Тест для тематического контроля по теме “Articles”
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Луцышка Анна Андреевна

1) Put in a/an or the where necessary

1. I wrote to her but ... letter never arrived.

2. Britain is ... island.

3. What is ... name of this village?

4. Jane is ... very nice person. You must meet her.

5. Montreal is ... large city in ... Canada.

6. What is ... largest city in ... Canada?

7. "What time is it?" "I don't know. I haven't got ... watch."

8. When I went to ... Rome, I stayed with ... Italian friend of mine.

9. You look very tired. You need ... holiday.

10. Don't sit on ... floor. It's very dirty.

11. "Let's go to ... restaurant this evening." "That's ... good idea. Which restaurant shall we go?"

12. Can you turn on ... radio, please? I want to listen to some ... music.

13. Tom is in ... bathroom. He's having ... bath.

14. This is ... nice room, but I don't like ... colour of ... carpet.

15. We live in ... old house near ... station. It's ... two miles from ... center.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тест для тематического контроля по теме “Articles”

Разработал учитель английского языка

Луцышка Анна Андреевна


1) Put in a/an or the where necessary

1. I wrote to her but ... letter never arrived.

2. Britain is ... island.

3. What is ... name of this village?

4. Jane is ... very nice person. You must meet her.

5. Montreal is ... large city in ... Canada.

6. What is ... largest city in ... Canada?

7. "What time is it?" "I don't know. I haven't got ... watch."

8. When I went to ... Rome, I stayed with ... Italian friend of mine.

9. You look very tired. You need ... holiday.

10. Don't sit on ... floor. It's very dirty.

11. "Let's go to ... restaurant this evening." "That's ... good idea. Which restaurant shall we go?"

12. Can you turn on ... radio, please? I want to listen to some ... music.

13. Tom is in ... bathroom. He's having ... bath.

14. This is ... nice room, but I don't like ... colour of ... carpet.

15. We live in ... old house near ... station. It's ... two miles from ... center.

2) Поставьте a/an или the, где необходимо:

1. I turned off light, opened door and went out.

2. Excuse me, can I ask question, please?

3. Alan is best player in our football team.

4. How far is from here to airport?

5. Enjoy your holiday and don't forget to send me postcard!

6. Have you got ticket for concert tomorrow night?

7. What is name of director of film we saw last night?

8. Yesterday I bought jacket and shirt. Jacket was cheap but shirt was expensive.

9. Peter and Mary have two children, boy and girl. Boy is seven years old and girl is three.


3) Надо закончить предложения, используя артикли плюс данные слова или пары слов:

Bicycle, capital, cigarette, play, difficult language, kitchen, nice day, next train, roof, small hotel.

1.      Rome is________________ of Italy.

2.      When we were in London, we stayed at ___________.

3.      Can you ride ___________?

4.      What's that man doing on _________ of that house? Is he repairing something?

5.      We went to the theatre last night but _________ wasn't very good.

6.      Do you think English is _________________ for people to learn?

7.      "Would you like ________?" "No, thanks. I don't smoke".

8.      "Where is jack?" "He's in ________. He's cooking something."

9.      Excuse me, what time is___________ to London?

10.   It's ______________ today. Let's go out.