опорные схемы.

IIIэтап: возвращаются в домашние группы, по новой рассказывают новый материал.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Television viewing is Britain΄s most popular leisure pastime. Britain is one of the the world΄s foremost exporters of TV productions, which win large numbers of international awards, especially for documentaries, nature programmes and drama serials.

There are about four TV channels in Britain: BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4. BBC1 and BBC2, the most state channels, do show adverts. They get most of their money from advertising. BBC1 and ITV tend to broadcast popular programmes: general interest programmes, sports programmes, recent films, current affairs, game shows, children΄s programmes and soaps.BBC2 and Channel  4 show programmes that usually attract much smaller audiences: TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films, travel and educational programmes. BBC2 broadcasts educational programmes. These programmes allow students to study at home.

These are the channels, which all viewers in the country receive. British people can also connect to cable or satellite TV. These channels are free – paying.

In general, British people think that the programmes shown on British TV are of a very high standard. However, many people are worried about the amount of violence on TV, and the effect this may have on young people.

On average, American viewers usually turn to one of the national commercial networks: ABC (the American Broadcasting Corporation), NBC (the National Broadcasting Company), CBS (Columbia Broadcasting system) or Fox Broadcasting Company.

For the most part, the American broadcasting system has always been a commercial system. It is supported by money from businesses that pay to advertise goods or services to the audience.

Commercial broadcasting is a huge industry bringing in profits of about 1.8 billion dollars annually. The commercial networks broadcast a variety of shows: news, drama, soap operas, comedy, sports, music, movies, children΄s programs, games, shows and talk shows.

PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), supported by government and private funding, is the only noncommercial network. It broadcast more serious drama, performing arts, science, public affairs documentaries and educational children΄s programs. Sesame Street, the most popular children΄s show on PBS, appears on TV stations all over the world.

Viewers whose tastes are not satisfied by the many offerings of network and local programs are now increasing their options by subscribing to cable television. About 35 million Americans pay a monthly fee for greater selection. There are up to 500 cable stations. Two well – known ones are HBO (Home Box Office), which shows movies, and CNN, which specializes in news.

Satellite TV was originally designed to offer a greater selection of programs to people in rural areas that could not easily be connected to the cable system. Conventional television has had to struggle to retain its audience as people switch over to cable viewing, satellite TV or renting video cassettes.

Russian television has over 10 channels which show all kinds of programmes: news and sports programmes, talk shows, and quizzes, documentaries and feature films, soaps and police series, comedies and concerts. The main channels on Russian television are ORT (Channel 1), RTR (Channel 2), TV Centre (Channel3) and NTV (Channel4). They offer TV viewers a variety programmes: news and current affairs programmes, documentaries and feature films, soap operas and police series, game and talk shows, sports and children΄s programmes.

The most popular entertainment channels are STS, TNT and Ren TV. STS is a mixture of cartoons and children΄s programmes, serials and feature films. One of the most famous children΄s programmes  on STS is Sesame Street. TNT and Ren TV also combine cartoons, soaps and feature films, but they show a lot of comedy shows and sports programmes too. There are two specialized channels: MuzTV, which specializes in music, and 7TV, which appeals to the interests of sport – lovers. In contrast to British television, all channels show adverts. Advertising messages are usually included into films and serials, and people don’t like them very much.

Thanks to satellites, TV viewers in Russia can increase their options and watch TV from different countries. Conventional television has to struggle to retain its audience, as people switch over to cable viewing, satellite TV or renting video cassettes.

Although, Russian television services are more serious than in the West. People want more than entertainment. They want up – to – date and accurate information, and TV is quick to accept the challenge. TV news programmes are very important these days.

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