The World's best friend is you.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме

Сорокина Марина Викторовна

Учебник "Enjoy English 8" Автор: М. З. Биболетова.   Раздел: "Природа и проблемы экологии." Урок 3 -Тема: "The World's best friend is you"


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Лицей 82

Разработка открытого урока  для учащихся 8 класса. 2008-2009 уч.г.

Учебник Enjoy English 8 автор М.З.Биболетова

Учитель: Сорокина Марина Викторовна.

Тема: The World’s best friend is you.

Раздел: The Earth needs a friend, doesn’t it? (4 часа) (Природа и проблемы экологии.)

Цели 3 урока:


1. Дальнейшая отработка лексики по теме «Природа и проблемы экологии».

2. Дальнейшая отработка грамматического материала по теме «Словообразование» и «Пассивный залог»

3. Научить создавать плакат, рассказывающий о проблеме окружающей среды.

4. Научить использовать ситуацию, изложенную в тексте, в качестве языковой и речевой опоры. 


1.Развивать механизм языковой догадки.

2.Развивать умение выполнять коллективное задание.


1.Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка

2.Воспитание терпимости и доброжелательности по отношению друг к другу

 при  работе в парах и группах.

Оснащение: Раздаточный материал, наглядные материалы, видео.

Краткое содержание урока:

  1. Приветствие, проверка дом. работы.
  2. Игра со словами, связанными с темой.
  3. Работа с текстом (чтение, поиск слов, частичный перевод, ответы на вопросы по тексту, оглавление текста).
  4.  Видеофильм (какие экологические проблемы вы увидели в фильме)
  5. Работа по картинкам (составить из данных слов подписи к картинкам)
  6. Итог:  О чём был сегодня наш урок?
  7. Домашняя работа. Оценка знаний.

План урока


 Teacher (Учитель)

Students (ученики)


Good morning, students.

Nice to see you. Sit down.

Who is on duty today?

What’s the date?

Who is away today?

What was your home tusk?

Let’s check your home work. Open your exercise books.

 M ,Read ex.2 K, could you collect the exercise books.

-Good morning.

- Nice to see you too.

-I am.

-The 14-th of November. Friday.


- To do ex.2,5    on  p.56

Students are checking their homework and correcting mistakes.


-During our lessons we are studying about the environment and its problems. Could you name some words which connected with our term?

- Today we’ll continue to discuss it.  Before reading look at the words and phrases on the blackboard, read them and try to guess which of them are from the text.

Students remember the words and name them.

Students are reading the words and phrases on the blackboard and trying to choose the right of them.

Cards with words and phrases



-Now read the text and find out if you were right.

- Try to give a title to the text.


-Now, using the text, find the words or phrases that have similar meanings to the words of the ex.15 p.44

Students are reading the text and answering the questions of ex.16 p.44

Working in groups, students are making up the title to the text.

Students are finding the words from the text.



- Look at the pictures on the board. Make up   captions for each picture using the cards which you have in the envelope.

-Are you ready?

-Which group will be volunteer?

-O.K. Let’s begin with you.

Well done! / You are mistaken

Working in groups, students are making up the captions for the pictures

Pictures of the different problems of environment.


-Let’s see the part of a film about ecological problems. Try to remember the most serious problems, match the comments for it, using the text and sound this part of the film.

-Let’s see again with your comments.

-Thank you so much for your work!

-What must we do to save our planet clean and tidy?

Working in groups, students are trying to match comments to the part of the film using the text.

-The Earth is a wonderful planet we live on.

-The country air and water are polluted by the power station and factories.

-All over the world the forest are destroyed by people and fire.

-Many species of animals and birds are died.

-The earthquake, hurricanes and floods do a lot of damage.

-Every day we create too much litter and wastes.

-We must stop to pollute …

-we must recycle litter

-we must stop to cut forests…  



Now try to make your own sign about environmental problems using these pictures.

Thanks a lot.

At this lesson we discussed about ecological problems and I hope your generation will be able to solve them.


Students write the slogans on the pictures and then make the poster exhibition.

Your marks:

 Could you open you record books and write down your homework. P.56 ex.7,8

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