Задание для 5-6 классов
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Кутявина Жанна Сергеевна

Дополнительные тренировочные задания для 5-6 классов уровня KET


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Задания для 5-6 классов

1. Прочитайте текст. Выберите ответ (a ,b ,c ,d)  по смыслу. Занесите свой ответ в таблицу.


        In the past the English Sunday was a day of rest. People didn’t (1)_________letters. They didn’t read books on that day. They didn’t go to the concerts and didn’t do things about the house.   People usually  (2) ______at home and had a rest together with their relatives.

        But today it is not so. Englishmen may write letters, read books and play the piano or other musical instruments. They visit picture  (3)_____and go to the concerts on  Sundays. Cinemas  (4) ___open on Sunday? But theatres are closed.

         People (5) ________not go to work on Sunday. Only a few small shops are open. Buses do not run so often as on weekdays.

a) write                     b)  wrote                c)  writing         d) writes

a)  stay                      b)  staying             c)  stayed           d) stays

a)  gallery                 b)  galleries           c)  gallery’s       d) galleries’

a)  was                      b)  is                      c)  are                d)  were

a)   is                         b)  was                   c)  did               d)  do






2. Прочитайте текст. Измените слова, стоящие справа, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

An ugly witch

     Once there lived a witch. She

was the  (1) _______witch of all. She                            ugly

 lived in a large castle.  (2) ______                                 She

 castle was surrounded ( окружен)

by a thick wood .

People ( 3 ) _______ get to                                             not can


    Once the witch  (4) _____a                                          catch

princess and put her into the

 darkest room of the castle. But

 the prince who loved the princess

came to save her. He (5) ______                                       win

 the fight with the witch and took the princess home.






3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith 1)______________ (get married) 30 years ago, and they

2) _________ (live) in the same house ever since then. Mr. Smith 3)________(go) to work at 8 o’clock every morning and he 4)_____________ (get) home at half past seven every evening from Monday to Friday. There 5)__________(be) quite a lot of houses in their street, and most of their neighbours 6)___________(be) very nice.

One day an old lady in the house opposite Mr. and Mrs. Smith 7)____________(die) and after a few weeks a young man and woman 8)___________ (come) to live in it.

Mrs. Smith 9)____________ (watch) them for a few days from the window and then 10)______________(say) to her husband, “Bill, the man in that house always

11)_____________ (kiss) his wife when he 12)_______________(leave) in the morning and he 13)_______________(kiss) her again when he 14)____________(come) home in the evening. Why 15)______________ you (not do) it?” Mr. Smith 16)_______________ (not know) what to say because he 17)____________ (be) so surprised. He 18)_____________ (think) for a while and then 19) ______________(answer), “I 20)_____________ (not know) her very well yet.”

4. Прочитайте тексты (1-5) и найдите их соответствие с вопросами (А-Е). Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


London is the capital of Great Britain, which stands on the river Thames. The West End is the centre of London. There are a lot of theatres, cinemas, galleries and museums there.

The City of London is the oldest part of London. There are many banks, offices and firms in this part of London. It’s the financial centre of the UK.

Tourists from all the countries of the world go shopping to Oxford Street, which is in the West End of London. They can buy all the things they want in this famous shops.

The East End of London is the district for the working people. There are many factories, workshops and docks ( корабельные мастерские).

The political centre of London is Westminster. You can find many places of interest there. A long grey building with towers is the Houses of Parliament. The  large clock is one of the towers is Big Ben. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament. People can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London.

Which part of London can be called …. ?

the hands of London

the time of London

the money of London

the goods of London

the culture of London






5. Напишите письмо (50 слов) своему другу из Великобритании о своей школе и любимом  предмете.

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