Методическая разработка мастер-класса
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Мастер-класс по теме: «Средства массовой информации как источник заимствований в русском и английском языках»


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект мастер-класса

для городского семинара


Сафарова Д.Р., учитель иностранных языков,


Предмет: русский и английский языки

Тема мастер-класса: «Средства массовой информации как источник заимствований в русском и английском языках»

Форма мастер-класса: интегрированный урок – исследование русского и английского языков с использованием ЦОР.


Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с ролью русского и английского языков в развитии мировой культуры и их влияние на европейские языки.

Развивающий аспект: развитие способности к сравнению, классификации, анализу, самостоятельности, проведению исследовательской работы, творчеству при изучении русского и английского языков.

Воспитательный аспект: формирование интереса и уважения к родному и английскому языкам.

Учебный аспект: контроль уровня развития речевых умений:

в чтении: умение читать аутентичные тексты на английском и русском языках с разной стратегией (поисковое, ознакомительное чтение)

в говорении:  умение правильно оформлять результаты своих исследований на русском и английском языках, умение участвовать в межкультурном общении, выражать своё мнение в отношении увиденного, услышанного или прочитанного

в аудировании: умение понимать заимствованные слова, компьютерный сленг

в письме: умение правильно писать иностранные заимствования

Речевой материал:

Статья «Pop Star Bilan in Millionarie’s Black Book»

Статьи из Интернет-ресурсов

Словарная работа: неологизмы, варваризмы, фразеологизмы, калька, аббревиатура, сленг, жаргон, англицизмы

Результаты лингвистического исследования

Текст «Кем быть»

Ход урока.

I Организационный момент



Good morning, dear students and guests. Glad to see you here. Hope, you are well.

Let’s begin our lesson.

I I Вводная беседа учителей с учащимися (Slide1)

1. Беседа о влиянии СМИ на процесс заимствования. Обращается внимание на Интернет, дающий возможность быстро получать новую информацию  и свободно общаться представителям разных стран.

Экскурс в историю языка .Процент заимствований слов из разных стран, источники, события, влияющие на  этот процесс; английский  язык как мощный источник заимствований.




Today we’ll try to do some research on the development of the English and Russian languages.

The problem under consideration is: Is language of mass media one of the main sources of borrowings in the Russian and English languages?

We’ll analyze articles on different subjects: science, music, sport, space, ecology and politics trying to solve this problem.


III. Введение лексических единиц по теме на русском и английском языках

1. English


And now I’d like you to pay attention to borrowings in the English language.

By the way, what comes into your head when you hear the word  “borrowing”


I know the verb “ to borrow”



What does it mean?


It means to take something from one person and use it.



Right you are. So, the word  “borrowing” means a word that someone has taken from another language and used in their own language.

Write down the definition into your vocabularies, please.



Ready? OK. It goes without saying, that no language stands still. New words and expressions are always being created, usually because something new is invented or sometimes just for fun. No government committee decides whether a new word is acceptable or not, if it is used frequently, and in a variety of contents, it will find its way into the dictionary. As for English, it has taken over 70% of words from other languages with which it has had a contact.

Have a look at the map of Europe. It shows the places of origin of some English words and expressions borrowed from some other European languages.

English has taken many expressions from the ancient languages, Latin and Greek, and these borrowings usually have academic or literary associations.

From French, English has taken lots of words to do with cooking, the arts, and more sophisticated lifestyles in general.

+Could you read these words, please? – Thanks.

From Italian come words connected with music and the plastic arts.

German expressions in English have been coined  either by tourists bringing back words for new things they saw or by philosophers or historians desribing German concepts or experiences.

-Would you mind reading these words? – Thanks a lot.  




The borrowings from other languages usually relate to things which English speakers experienced for the first time abroad.

So, Russian borrowings appeared in the English language with the beginning of regular trade relations between England and Russia in 1528.

Firstly, they came from different spheres of life: names of rulers (tzar), money (rouble), fish (beluga), animals (sable), drinks, (shuba) clothes,  (pirozhki) food and so on.

Secondly, in the 19th century Russian borrowings described a political and social life: Decembrist, pogrom.

Thirdly, a great number of words were borrowed after the October Revolution: Soviet, bolshevik, komsol, kolkhoz, subbotnik. Other words were borrowed with the development of social sciences and technologies: Gorbomania - extreme enthusiasm for the former soviet President, Mikhail Gorbachev; glasnost-policy of openness or frankness, cosmonaut.

Even nowadays there appeared such words as: russky, russian rouletka, describing risky and dangerous activities.

IV Чтение аутентичного текста

Работа со статьей из газеты «The Moscow Times» (общение на английском языке).

English teacher: But it’s time to do some research and prove our point of view that the language of mass media is one of the main sources of enriching the English and Russian languages.

Now I’d like you to read the article “Pop Star Bilan in Millionaire’s Black Book” from “the Moscow Times” and find Russian borrowings if it has any. By the way, who is Bilan?

Pupil                          – He is a pop singer.

English teacher         – Well, have you found any Russian borrowings?

Pupil                         – I think, a bayan is  a Russian borrowing.

English teacher         – What does it mean?

Pupil                           – It means a musical instrument, a traditional         Russian accordion

English teacher         – Why did Bilan add this instrument to his band?

Pupil                            - I believe, he did it to show his respect to Russian musical traditions and to calm down Baturin, his sponsоr.

V Предъявление учащимися результатов исследований аутентичных текстов

English teacher:  Well done. Thanks. Some students of our group have done their individual research on space, politics, music and sport using different articles from American and Russian newspapers, magazines and the Internet resources. We are looking forward to listening to their results.

Выступления учащихся: выводы по анализу различных статей русской и английской прессы на предмет заимствований (выступления на двух  языках. Slides 3,4,5).

Фразеологические заимствования : источник, значение, адаптация в языке.

Pupil: While analyzing articles about sport I have come to the following conclusion that there are many English sport terms because many kinds of sport appeared in the English speaking countries. The influence of Russian kinds of sports was not great, that is why there are few Russian borrowings dealing with sport.

Russian borrowings appeared in the English language to name unique kinds of sport typical of Russia, and which had no notions in other languages. To prove this fact, I would like to tell you about one of the traditional game of Chukotka population called “zakidushka”.

 The rebirth of these traditional competitions is happening along side with the restoration and development of such Chukotka crafts as sea hunting, fishing. Such competitions are held for adults and children. Throwing “zakidushka” is one of the crafts which everybody should do well in the Far East. “Zakidushka” is the simplest fishing tackle. It is a long rod with a heavy lead sinker at the end. There are several fish hooks at the rod. A fisherman having caught the greatest number the fish during a certain times becomes a winner. In such a way people have an opportunity to master their skills, to keep fit and to engage children, young people in traditional occupations.

To sum it up, such Russian borrowings will stand the test of time and enrich other languages.

Pupil: My task was to analyse the article “The 50th anniversary of Sputnik”; dealing with Russian achievements in conquering the space. While reading this article I came across such borrowings as “Soviet” and “sputnik”. The word “Soviet” was used after the October Revolution. The word “sputnik” was used after launching the first artificial Earth satellite. The event had a great impact on all spheres of our life. Some architects wanted to commemorate sputnik in their logos, architecture. Due to the fact that the Soviet Union left behind Western countries in the development of space technologies, they had to borrow Russian words which became international. To cut a long story short, Russian borrowings played a great role in the development of modern political and scientific terminology of many languages, including English.

Pupil:  While surfing the Internet, I have found some Russian borrowings as “Kremlin”.

 “perestroika” “Gorbomania” was much more common in the west than the USA just as Mrs Thatcher was probably more popular outside the UK.

“Glasnost” means policy of openness or frankness.

These few borrowings deal with politics. Of course it is hard to predict which words will stand the test of time. But in my opinion, “Gorbomania” is likely to go out-of-date quickly.

Pupil:  I’d like to analyse articles dealing with culture, I have found a lot of musical terms…    

English teacher: In conclusion. The English language is very permeable because there are 70% of borrowings in it including some Russian ones.

VI Предъявление компьютерного сленга и закрепление изученного материала  в упражнениях (Slide 6)

1. СМИ как источник возникновения сленга и жаргона

English teacher: Welcome to Weblish!

Now technologies always bring changes and new additions to the languages, but the telecommunication revolution of the last few years has caused some of the most rapid and widespread changes yet seen. New words such as webcast Internet are entering the languages all the time to put the name to concepts that haven’t existed   before, and existing words are being used in a new way. For example, the word “chat” was used to mean “casual verbal communication” but now means “live e-mail communication”

In addition, many of these English words have spread outside of the English- speaking world and become part of a global language of technology. Thanks to the influence of the American computer industry, users of British English have abandoned some British spellings in favor of their American equivalents, such as “program” instead of “programme” and “disk” instead of ”disc”

Finally, the style and tone of the language itself is changing. Although they are written forms of communication, the immediacy of emails and text messages means that their languages is usually such more informal then a letter would be, spelling punctuation are becoming much more unconventional.

So, now many English words can you list that are connected to computers and the internet? Do these words have an equivalent in Russia?

2 . Slide 7

To prove this point I’d like you to look through the chat between Melnik Yana, the student of our group and Joanna Simmons, the student from South Africa

Try to find some peculiarities of computer slang

Pupil: While looking through the dialogue I’ve found some mistakes in spelling /skool/

The word order in questions is wrong.

They use abbriviations /y a sure y not/

They use numerals instead of words /wel i go 2 Westville Girls High/

English teacher: Right you are. Let’s make a conclusion.

Pupil: Computer slang makes spelling and grammar more unconventional and easier to use.

It saves a lot of time because young people are always short of time and want to achieve a lot.

(Slide 8)

English teacher: But sometimes it’s very important to learn slang for communication because everyday speech is rich in it.

In some cases borrowings and slang can’t help you understand your partner if you are not sure of your knowledge.

I’d like you to act out the dialogue between a princess and a diver.

Ученики разыгрывают диалог

English teacher: Why couldn’t the princess and the diver understand each other and make friends.

Pupil: The princess didn’t know such slang words and expressions:

Oh, boy! Cool! How are you doing! A frogman. To shoot. So, the two young people were not able to understand each other.

VII Подведение итогов лингвистических исследований

1. Проверочная работа - словарный диктант из орфографического минимума с заданием найти англицизмы: Вигвам, гармония, жемчужина, авангард, величина, интервью, афоризм, милитарист, этикет, галерея, диалог, дилер, галлюцинация, менеджер, лингвистика, мажорный.

2. Выводы по исследованным материалам: положительные и отрицательные стороны влияния СМИ на лексику русского и англ. языков (Slide 9).

3. Работа с текстом, насыщенным большим количеством заимствований: лексическое значение слов, наличие  ошибок, связанных с неверным истолкованием значения слова, механизм заимствования, перевод текста на англ. язык (Slide 10).

English teacher: And now let’s translate the text “What do you want to be?”

4. English teacher: To sum it up, we have just solved our problem. Your research has already proved that the language of mass media is one of the main sources of enriching  the English and Russian languages.

VIII Подведение итогов мастер-класса

Список использованной литературы:

English vocabulary in Use.

The Moscow News;


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