Методическая разработка урока "Поездка в Лондон"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Плехова Ольга Геннадьевна

Урок английского языка для 9 класса


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The purpose of this web quest is to plan a trip to Londonаfor your group.

Have you ever planned your trip?

Have you ever studied abroad?

Now you have an opportunity to choose an English Language school in London and plan your free time activities yourselves.


You are divided into three groups. Each group will be responsible for organizing one aspect of this trip.

1.Select a suitable International Summer Language school in London.

2.Pick out three places of interest after classes in London.

3. Decide what else you would like to do in your spare time (e.g. the weekends)


Group one is responsible for finding information about three schools in London.

Step one: Visit schools’ sites and complete Table №1

Step two: Answer your classmates’ questions about the schools.

Group two is responsible for choosing three places of interest out of five to visit after your English classes. On Monday , On Wednesday,     On Friday.

Step one: visit the sites where you can find information about different places of interests and complete Table №2

Step two: Answer your classmates’ questions about the places of interests.

Step three: Decide with your classmates where to go.

Group three is responsible for giving ideas about free time activities. (Sport or entertainment)

Step one: Search Google for information. Write in the search bar: entertainment in London for teens . Complete Table №3

Step two: Discuss the options with your classmates and choose three or four activities for your spare time.


Teacher gives marks every students according to the accuracy and activity.

Which school would you like to know about first?

What about «One to One English school»?

How many hours a week do they offer?

How much does the course cost?

Where is the school located?

What about accommodation? Do they offer student residence or Home stay?

How much does it cost?

How far is the residence from the school?

How far is the home from the school?

I think the best school is №…. Because…………….

Why don’t we go to school №…. ………….

Which school would you like to know about first?

What about «One to One English school»?

How many hours a week do they offer?

How much does the course cost?

Where is the school located?

What about accommodation? Do they offer student residence or Home stay?

How much does it cost?

How far is the residence from the school?

How far is the home from the school?

I think the best school is №…. Because…………….

Why don’t we go to school №…. ………….

Веб-квест (webquest) в педагогике - проблемное задание c элементами ролевой игры, для выполнения которого используются информационные ресурсы интернета. Разработчиками веб-квеста как учебного задания являются Bernie Dodge и Tom March

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