Materials for a case-study on the theme:“Love It or Hate It? Advantages and Disadvantages of Television”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
CASE - material describing the history of the problem, by which develops the ability to work in teams, to search information.
Case - single information complex of auxiliary part necessary for the analysis, a description of the situation, and tasks.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Olga Tasenyuk, ELT
School #2077 SD #3
Materials for a case-study on the theme:
“Love It or Hate It?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Television”
Mass Media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.
The mass media include: press, radio, advertisements, graphic arts, TV and comparatively new the Internet. The most exciting and entertaining kind of the mass media is considered to be television. It brings moving pictures and sound directly to people’s homes. So we can see events in faraway places.
The name “TELEVISION” comes from Greek word meaning “FAR” and Latin word meaning “SEE”, so it means “TO SEE FAR”. Television is one of the most important miracles of science. It has brought about a revolution in the field of entertainment, education and communication. Indeed mankind should be grateful to its inventor J.L.Baird who has brought the cinema and stage into the houses of the masses.
TV is playing an increasingly important role in our lives. Numerous different channels broadcast a lot of various programmes and shows. Some people spend a lot of time watching television, without releasing TV remotes of their hands and jumping from one channel to another, while others consider TV to be a real evil and do not watch it at all.
Let's consider some different points of views.
From the press: We talk to various people from different countries about their attitudes about TV. Does TV educate or stimulate? Or it is a drug or tranquilizer used to control the population?
Mr. Smith from British film institute: “TV has been the greatest instrument of social democracy in Western European socialites”.
From the press: TV is a very expensive medium and many countries don’t have the technology and the money to make their own television programmes. The result is that most countries are dependent on TV of Britain and America. It is easier and cheaper to buy foreign products mainly soap operas. So, a lot of people feel that TV is a danger to local cultures in some countries.
From the magazine “Teens”: How do people usually answer the question: “What are you going to do tonight?” or “What are you going to do at the weekend?” In other words how do people spend their free time. Some 20 or 30 years ago the usual answers used to be, “We are going to the theatre” or “We are going to the party” or “We are having some friends round”. Now you are very often hear, “We are going to stay at home and watch the television”.
From the press: It destroys the innocence of children. Children learn things not necessary or suitable for their age. Because of this they become more matured at an early age. They lose their innocence and childish behaviour which is a benefit to mankind.
Innocence gives happiness. But the kids are not enjoying this happiness in the present world.
From the press: In spite of all its disadvantages, the advantages are definitely more and the disadvantages are out-weighted. In the field of education and entertainment its vast importance cannot be denied. Of course, the Government should also show purposeful and good programmes on the television to increase its utility. The cost of the television sets should also be reduced so that even ordinary persons can afford to purchase them.
Chris Hall: “Television permits you to reach large numbers of people on a national or regional level in a short period of time. Independent stations and cable offer new opportunities to pinpoint local audiences. Television being an image-building and visual medium, it offers the ability to convey your message with sight, sound and motion.”
Author Unknown from the New York Times, 1939: “TV will never be a serious competitor for radio because people must sit and keep their eyes glued on a screen; the average American family hasn't time for it.”
Nicholas Johnson: “Television is an education. The question is what is it teaching? - Nicholas Johnson”.
Groucho Marx: “I find television very ‘educating’. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”
Unknown: “A television is a device you can sit in front of and watch people do things that you could be doing, if you weren't sitting there watching them do it.”
David Frost: “Television is an invention that permits you to be entertained in your living room by people you wouldn't have in your home.”
Frank Lloyd Wright: “Television is chewing gum for the eyes.”
Woody Allen: “In Beverley Hills, they don't throw their garbage away - they make it into television shows.”
Rod Serling: “It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.”
Orson Welles: “I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.”
E.B. White: “I believe television is going to be the test of the modern world, and that in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our vision, we shall discover a new and unbearable disturbance of the modern peace, or a saving radiance in the sky. We shall stand or fall by television - of that I am quite sure.”
Mike Brassel: “While the newspaper may cover the city’s general metropolitan area, TV offers the greatest possibility for creative advertising. With a camera, you can take your audience anywhere, and show them almost anything.”
From the press: Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. For example, on July 20, 1969, we were able to watch in our living room Neil A. Armstrong step out of the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft and haltingly walk on the surface of the moon. We were witnessing a milestone in the history of humanity. Such is the potential power of TV to inform, inspire, and unite.
From the press: , TV caters for all of the needs and tastes of all ages and social groups due to the variety of information it gets across to the viewer and is accessible even for illiterate and blind. It broadcasts news, feature films of all kinds imaginable, cartoons, documentaries, sports events, political commentaries, shows, commercials — and what not!
From the magazine “Teens”: One more disadvantage of the modern TV is that it is full of violence, which sets a bad example for children who are naive and vulnerable and often use people they see on TV as role models.
Thus we have considered different views on TELEVISION.
1. Make two groups, according to your opinion. Give your own ideas and arguments FOR and AGAINST television.
2. Make back-reports.
Now think:
Is it possible to find a golden mean?
Probable answers
Advantages of Television:
TV gives us an opportunity to witness milestones in the history of humanity, it has a power to inform, inspire and unite.
TV is a powerful mass medium communicating the world to individuals, as it broadcasts news and educational programmes.
TV caters for all of the needs and tastes of all ages and social groups due to the variety of information it gets across to the viewer and is accessible even for illiterate and blind.
It provides entertainment for all tastes — feature films, from old classics to the latest Hollywood releases, cartoons, children's shows and films.
Disadvantages of Television
No matter how noble our intentions are to watch only worthwhile programming, we become captivated by its hypnotic power and watch it regardless of the banality of the content.
TV decreases our attention span and weakens our imagination because we grow used to quick, short bursts of ready-made information.
TV is full of violence, and children who are naive and vulnerable often use people they see on TV as role models.
Those who own and run television use it to sell products and services, and broadcast a lot of commercials which lead to consumerism.
The primary danger of television is that it distracts our attention from reality, solving real life problems and communicating with people.
In spite of all its disadvantages, the advantages are definitely more and the disadvantages are out-weighted. In the field of education and entertainment its vast importance cannot be denied. Of course, the Government should also show purposeful and good programmes on the television to increase its utility. The cost of the television sets should also be reduced so that even ordinary persons can afford to purchase them.
People should realize what they and their children watch and why. They should mind the time: they can spend it on TV but cannot waist.
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