Test for the 3rd form
тест по английскому языку на тему

Вульфсон Евгения Евгеньевна

Тест рассчитан на учащихся 3 класса после прохождения темы " Числительные" и " степени сравнения прилагательных".тест для учащихся . изучающих английский язык по углубленной программе по УМК Верещагиной


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Test for the  3rd form


Pets and other animals.

  1. Read the text.

The cat and the mice.

Once upon a time ten mice lived in a house. A cat also lived in the same house. The mice weren’t happy. The cat wasn’t happy either. The mice wanted to eat cheese at the kitchen, the cat wanted to eat these mice. They weren’t friends. You know that cats don’t like mice.

Once day the mice decided to do something about it. They had many plans and ideas but no one of these plans was good. They didn’t want to kill the cat, they just wanted to have cheese for dinner every day.

At last they decided: “We must hang a bell around the cat’s neck. If the cat comes, we can run away because we can hear the cat” The mice were happy. But one very old mouse asked: “Who can put the bell on the cat’s neck?” Nobody answered. No mouse was brave enough to do that.

  1. Mark sentences as Yes or No according to the text.
  1. The mice and the cat lived in the same house.
  2. The mice and the cat weren’t happy.
  3. Mice like cheese
  4. Cats like mice.
  5. The mice wanted to eat the mice.
  6. The mice decided to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.
  7. An old mouse was brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.
  8. The mice weren’t brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck.

  1. Write the numbers.




           5 th-______________


             98th -__________________


  1. Circle the odd word out.
  1. Eye,nose,leg,mouth
  2. Wolf, lion ,tail, fox
  3. Wild, domestic, favourite, hamster
  4. Fingers, body, arms, shoulders
  5. Parrot, sheep, horse, cow
  6. Hamster, tortoise, cat, elephant

  1. Underline the correct word
  1. Boys and girls must/mustn’t help their parents.
  2. My daddy can/can’t play chess well.
  3. Children must/mustn’t go to bed late.
  4. Hamsters can/can’t run fast.
  5. We must /mustn’t clean our teeth every day.
  6. Crocodiles can/can’t swim.
  7. We must/mustn’t look after our pets.
  8. Children must\mustn’t do their homework every day.
  9. If you have a pet at home, you must/mustn’t feed them.

  1.  Fill the table.


the longest







  1. Fill the missing words.
  1. Monkeys are ________________ animals.
  2. Elephants are ________________animals.
  3. Elephants have got big ______________.
  4. Cows and foxes are ____________animals.
  5. Wolves and foxes are____________animals.
  6. Giraffes have got a ____________neck.
  7. I’ve got ten___________-- five on my _________ hand and five on my__________ hand.
  8. I’ve got ten ___________ -five on my ___________foot and five on my__________foot.
  9. Cows are ____________ than cats.

  1. Complete the sentences as in the example.

Mike is shorter than Tom (short)

  1. My house ___________ his house.(big)
  2. The tiger’s tail____________ the cat’s tail.( long)
  3. Alice __________ Lin. (short)
  4. Tom___________ Nick.(clever)
  5. Ice-cream __________ fish.(tasty)
  6. Monkeys __________- cows.(funny)
  7. Elephants _______ mice.(big).

  1. Complete the sentences as in the example.

Peter is the shortest boy in the class.

  1.  It ___________ house in Saint- Petersburg.(old)
  2. It _____________ computer in our school.(new)
  3. It ____________ cake on the plate.( tasty)
  4. It ____________ tree in the park.(big)
  5. Ann __________- girl in the class.(short)
  6. Volga__________ river in russia.(long)
  7. Chris _____________ pupil in the class.( clever)

  1. Draw an animal and describe it using: is, has got, can, can’t, eat, doesn’t eat. Write at least 6 sentences.





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