Тест по английскому языку для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Скребкова Елизавета Юрьевна

Тест к  учебнику "Spotlight - 6" Virginia Evans к модулям 6-7.


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6 form

TEST 6/7

  1. Fill in the correct word. One word is the odd one.

puzzled    introduce    ago    polluted   keen   board    ghosts    fond    centre   interested    rushed      deserted    rules    park    knocked   go   clean    quiet      beautiful       ruined        bored

  1. I would like to __________ you to my friend Martin.
  2. Do you believe in _________?
  3. There were many ________ buildings after the earthquake.
  4. She was staring at her computer with a_________look.
  5. Doctors _______ to the scene of the accident.
  6. I ____________ the door but no one answered.
  7. I like small towns. The air is ________ and fresh there.
  8. Lots of European towns are very small, peaceful and ___________. 
  9. There are several ________ towns. People don’t live there anymore. 
  10. The main street of the city is very ________.  There are lots of nice buildings and decorations.
  11. They often_______ camping at the weekend.
  12. Chess and backgammon are both _______ games.
  13. We met ten years _______.
  14. We had a nice picnic in the ________.
  15. Jim does bodybuilding at the sports _________.
  16. What are the _______ of the game?
  17. Tommy is _______ on windsurfing.
  18. I was very ________ of my Uncle Jim.
  19. Joe’s always been__________ in politics.
  20. Fish die in the lake because the water was___________.

  1. Write the correct past form of the verbs.
  1. like;
  2. do;
  3. stop;
  4. carry;
  5. eat;
  6. make;
  7. has;
  8. play;
  9. be;
  10. tidy;    
  11. travel;
  12. prefer.

  1. Write the Past Simple, Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
  1.  (she/tidy) her room last week?
  2. They  (go) to Malta last month.
  3. 35.They (not/play) my favourite song at the concert three days ago.
  4. Tom (have) a shower at the moment.
  5. Listen! Somebody (play) the guitar.
  6. Claire (not/like) coffee.
  7. How often (he/ read) books?
  8. “Where is your brother?” “He (cook) in the kitchen.”
  9. I’m tired. I (want)to go home.
  10. That a nice shirt. Where (you/ buy) it?
  11. (you/know) that girl?

  1. Choose the correct response.

  1. How can I help you?
  2. Would you like me to wrap it?
  3. Is this Mrs. Smith’s Office?
  4. Thank you very much.
  5. What does it look like?
  6. Do any of these look familiar?


  1. It is not a big brown  suitcase.
  2. I’m looking  for a birthday present for a friend.
  3. You are right.
  4. You are welcome.
  5. Yes, please.
  6. Yes. What can I do for you?
  7. Yes, mine is the one in front of the door.

 G. Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?


    Charles Dickens is a famous writer in the English language. He wrote about the real world of England and many of the people in his books were not rich, but poor and hungry.

   Charles Dickens’s family lived in London and his father worked in an office. It was a good job, but he always spent a lot of money and often there was no money to buy food. There were eight children in the family, so life was hard.

    Charles went to school and his teachers thought he was very clever. But when Charles was only eleven, his father lost all his money and the family left their house. Charles got a job washing bottles. He worked ten hours a day and he earned six shillings (30p) a week. Every night, after work, he walked four miles back to his room. Charles hated it and never forgot it. He used it in many books, for example David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

  1. Charles Dickens was born in 1812. ___
  2. Charles Dickens wrote in English. ___
  3. Charles Dickens only wrote about rich people. ___
  4. Charles Dickens’ father had a job in an office. ___
  5. Charles Dickens’ life was difficult because he had eight children. ___
  6. Charles Dickens was good at school. ___
  7. Charles Dickens spent all his father’s money. ___
  8. Charles Dickens worked every night. ___
  9. Charles Dickens earned very little money. ___
  10. Oliver Twist was Charles Dickens’ friend. ___

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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