план урока в 9кл
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Попова Ксения Сергеевна

план-конспект урока по английскому языку (New Millenium English-9) "Exam Fever"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: Экзаменационная лихорадка.


Образовательная: систематизировать и обобщить знания обучающихся по теме;  активизировать употребление лексики по теме, расширять словарный запас.Ознакомить со стратегиями подготовки к экзаменам.

Развивающая: совершенствовать навыки и умения практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению, письму; развивать умение сравнивать, делать выводы и отстаивать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательная: повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: магнитофон, аудиозапись, видеозапись, карточки с заданием,  Book: “New Millenium-9”

Начало урока: Good Morning. It’s nice to see you all.


  1. Listen to the following sounds and tell what place they are connected with.

(звучит аудиозапись из школьного коридора на перемене)Yes, you’re right; today we’ll continue talking about school. By the way, what associations do you have when you hear the word “school”?

(учитель рисует на доске схему ассоциаций.)


  1. What is the most terrible thing at school for you? How often do you take exams? What is the most difficult? What do you do to prepare for exams?
  2. Today we are going to talk about different methods that help you to pass an exam.


before listening. There are sheets of paper on your desks. Look at some methods that students use while preparing for exams. Decide which of these methods are the most and the least effective, giving reasons.  

while listening.

  1. Listen to Chris, a university student, talking about how he took an exam at school. Be ready to answer the questions:
  1. Did he use any of the methods you discussed to pass his exam?
  2. What did he do to pass his exam?
  3. Was it a success?
  1. Listen again and fill in the gaps.
  1. Chris went to a …         (party) the night before the exam.
  2. He didn’t study and went …         (to sleep).
  3. He came …     (home) very late.
  4. In the ……..( morning) he tried to study but it was too late.
  5. Chris wrote everything on a piece of paper and put it in his …. (calculator).
  6. Chris began to do the test and used ….. ( his piece of paper).
  7. ….   (the teacher) saw him cheating and sent him out.
  8. Chris felt very ….( very embarrassed).

  1. follow-up activities Do you think  it is hard to prepare for exams? Why? /Why not? What advice would you give to Chris about how to prepare for an exam who failed?


  1. Ex 3a. Read the following tips on how to prepare for exams. Group them according to their function.

organising your learning/ making learning effective/ preparing emotionally

  1. Which of the examination tips will be most helpful for you? Why?
  2. Which of them would you not follow? Why?
  1.  Ex. 3b. Read about how students feel during exams and think of some tips for them. Use the ideas in ex. 3A
  2. I’ve got a video where a student tells about his feelings before the exam. Watch it and be ready to give him some advice.

Home work. Write a letter to him and give him some advice how to prepare for exams.

    Итог урока.

Let’s sum up the results. Today you’ve learned how to be successful at any exam and how to help your friends get ready for it. Thank you for your work. (marks)

Student’s card 1

  1. before listening. Look at some methods that students use while preparing for exams. Decide which of these methods are the most and the least effective, giving reasons. You can use some of the expressions suggested below:



Suggested expressions:

  1. The most/least effective method would be … because…
  2. I’m sure that … would (not) be … as …
  3. Perhaps … would (not) be helpful … since…
  4. I agree, but I also think … because …
  5. How about …? I find it’s …
  6. Studying … would be better …
  7. On the other hand, …

Student’s card 2

2. while listening.

  1. Chris went to a ……..    the night before the exam.
  2. He didn’t study and went ………...
  3. He came …….. very late.
  4. In the……….. he tried to study but it was too late.
  5. Chris wrote everything on a piece of paper and put it in his …. .
  6. Chris began to do the test and used …...
  7. ………    saw him cheating and sent him out.
  8. Chris felt very ………

3. follow-up activities

  1. What advice would you give to Chris about how to prepare for an exam who failed? Use the model:

Chris should have revised the material and got a good night’s sleep to pass his exam successfully.



  1. video

Boy: Oh, God! I’m so scared! I have Literature Exam next week. I’ve looked through some exam questions and it seems to me I don’t know anything! I feel really nervous! Please, give me advice! What should I do to pass my exam?



highlight main points in your books throughout the year and study these points only




Write summaries of the lessons throughout the year and study them only 

cram the night before

study thoroughly throughout the year

study with a friend

Record your notes and listen to them in your sleep

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