Методическая разработка урока по теме «Начальная школа в Великобритании и России» в 5 классе.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме " Начальная школа в Великобритании и России " в 5 классе предназначена для учителей английского языка. Разработка представляет собой конспект урока, который является последним из серии уроков по теме «Начальная школа в Великобритании».
Целью урока является обобщение знаний по теме " Начальная школа в Великобритании ”. Во время урока происходит закрепление и обобщение знаний учащихся по теме «Начальная школа в Великобритании и России», а также расширяется кругозор по англоязычному страноведению и активизируется употребление тематической лексики.
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Методическая разработка урока
по теме ”Начальная школа в Великобритании и России” в 5 классе.
Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме " Начальная школа в Великобритании и России " в 5 классе предназначена для учителей английского языка. Разработка представляет собой конспект урока, который является последним из серии уроков по теме «Начальная школа в Великобритании».
Цель урока: Обобщить знания по теме ” Начальная школа в Великобритании и России (Primary school in Britain and in Russia)”.
Задачи урока:
-образовательные: закрепить и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Начальная школа в Великобритании и России»: расширить кругозор по англоязычному страноведению, активизировать употребление тематической лексики.
-развивающие: развить и обобщать умения и знания учащихся; развить коммуникативных умения (аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма); развить языковую память и логическое мышление, а также самостоятельность и самоконтроль
-воспитательные: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся духовно-нравственных ценностей, уважение и интерес к культуре других стран.
Ход урока
I.Good morning, dear children.
The theme of our lesson is ”Primary school in Britain and in Russia”. We are going to speak about schools in Russia and Great Britain and about your school life. We’ll remind the words on this topic, play games, read the text and do a lot of work. (Презентация слайд 1)
II. Phonetic Exercises Let’s start our lesson with phonetic exercises. Recite the poem «When the sun is in the sky» altogether. Look at the screen. Begin, please. (Презентация слайд 2)
When The Sun Is In The Sky I get up and open my eyes, I wash, put on my dress and a pair Of shoes and all the things I wear. Then walking off to school I go To learn the things that I must know.
Дети рассказывают стихотворение все вместе. Well done
III. Answer my questions
What is your favourite subject?
- What is your favourite school day?
- Name one thing which is in your bag?
- How many lessons do you have today?
- What subjects did you study at the primary school? (Writing, Reading, Math’s, The World around, Art, Music, English and P.E)
- What subjects do you study this year? (History, Geography, Nature Study, Literature, Russian, English, Music, Information technology (IT,)Basics of Vital Functions Safety
- Do you like your timetable?
- Would you like to have an ideal timetable?
IV. Homework Well, your homework was to make up such timetable. Who will be the first to tell us about your dreams?
V. Now let’s remind the words on the topic” School”.
You should say them by turns and the last will be the winner. Дети называют слова по очереди. Выигрывает тот, кто называет последним слово.
OK. And now your task will be to make up your own sentences with these words.
For example: The blackboard is green. I wear a school uniform. (Ученики составляют свои предложения). Thank you for your work
VI. Now puzzles. Guess and name the subjects.
I am going to describe some lessons and you are to name them. Listen to me attentively. Читать по карточке
1. At this lesson you read English texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games. (English)
2. At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils, a brush and a rubber. (Art)
3. At this lesson you write in your exercise-book and count. (Math’s)
4. At this lesson you read, write, do exercises, ask and answer questions. You speak Russian. (Russian)
5. At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump in the Gym. (Sport)
6. At this lesson you get information about past events.(History)
7. At this lesson you read books, learn and recite poems (Literature)
8. At this lesson you don’t jump. You listen to music and sing songs (Music)
9. At this lesson you get knowledge about Nature (Nature study)
VII. Exercises Do you like Sport? (Yes) I’d like to offer you to do exercises. Please stand up and recite our poem with the movements. (Презентация слайд 3)
VIII. Let’s play a game (Собираемся в школу)
Look at this school bag. It is very nice, isn’t it? And here on the table you can see different things: balls, books, pens, toys and others. Put the right things into the school bag. You should take the things for school, if not you should prove that it is necessary to you at school. Describe them and put into the bag. For example: This is a book. This is an English book. It is orange and white. I need it for my English lesson. (Презентация слайд 4)
. Thank you very much.
IX. Now we are going to watch a short episode from a film about Primary School in Britain.
Pre-watching Try to answer the question:
When do pupils have lunch? (at 1 pm) (Смотрим)
X. After-watching Express your opinion
Are there any differences between schools in Britain and in Russia? (Ответы)
Do you think that schools in Britain and in Russia are similar or different? (Ответы)
I think that schools are different. I think that schools are similar.
XI. Let’s prove you opinion Задание сравнить школы в России и Великобритании.
Ученики получили карточки (Приложение1-Таблица и текст Primary school in Russia)
Look at the table. You can see some questions. Let’s read them.(Читают)
Is everything clear?
Open your books at p.102 and take the text about Britain schools.
Work in pairs and find out the differences between Britain and Russian schools.
In Britain | In Russia | ||
1 | When do children go to school? | 5 | 6-7 |
2 | When do children leave school? | 15 | 17 |
3 | When does the school year begin? | 1st Tuesday | 1st of Sept |
4 | How many years do children spend at the primary school? | 2years in infant 4years in junior | 4 years |
5 | Do schools have names or numbers? | names | numbers |
6 | What subjects do the primary school children have? | Swim. Religion | |
7 | Do pupils wear uniforms? | In many schools no | Yes |
XII. Let’s check your work. How schools in Br. and in Rus. differ from each other (Читаем по вопросам)
XII. Подведение итога. О чем мы сегодня говорили. Домашнее задание. Отметки
Приложение1 Раздаточный материал (Карточки)
Find out the differences between Britain and Russian schools
Answer the questions | In Britain | In Russia | |
1 | When do children go to school? | ||
2 | When do children leave school? | ||
3 | When does the school year begin? | ||
4 | How many years do children spend at the primary school? | ||
5 | Do schools have names or numbers? | ||
6 | What subjects do the primary school children have? | ||
7 | Do pupils wear uniforms? |
Приложение 2
Primary school in Russia
In Russia school begins at the age of 6. Children leave school at the age of 17.
The school year begins on the 1st of September. This day children and their parents celebrate as The Day of Knowledge. Children are happy to go to school because they meet their teachers and classmates after summer holidays. They have bags and all things they need. They also bring flowers for their teachers.
Schools in Russia often have numbers not names.
At the age of 6 children in Russia go to the primary schools where they spend 4 years. Primary school children have classes 5 days a week. Children learn how to write, read and count. They have many lessons on the timetable: Writing, Reading, Math’s, The World around, Art, Music, English and P.E.
When the lessons are over they spend some time outdoors, play different games, run and jump. Their teachers read fairy-tales to them and tell a lot of stories.
At the age of 10 children go to the secondary school. Then their classes become more formal and serious. Secondary school children have classes 5 or 6 days a week
Pupils have many new subjects such as History, Geography, Nature Study, Information technology (IT), Basics of Vital Functions Safety and others.
Classes begin at 8.30 or 9 o’clock and finish at 2 or 3 o’clock. Every day they have 5 or 6 lessons. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. Between lessons they have breaks, during the breaks they go to the canteen and have lunch, play games and talk with their friends.
Pupils wear school uniforms at school.
They visit different museums and interesting places with their teachers.
Список использованной литературы:
- Учебник English- IV И.В.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева., издательство «Просвещение», 2010г.
- Видеофильм «We`re Kids in Britain» издательство Longman
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