Сценка на английском языке The Selfish Giant
материал (английский язык) по теме

Леонтьева Светлана Анатольевна

Сценка на английском языке The Selfish Giant


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The Selfish Giant

Полина:The giant went away for seven years, the children played in his garden every


Юля: It was a large and lovely garden. Beautiful flowers grew in the grass, and there were many fruit trees.

Юля: In  spring, the fruit trees were covered with flowers, and

later wonderful fruit grew on them. The birds sang sweetly in the trees.

Юля: Sometimes the children stopped their games and listened to them.

Марина: ‘We are so happy here.

Юля: One day, the giant came back. He saw the children playing in his garden.

Ваня : ‘What are you doing here?’

Маша :  Run away.

Ваня: My garden is my garden, No one can play in it. Only me.

Полина: ’ He built a high fence round the garden

Юля: And put up a notice: KEEP OUT. He was a very selfish giant.

Полина : Now the children had nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was dirty.

Юля: After their lessons, they walked round the garden.

Марина:. ‘We were so happy there!’

Полина: The spring came, and there were flowers and little birds all over the country. Юля:But in the Giant’s garden it was still winter. The birds did not sing in it because there were no children.  Snow covered the grass, and ice covered the trees with silver.

‘Ваня :  I can’t  understand why the spring is so late, ‘I hope the weather will

change .’

Полина: But the spring  did not come. It was always winter there

Юля: One morning  The Giant heard some beautiful music. A little bird

was singing outside his window. It was the first birdsong for a very long time,

Ваня : ‘I believe that spring has come at last!

Полина: The Giant went to the garden and saw a lot  of children in it

Маша: Look!  The trees are covered with flowers again.

Марина: The birds are flying around  !

Ваня: A little boy is crying. He can’t climb that tree and it  is  still covered with ice and

snow. I was very selfish!’ ‘Now I know why the spring did not come. I will help the little boy. Then I will break the fence and my garden will be a children’s playground .’

Юля: The Giant went out into the garden.

Полина: But all the children ran away except a little boy.

Ваня: May I help you?

Алеша: Thank you. You are so kind.

Марина: Look!! He is  not bad and selfish now. Let’s come back.

Ваня:‘It is your garden now, little children,’ (pulled down the fence).

Маша:It is a beautiful garden!’ We can play there all day.

Ваня: ‘Where is the little boy?

Марина: ‘We do not know. ’He has gone away.’

Ваня :You must tell him to come tomorrow

Маша: We don’t know where he lives.

Юля: Every day after school, the children came and played with the giant.

Полина: But the little boy didn’t come

Ваня :‘I’d like to see the little boy.

.Юля :Years passed, and the giant became very old. He could not play in the garden now.

Полина: One morning, he saw a little boy. He was crying again.

Ваня:. ‘Who’s hurt you?. ‘Tell me

 Алеша:‘ No, This pain is the pain of love.’

Ваня : Who are you?

Алеша:You helped me to play in your garden,’ said the child. ‘Today you will come with me to my garden in the sky.’

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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