Викторина "Самый умный" для 6 класса.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме

Демченко Елена Николаевна

Данный урок-викторина прекрасно подойдет для проверки общих знаний ваших учащихся, ярко и насыщенно обеспечит дополнительной страноведческой информацией по предмету.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Who is the cleverest? The contest for 6 th graders Teacher Demchenko Yelena.

Слайд 2

1 stage Greeting

Слайд 3

2 stage The contest of translators STUPID QUESTIONS WITH THE SMART ANSWERS

Слайд 4

1 BOY: May I hold your hand? GIRL: No thanks, it isn't heavy.

Слайд 5

2 GIRL: If we become engaged will you give me a ring? BOY: Sure, what's your phone number?

Слайд 6

3 MARY: John says I'm pretty. Andy says I'm ugly. What do yo u think, Peter? PETER: A bit of both. I think you're pretty ugly.

Слайд 7

1 BOY: I would go to the end of the world for you! GIRL: Yes, but would you stay there?

Слайд 8

2 Teacher: "Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon?" Pupil: "The moon". Teacher: "Why?" Pupil: "The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it".

Слайд 9

3 WIFE: You tell a man something, it goes in one ear and comes out of the other. HUSBAND: You tell a woman something: It goes in both ears and comes out of the mouth.

Слайд 10

1 Teacher: "What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?" Pupil: "A teacher".

Слайд 11

2 Girlfriend: "...And are you sure you love me and no one else?" Boyfriend: “ Sure! I checked the whole list again yesterday".

Слайд 12

3 Patient: "What are the chances of my recovering doctor?" Doctor: "One hundred percent. Medical records show that nine out of ten people die of the disease you have. Yours is the tenth case I've treated. The others all died".

Слайд 13

A question for spectators BOY: I love you and I could die for you! GIRL: How soon?

Слайд 14

2 stage London's sights

Слайд 15

1 On which river is London situated?

Слайд 16

2 What is Westminster Abbey?

Слайд 17

3 What is Big Ben?

Слайд 18

1 What bridge is near the Houses of Parliament?

Слайд 19

2 Where does the Queen of England live?

Слайд 20

3 Whose monument is in Trafalgar Square?

Слайд 21

Britain and the British

Слайд 22

1 Here you can see wax models of famous people from all over the world.

Слайд 23

2 This is the Queen's residence in London.

Слайд 24

3 MPs debate and argue here and there is a clock tower with a famous bell.

Слайд 25

1 English kings and queens are usually married here. Many of them are also buried here, as well as many famous writers.

Слайд 26

2 This place has a memorial to Admiral Nelson, and it is also famous for many pigeons.

Слайд 27

3 Here live seven ravens – the symbol of Royality.

Слайд 28

Special days in Britain

Слайд 29

A New Year's resolution is … . something you will try to do better next year; a card you send to your family and friends to wish them Happy New Year; a kind of cake eaten on January 1st.

Слайд 30

Boxing Day is … . a day when boxing matches are held; a national holiday in England and Wales, on the first day after Christm as,people send presents each others. a day when people send on another boxes of food.

Слайд 31

Independence Day … . is when England united with Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; is the same day as the day World War II ended; doesn't exist in Britain.

Слайд 32

Mother's Day is … . when mothers get presents and cards; when mothers do not have to go to work; when mothers send presents and cards to their children.

Слайд 33

Hogmany is … a traditional holiday dish; the Scottish name for New Year's Eve; a holiday spent in summer.

Слайд 34

Good Friday is … . when we give thanks for English saint - Saint George; when we celebrate the Queen's birthday; the Friday before Easter.

Слайд 35

Halloween quiz

Слайд 36

1 What is the season of the year when the days get shorter, the leaves fall from the trees, and we celebrate Halloween?

Слайд 37

2 When do English and American children celebrate Halloween?

Слайд 38

3 What are the two favourite colours of Halloween?

Слайд 39

1 Who is the ugly woman who practice magic?

Слайд 40

2 His favourite drink is blood, who is he?

Слайд 41

3 What is the small creature with 8 legs?

Слайд 42

1 The English for "чудовище"?

Слайд 43

2 What vegetable is usually carved into a jack-o'-lantern?

Слайд 44

3 What is the spirit of a dead person who appears again?

Слайд 45

Question for spectators What is a very unlucky number?

Слайд 46

Answers (autumn) (October 31st) (orange and black) witch) (vampire) (spider) (monster) (pumpkin) (ghost) (13)

Слайд 47

Great Britain

Слайд 48

1 What are the main countries of the UK ?

Слайд 49

2 Which river is associated with the name of Shakespeare?

Слайд 50

3 Which is the longest river in the UK?

Слайд 51

1 At what time do British drink their traditional tea?

Слайд 52

2 What do children leave at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve and why?

Слайд 53

3 Where is the Queen's residence in London?

Слайд 54

Christmas quiz

Слайд 55

1 Where does Santa live?

Слайд 56

2 What animal pulls Santa's sleigh?

Слайд 57

3 You can find your presents under this.

Слайд 58

1 Children sing them in the streets and at home.

Слайд 59

2 Santa put his presents for children in this.

Слайд 60

3 Traditional food for Christmas dinner.

Слайд 61

1 Who are Santa's helpers?

Слайд 62

2 Which plant do you kiss people under at Christmas?

Слайд 63

3 You pull this before you eat your Christmas dinner.

Слайд 64

(Lapland, North Pole) (reindeer) (Christmas tree) (carols) (stockings) (turkey, pudding, apples) (elves) (mistletoe) (cracker)

Слайд 66

Grammar Put these verbs into Past Simple

Слайд 67

Break – Come - Put- Begin – Stay – Listen – Fly - Write – Read – Build – Go – Play – Sit – Cut -

Слайд 68

Let’s check your progress Break – broke Come - came Put- put Begin – began Stay – stayed Listen – listened Fly - flew Write – wrote Read – read Build – built Go – went Play – played Sit – sat Cut - cut

Слайд 69

Correct the following I went to the cinema every day. My friends are watching TV yesterday. Dad listens to music now. We don’t went to school every day. She didn’t liked ice-cream. Mum buy me a bike last year. We doesn’t want to play. Tom weren’t at the cinema yesterday.

Слайд 70

Let’s check your progress I go to the cinema every day My friends watched TV yesterday Dad is listening to music now We don’t go to school every day She didn’t like ice-cream Mum bought me a bike last year We don’t want to play Tom wasn’t at the cinema yesterday

Слайд 71

’’ Flags’’ 8 1 3 4 5 6 7 2 1 . Which is the flag of England ? 2. Which is the flag of Northern Ireland ? 3. Which is the flag of Scotland? 4. Which is the flag of Wales? 5. Which is the flag of Great Britain? 6. Which is the flag of America?

Слайд 72

“ London sights’’ 2 1 4 3 5 6 1. What buildings has Big Ben? 2. It was a fortress and a royal palace, later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. 3. What is the home of the Queen? 4. It is a royal church. There are tombs of many English kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. 5. Here stands the statue of admiral Nelson.

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