методическая разработка по теме "Лондон" с видеоматериалом
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме


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Предварительный просмотр:

About London

London is the capital of Britain. It’s a fascinating and exciting city with a very long history. Let’s find out more. London is on the river Thames. In about 43AD the Romans built the first bridge over the river and that was the beginning of the City f London. Until 1747 there was only one bridge over the Thames. Now there are twenty-nine…some for cars, some for trains and some for pedestrians. Some are very famous like this one – Tower Bridge.

London has a population of nearly seven million. It’s a big city. But travelling around it is easy. You can take a waterbus on the river. You can go in one of London’s famous red buses or black taxies. Or you can go on the underground. Londoners call this “The Tube”.  It started in 1863, and it was the world’s first underground railway. Over twenty million tourist come here every year – eleven million from abroad, and the rest of tourists from other parts of  Britain.

  1. Match the dates and the facts




The world’s first underground railway started in London




Until this date there was only one bridge over the Thames




Charles Henry Harrod started a small business as a grocer in the East End of London




Madam Tussaud brought her exhibition of wax models to London

  1. Complete the sentences
  • There are twenty-nine … over the Thames.
  • Londoners call the underground …
  • … is probably the most famous store in Britain.
  • … is a centre of  London street life.
  • There are always interesting … in London.

  1. Find the odd word which isn’t mentioned in the film.(Найдите лишнее слово)

There are some wonderful parks like Hyde Park/Regent’s Park/ Green Park /St. James Park where you  can walk, jog, have picnic or just relax and get away from the noise.

  1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets

London is the capital of Britain. It’s a (to fascinate) and exciting city with a very long history. Romans built the first bridge over the river Thames and that was the (to begin) of the City of London. London has a (to populate) of nearly seven million. It’s a big city. But (to travel) around it is easy. Over twenty million tourists come here every year.

  1. Complete the sentence. Fill in the definite article the if necessary.

There is so much for people to see in London: __palaces, __churches, __cathedrals, __Tower, __Trafalgar Square and lots of __museums and __art galleries.

  1. Work in groups of four. Make a list  of things what people like most about London.

  1. Think of  five questions you would like to ask about London. Make up the dialogue.

  1. Watch the video and say whether the following statements are true or false.
  • Romans build the first bridge over the river and that was the beginning of the City of London.
  • Travelling around London is rather difficult.
  • London’s underground was the world’s first underground railway.
  • London isn’t good place for shopping.
  • There are some wonderful parks where you can get away from the noise in London.  

  1. Use the Internet and say:
  • Where was the first performance in London?
  • When was it?
  • What play was the first?
  • And how long was it performing?

  1. Dr .Johnson, a famous English writer, once said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” Do you agree with it? Write a short essay on this topic.

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