Открытые уроки
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Скобелева Елена Борисовна

Предварительный просмотр:

 Урок в 5  классе

Тема урока «Лондон – столица Великобритании».

Цели урока:

Образовательная – ознакомить учащихся с достопримечательности Лондона; Новошахтинска.

Практическая – практика устной речи учащихся (монолог при  описании достопримечательности,  диалог при  организации путешествия);

Развивающая – развитие личностной активности, памяти, внимания, умения общаться;

Воспитательная – воспитание уважительного  отношения к

историческим достопримечательностям  Лондона, толерантности  к другой культуре.

Форма урока -  ролевая игра « Заочное путешествие по Лондону».

Презентация и защита проектов об одной из достопримечательностей Лондона, Новошахтинска.

 Структура урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Целевая установка урока.

2.Активизация лексико- грамматического материала по теме «Город», прошедшего времени, причастия I, причастия II неправильных глаголов.

3.  Ролевая игра( распределение ролей, организация путешествия- чтение рекламы)


5Презентация проектов и монологи - описания достопримечательностей  а)Big Ben;

b) The House of Parliament  c) Westminster  d) The Tower of London  e) The Tate Gallery  f) St. Paul’ s Cathedral

g) Buckingham Palace  h) Trafalgar  Square i)Oxford j) Thames

    6.  Игра « согласен/ не согласен»  высказывание своего мнения о                              путешествии.

     7. Высказывания о  том,  что можно посмотреть в нашем городе.

      8.Подведение итогов.                                      

     9.Домашнее задание.

1Организационный момент урока.

I am glad to see you. Who is absent today?

How are you?

Sit down, please. Today we are going to visit London.  If you want to see the interesting places in London, the guide will help you. Let’s remember the new words  from the unit 4 and irregular verbs                  (Participle I, II.)

S- Good morning, this is Anna speaking.

- Morning, Anna.

-I have some news for you.

- Do you?  What kind of news?

- Last week I visited Britain?

- Do you want to see the slides?

- Yes, I do

-When can I see them?

- Come to me, please.

-I think I’m going to show you . It will be OK.

T: My dear friends, I am sure all pupils of our group would like to visit London. I think you have a lot of questions to Ann.                            Would you like to go to Britain? I think you would like to improve your English and to know about this country.

Do you know what the capital of Great Britain is?

P1: London is the capital of GB.

-What places would you like to see there?

I want you to put the letters in these words in the right order.

Umsemu, bebay, numontme,distamu, liaparmeth, nemaic, legalry


-Look at these irregular and regular verbs. Put them in the Past tense, Participle I ,II. Name them.

Do, go, take, want, look, see, walk, meet, watch, live, help.

T: Before planning travelling to London  I would like to get much information. Let us read the ad.

- I’m your guide. I’ll show you around London today.

-Let’s start with a London sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus.

- Look at the map of London. Find the places you know about. Name them.

London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old.


P1 This is great! I would like to visit London.

P2 I would like to go on a boat and see London from the river.

P3 I would like to hear Big Ben.

P4 I would like to see the Queen.

P5 I would like to visit the Tower.

P6 I would like to walk across Trafalgar Square.

P7 I would like to walk to Westminster Abbey.

 -We start from Trafalgar square.

 There is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It is known for the large numbers of pigeons which come there and are fed by tourists.

-Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen.

When the flag is flying on the top  she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guard.

It happens every day at 11.30 a.m.

-British museum is famous in London. It was founded in 1753. It contains Britain’s most important collection of ancient art and the reading room of the British library.

-The Thames is a famous British river where London stands.

-St. Paul’s Cathedral is a fine cathedral in central London built in 1710 by Sir Christopher Wren.

I live in a town. It is not a capital of our country. There are many beautiful streets in it. We can go along the main street and see new houses, schools, shops. The main square is Lenin Square. There are different places to visit in our town. I like my town and I am proud of it.


8.Our lesson is over . Do you like our trip to London? What did you like? Thank you for your work. You were active, polite and very friendly.

9. Your hometask will be to learn by heart irregular verbs the second column.



                              МОУ «СОШ№3»

Открытый урок в 5 классе по теме

«Узнаем больше о Лондоне»

Урок- заочное путешествие.

Подготовила и провела СкобелеваЕ.Б.

2010-2011 учебный год


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Разработала и провела: Скобелева Е.Б.

Урок в 10 классе по теме «Разные страны- разные пейзажи!»

Цели урока:

образовательная- умение извлекать информацию из прочитанного, извлекая дополнительный материал из Интернета и книг, создавать проекты и презентации;

развивающая – развивать творческие способности учащихся, логическое мышление, память, внимание, умение трансформировать учебный материал;

воспитательная- воспитание толерантности и уважительного отношения к культуре разных стран.

практическая- практика устной речи,  презентация и защита проектов с использованием компьютера и проектора.


1 Hello, my dear friends!

T: I’ve got a leaflet. There  are a lot of courses to improve your foreign language in different countries.What country would you like to visit?

Different countries have different landscapes.Would you like to improve your knowledge of English?

  1. Yes, great idea. Where  can I get the information about traveling abroad?
  2. People who plan traveling should go to the travel agency. Let’s go there.
  3. Yes, that would be a pleasure.


Let’s play  the game. Some students are tourists, others are travel agents.

What questions about the country and people’s lifestyle would you like to ask ?

Practise asking reported and indirect questions; ask for information .


What is the weather like in …?

What vegetables and fruits do they grow ?

What climate is typical of the country?

Where would you like to spend your holidays?

What are the longest rivers ?

Is the relief of the country flat or mountainous?


P- Good morning

P1- Can I help you?

P2-Yes, please. Where can I get some information about  different countries.?

P1-That’s quite easy.You’ll find lots of information there. We have some special tours

 in different countries. Look here, please.They  are  from English- speaking countries.

P  1-Great. Thank you.

T:Travel agents’ windows are  full of ads, especially during the summer months.

A lot of people can afford a holiday in the countries.

“ Package” holidays are very popular.

You are at a travel agency. Look at the window of the agency. There is so much to see.

Choose the place you would like to visit.

Be ready to explain your choice, please. Which leaflet can give you  an answer to the question. Where can you get the information about different countries? Scan the leaflets.

1.- Could you tell me what the UK looks like. I picture it like … - everything is green and it rains a lot.

We invite you to visit  Great Britain. Now  have a look at the pictures.

The British Isles are a group of islands lying off the north –west of the continent of Europe. The largest islands are Great Britain  and Ireland.

The Island of GB is subdivided into two main regions – Lowland Britain and Highland Britain which consists of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines, and the  Lake District.

The chief rivers of GB  are : the Severn, the Avon, the Thames.

There are many lakes in GB.

The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world.

Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.

Wales is a highland country of old , hard rocks.

North Wales is a country of mountains  and deep valleys.

Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales.The climate of the British Isles is not very hot in summer and is not very cold in winter.

The weather changes very often.

-Could you tell me how much it will cost.

- In this leaflet you’ ll find all the prices.

- Thank you.

2-Could you tell me what you can suggest.

-  Welcome to  New Zealand.

New Zealand is an island country in the Southwest Pacific Ocean.

It belongs to a large island group called Polynesia. The country is situated on two main islands –the North Island and the South Island –and the several dozen smaller islands.

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand and Auckland is the largest city.

Many native people speak their own language, Maori, in addiction to English.

The first people who settled in NZ were a brownskinned people called Maoris.

The country was discovered by Europeans in 1642.

Large cities have excellent restaurants, milk bars, theatres, concert halls.

City life in NZ tends to be rather quiet.It is changing in larger cities, where international tourism is developing rapidly.

- Could you tell me what the weather is like there.

- The weather is rarely becomes extremely hot or extremely cold.

- Thank you .

3- Ideal place for traveling. Where is it?

Welcome to  Australia.

Australia is located south of Asia between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans.

It is a vast continent made up mainland Australia and of island of Tasmania  to the south.

Australia is the flattest of the continents.

Its most important chain is the Great Dividing Range running down most of the east coast.

The center of the continent is taken by the deserts.Great Sandy Desert, Great Victoria Desert and Simpson Desert.

There are few  rivers in Australia.Its best known is the Murray.The longest is the Darling.

-Could you tell me if floods and cyclones happen very often.

-Yes, they do. The people suffer from them.

-Thank you.

4 Welcome to  the USA

The USA  is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Pacific Ocean in the west.

It stretches from Canada in the north to Mexico.

The USA is divided into three areas:Eastern area – highland, where the the Appalachian Mountains are situated, Central area- plain, and Western area which is mountainous  and includes the Cordilleras and the Rocky Mountains.

The North –eastern part of the USA is the region of the five Great Lakes.

The ST. Lawrence River joins the water of the five lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

In the west of the USA there is another lake called The Great Salt Lake.

The USA has several different climatic regions. The climate along the Pacific coast is much warmer than that of the Atlantic coast..

  1. Could you tell me why America is a land of physical contrasts. What life is like there?

- Because people live within four time zones.

-Thank you.

5 When you come to another country you try to compare it with your native country. Welcome to Russia.

 Russia is washed in the north by the Arctic Ocean and its seas.

The size of Russia  is hard to imagine.

A flight from Moscow to Magadan  takes eight Hours.

Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes.

The largest of all Russia’s rivers is the Volga. The three largest lakes in Russia are Baikal and Ladoga and Onega .The relief of Russia is mostly flat. It’s located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the Western Siberian Plain. There are three main mountain ranges in Russia. The Caucasus stretches from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is Mount Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They divide the European and Asian parts of Russia

Russia is a huge county which cover an area of 17 million square kilometers.

Almost every kind of climate may be found in Russia.  The rhythms of everyday life tend to follow the seasons.

6. East or West- Home is Best.

-Could you tell me what you could advise me to see in Moscow.

 Moscow is a capital of our country. The Kremlin is a heart of Moscow. It was founded in 1147.

7. But I think that Rostov region is the best place to visit.

I think that East or West – Home is Best.  I don’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia. I was born here .

Rostov Region is the best place to live in. There are a lot of interesting places to see.

The green zone  near Rostov is very big. On the left bank of the Don  there are many holiday camps. on a hot day it’s pleasant  and cool near the water. One can go on a trip  up the Don in a comfortable boat. In town  there are also many parks and gardens where  people can have a rest. Rostov is a very big city, crowded and very hot.

- Could you tell me what the advantages of the Rostov physical environment are.

-The climate is good.

T: People who travel to another country take more than just their luggage. They take their own ideas, their own way of thinking and their own lifestyle as well.

Listen to the interviews of people from different countries .How do the people feel about the things they mentioned in the interview?

What view of Britain do the interviewed people have?

For a Russian it’s unusual that English people queue too much.

For an American it’s unusual that the English are not friendly.

For a Frenchman it’s disappointing that they have strange traffic rules.

For A Spaniard it’s surprising that the English are very formal.

T: I see you  would like to visit different countries and  Where would you like to live?

PS: I would like to live in Russia.

 T: -What travel documents do you need?

 - We need  Landing Card.

 Take it. Fill in this form

T: Let’s discuss your projects. Express your opinions, please.

The project about … is the best.

You’ve worked well. You get 5 for your project.

You collected a lot of illustrations. You offered convincing arguments for your countries. But I think you are patriotic. EAST OR WEST-HOME IS BEST.

What adjectives can be used to characterize people if they have the following personality traits? Use the table of the most common suffixes of nouns and adjectives for help.

Patience – patient

self-reliance –self-reliant

hospitality - hospitable

 risk-taking - a risk- taker

politeness - polite

self- confidence-self- confident

optimism- optimistic

mobility- mobile

predictability- predictable

submission- submissive

toughness- tough


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