внеклассное мероприятие
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Novikova Людмила Ивановна

сценка "Белоснежка" на английском языке


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Предварительный просмотр:



Snow White


 Seven Dwarfs






  1. На сцене стол и два стула. Сбоку стенд с изображением замка.

Выходит рассказчик.

Story-teller: Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived a pretty girl. Her name was

 Snow White. skin was as white as snow, her lips were as red as blood and her hair was as black as the night.  Her father, the king, married again, and his new wife hated the girl a lot.

The stepmother thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and always

asked her magical mirror about it.

Queen:  Mirror, mirror on the wall,

who is the prettiest of us all?

Mirror:  You are the prettiest it’s true.

Nobody is prettier than you.

Story-teller: Meanwhile, Snow White was growing from a baby into a lovely little                           girl. She was even more beautiful than the Queen.

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?

Mirror:  Among the grown-up ladies tall

You my queen are prettiest of all.

But I must tell you true,

               That the child Snow White is prettier than you.

Queen: Dirty glass! I’ll break you into pieces! Oh, Snow White, how I hate you! (calls one of her huntsman): Take this child away, deep into the forest and kill her, bring me her heart, and I will know that she is dead.


  1. В лесу

(The huntsman takes Snow White by the hand and leads her far into the forest. Then he stops and draws out his knife to kill her.)

Snow White: Please do not kill me. If you spare me, I’ll go further into the forest and I promise never to try to return home again.

Huntsman: Run away then, my poor child. I will kill a deer and bring its heart to the queen.

(Snow White is terrified. She doesn’t know which way to go. She runs on and on. She hears some roars of wild beasts, but none tries to harm her. At last she comes to a little cottage by the side of a mountain).

Story-teller: Snow White was very, very unhappy. There was dark and cold in the forest. Snow White got frightened very much. Suddenly she saw a small house. Seven dwarfs lived there.

Snow White: Oh, how it is dark here and nobody around! What shall I do? Where shall I

sleep when night comes? (видит домик)  Oh, what a nice little cottage! It looks like a toy.

 Who lives there? (стучит в дверь) Is anybody here? May I come in? (заходит)


  1. Смена декораций. Сцена в лесу. На сцене стол и лавка. На стенде рисунок домика

в лесу. Выходит рассказчик.

(A table with a white cloth, seven plates, knives, forks, spoons, glasses, seven little beds. Snow White eats some food from each plate and drinks a mouthful of wine from each glass, then she tries the six little beds and at last she comes to the last one and falls asleep.)

Snow White: Who lives in this house? There must be 7 people and they must be very small. I am hungry (начинает есть). And now I want to sleep.

Story-teller: The cottage belonged to seven dwarfs who, when it became dark, returned home. They had spent all day in the mountains, digging for gold.

Идут гномы и поют хором:

The Dwarfs:

Heigh-ho, heigh-go

It’s home from work we go,

Dada dum, dum, dum

Heigh-go, heigh-ho

The Dwarfs: Who came into our house?

1st dwarf: Who has been sitting on my chair?

2nddwarf: Who has been eating from my plate?

3rddwarf: Who has been eating my bread?

4thdwarf: Who has been eating my vegetables?

5thdwarf: Who has been using my knife?

6thdwarf: Who has been using my fork?

7thdwarf: Who has been drinking out of my glass?

(Next the dwarfs come up to their beds)

The Dwarfs: Who has been lying in my bed?

7thdwarf: (reaches his bed and finds Snow White fast asleep): Look who’s in my bed!

Together: What a beautiful child!

Snow White: (wake up) Изумленно: Oh! You are dwarfs

1stdwarf: What is your name?

Snow White: My name is Snow White.

2nddwarf: But how did you find our cottage?

Snow White: The Queen, my stepmother, ordered the huntsman to kill me in the forest, but he agreed to spare my life. Then I ran and ran all day through the forest, until I came to this little cottage.

Dwarfs (together): Poor little girl!

 Snow White: May I stay here? I can keep the house for you. I can do many things. I can cook tasty food, bake bread and clean the house.

3rddwarf: You are a very good girl! You can stay with us!

4thdwarf: Please make our beds, clean our house, wash our clothes and cook our dinner

Snow White: Oh, you are kind! I’ll be glad to do that!

5thdwarf: We are out all day; working and you will be alone in the house.

6thdwarf: If your stepmother learns that you are here, she may come and try to do you harm. Don’t let anyone in.

 7thdwarf: Don’t open the door to anybody while we are away.

Snow White: All right. I’ll heed your warning

The Dwarfs:Heigh-ho, heigh-go

       It’s home from work we go,

      Dada dum, dum, dum

      Heigh-go, heigh-ho


  1. Смена декораций. Комната во дворце.

Story-teller:: She was very happy living with the dwarfs. Every evening when they returned home, she had supper ready for them and the house was neat and clean.

Meanwhile the Queen, believing Snow White to be dead, was quite happy in the thought that she herself was the most beautiful lady in the world.

Queen: How happy I am! How beautiful I am!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?

Mirror:  Among the grown-up ladies tall

You my queen are prettiest of all.

But I must tell you true,

               That the child Snow White is prettier than you.

She is not dead but living still,

In a little house far over the hill;

Queen: (her anger is great): I’ll find Snow White and kill her myself.

(Thinking a little) I have a plan.

(She dresses herself in old clothes and changes her face, go out)


  1. Смена декораций. Домик в лесу, Белоснежка сидит и вышивает.

Snow White: Oh, how happy I am! My dear dwarfs will come soon.

Queen : (She knocks at the door and shouts)

Laces and ribbons for sale! Pretty laces and ribbons!

Snow White: What harm can this poor old woman do to me?

(She opens the door)Good morning.

Queen: Good morning.

Snow White: Oh, I like these pretty pink laces.

(The Queen laces her so tight that Snow White can’t breathe, and she falls on the floor.)

(In the evening the dwarfs return home and find Snow White lying on the floor as if she were dead. They cut the new laces. She begins to breathe again.)

1st dwarf: Who has laced you so tightly?

Snow White: An old woman, selling laces and ribbons.

2nddwarf: I’m sure that she must have been your wicked stepmother.

3rddwarf: Take great care and be sure to let no one enter the house.


  1. У домика в лесу

Story-teller:: The Queen was filled with joy because she thought that Snow White was dead. But the mirror told her that she was still alive and more beautiful. The Queen got angry and came to the cottage and knocked at the door.

Queen: Cheap wares to sell! Pretty things to sell! (Snow White puts her head out of the window.)

Snow White: I dare not let you come in. I have promised the dwarfs to open the door to no one.

Queen: Never mind! You can look, can’t you? (She is holding up the dainty comb.)

( Snow White opens the door to the pedlar-woman.)

Queen: You must let me comb your hair properly for you.

(She stucks the comb sharply into Snow White’s head so that the poison goes into her blood. Snow White falls to the floor, as if dead.)

Narrator: Fortunately, it was evening and soon the seven dwarfs came home. When they found Snow White lying on the floor, they understood everything. But Snow White quickly recovered and told them what had happened. And again the dwarfs told the girl to be careful.


  1. Во дворце

Queen: How happy I am! How beautiful I am!

Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the prettiest of us all?

Mirror:  Among the grown-up ladies tall

You my queen are prettiest of all.

But I must tell you true,

               That the child Snow White is prettier than you.

She is not dead but living still,

In a little house far over the hill;

Queen:: Shut up, shut up, dirty glass! I know what to do

. Where is my magical red apple? Oh, here it is! How juicy and delicious it looks.


  1. В лесу у домика

(Then she knocks at the door.)

Snow White: I am forbidden to open the door to anyone. (She calls through the window.)

Queen: It’s all the same to me! I only want to get rid of these apples. Here, I’ll give this one to you. (Holding out the poisoned apple.)

Snow White: I dare not take it. (Shakes her head.)

Queen: (laughs.) Are you afraid that it’s poisoned? Look, I’ll cut it in two halves –rosy and green. (She holds out the rosy half and bites the green half herself.)

(Snow White takes the rosy half and bites into it. She falls down dead. The Queen laughs horribly and cries:

Queen: This time the dwarfs won’t help you!


  1. На холме лежит хрустальный гробик

Story-teller: When the dwarfs returned home, they found Snow White lying on the floor, no longer breathing. The dwarfs were heart-broken. For three days and nights they stood round her, mourning. Then they carried Snow White in the glass coffin to the top of the mountain. Snow White lay in the glass coffin for many years. One day, a king’s son found the coffin on the top of the mountain. He couldn’t take his eyes from the beautiful girl and fell in love with her.

Prince: Let me have the coffin,

I cannot live without her. If you give her to me, I’ll cherish her all my life.

5thdwarf :You must kiss her to wake her up!

Prince: Oh, I’m ready to do it! (he kisses her hand)

Wake up, wake up, please!

Snow White (wake up): Oh, where I am?

Prince: You are safe with me. I cannot live without you!

Come with me to my father’s palace and we’ll get married.

Snow White: Oh, my prince, I’m so happy!

6thdwarf: Three cheers for Snow White and her Prince!

The Dwarfs: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Snow White: Good bye, my dear friends. You have been so kind to me and loved me so dearly.

Dwarfs: Good bye, Snow White. We are glad that you are alive. Be happy with the Prince.

Snow White: Thank you.


  1. Во дворце

Story-teller: A magnificent wedding feast was arranged for Snow White and the Prince. Snow White’s stepmother was also invited to the feast. When she was ready for the wedding, she asked the mirror again:

Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Among the ladies in this land,

Who is the fairest of all?

Mirror: You, oh Queen, are exceedingly fair

But the truth I must tell you and so I do vow,

That the young bride-to-be Snow White is lovelier than you!

(On hearing the words she felt a sharp pain in her heart, fell on the floor and died.)

  1. Выходит рассказчик.

Story-teller: Very soon Snow White and her Prince got married and lived happily for f long, long time.

(Артисты, взявшись за руки, кланяются, затем уходят под музыку)


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