формирование монологической речи 9класс
методическая разработка (английский язык, 9 класс) по теме

Варыгина Елена Сергеевна

упражнеия для уч-ся , позволяющие формировать монолгическую речь( таблицы ,  опорные карточки) к учебнику Афанасьевой  для  школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)


Предварительный просмотр:

Migration card

Family name________________________________________________________



Date of birth: Day_________________________Month___________________Year______

Place of birth________________________________________________________


Address in the United Kingdom________________________________________



Migration card

Family name________________________________________________________



Date of birth: Day_________________________Month___________________Year______

Place of birth________________________________________________________


Address in the United Kingdom________________________________________



Предварительный просмотр:

Movements\ styles

Basic  characteristics

Time of appearance


Предварительный просмотр:

Public figure

Facts of biography

Public activities

Nobel Prize

Предварительный просмотр:

14th century

17th century

20th century


20th century


14th century

17th century

20th century


20th century


Предварительный просмотр:

Вопрос 1.

What do you think of history? What role history plays in our life?

Give your opinion.

1 .Do you like history? Why?

2. What history can teach us?

3. What events in history changed the face of the world?

4. What people played a special role in history?

5. How do you see the future of our civilization?

Вопрос 2

Comment  this idea

All discoveries today are based on the ideas of men who lived before.

1. How does progress in science and technology influence people’s lifestyle?

2. Can you give an example of how one invention leads to another?

3. Is the world changing for the better or for the worse?

4. Can you give examples of the  20th century inventions that in your opinion influenced the development of our civilization  in a most dramatic way?

5. Can you examples of inventions that did more harm than good?

Вопрос 3

Say how you understand these words .

Civilization is an advanced stage of human development marked by a high level of art, religion , science and social and political organization  (“Dictionary of English Language and Culture”)  

1. What society can be called a “civilization? What Ancient Civilizations do you know?

2. What great inventions were made in ancient Near East? What were people in Ancient Egypt especially skilled at?

3. What do you know about political and social life in Ancient  Greece ? What was a city-state in Ancient Greece like?

4. In what way did the ancient political, artistic and philosophical ideas influence Western civilization? Can you give examples?

5. Why can Ancient Romans can be called   the “great lawmakers “?

Вопрос 4

We pay tribute to great philosophers, politicians and   public figures because they advanced  the development of civilization. Say what outstanding politicians, philosophers, public figures you know about, in what field they work (worked) and what they are famous for.

  1. What famous politicians do you know?
  2. What did they do or are doing for their people?
  3. Do you think that politicians have any effects on our everyday life? What effect?
  4. Can you remember any names of philosophers who tried to teach people to live happier lives? Give your examples.
  5. Where did they live? What did they teach?

Вопрос 5

Give your opinion on the following:

People who think of such societies are philosophers and people who claim that they know how to make people happier, are politicians.

  1. What do you think about politicians and philosophers? What role they play in our life?
  2.  What qualities are they possessed of ?
  3. What are politicians and philosophers eager to do?
  4. What are the greatest problems the humanity faces at the moment? How can politicians and philosophers help to solve them ?
  5. Do you believe that everyone can help to make our society better? Give your opinion.

Вопрос 6

“Keep the joy of loving the poor and share this joy with all you meet. Remember works of love are works of Peace. God Bless you."(  Mother Teresa)

Speak about  Nobel Peace Prize Winners.

  1. What  Nobel Peace Prize Winners do you know?
  2. What are they famous for?
  3. What did they do or are doing for their people?
  4. What do you think of their public activities?
  5. How do Nobel Peace Prize Winners influence modern society?

Вопрос 7

Say how you understand these words :

Your future begins today and largely depends on what you are doing now.

  1. What will your professional career and your family be like?
  2. What are your strong and weak points?
  3. What are your priorities now?
  4. What is the greatest dream you have?
  5. How much are you doing for your future now?

Вопрос 8

The world of teenagers is full of doubts in themselves and their future. What is it like to be a teen of new millennium?

  1. What can you say about  your  school life?
  2. What do you like\hate  about being a teen?
  3. Is there anything you can’t  live without?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. What do you worry about? Do you feel safe in your city?

Вопрос 9

Comment on the proverb “ A friend in need is a friend indeed”

  1. At what age do friends become of great importance for a child?
  2. Are friends as important at  an older age as when one is young? Why(not)?
  3. What does friendship give you?
  4. What should a good friend be like?
  5. Can you give an example of true friends?

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


Цель исследования: выявить возможности использования метода проектов в формировании навыков монологической речи у младших школьников на уроках русского языка...

Новые подходы в формировании связной монологической речи старших дошкольников с общим недоразвитием речи в условиях коррекционных групп.

Развитие связной речи у детей находится под стихийным, а зачастую негативным и асоциальным влиянием зрительной наглядности. Игрушки, компьютер заменяют ребенку живое общение. Дошкольник впитывает речь...

Консультация для воспитателей на тему: «Использование наглядности для формирования связной монологической речи у детей с ОНР».

Данная консультация адресована воспитателям логопедических групп. Систематическая, пошаговая работа по обучению детей с ОНР связной речи, даёт хорошие результаты и положительную динамику....

Формирование связной монологической речи через театрализованную деятельность средствами интеграции в работе музыкального руководителя.

Предлагаются разнообразные способы организации в детском саду театрализованой деятельности как средства коррекции недоразвития связной речи, а именно монологической речи. Использвоание приемов театрал...


В данной статье описываются трудности развития монологической речи на уроках математики, я расскажу о своем опыте работы с данной проблемой, а так же поделюсь своим педагогическим опытом в данном вопр...

Формирование монологической речи учащихся

Оприемах формирования монологической речи...

Формирование монологической речи у детей с СНР

   Важнейшим условием всестороннего развития детей является правильное формирование речи. Уровень развития речи определяет  возможности ребенка в познании окружающей действительн...