Открытый урок по теме"Кино",11 класс.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

Гаврилова Наталья Дмитриевна

План проведения открытого урока по теме "Кино" в 11 классе.


Microsoft Office document icon cinema.doc48.5 КБ

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                                                                       (11 класс)

Учитель английского языка- ГАВРИЛОВА НАТАЛЬЯ                    



   образовательная – отработка лексических и грамматических структур на основе     данной темы; развитие навыков аудирования.

воспитательная – привитие любви к кинематографу.




T. – Hello, boys & girls! Sit down, please! Glad to see you! Who is absent today? Thank you! Relax & don’t worry!


T. – We are having a very unusual English lesson today. Not only because of our guests but also because our theme today is “The magic of movies” & that’s why we are going to discuss different genres of films.

(Песня “Cinema, cinema, cinema…” (на русском языке)).

T. – Cinema, cinema, cinema…What is cinema? In my opinion cinema is the world of fairy tales. Cinema is the favourite & most widespread form of entertainment both for children & adults. It’s an ideological instrument of the political party at power in a country. Cinema is a mirror reflection of the country rulers & their policy. But in spite of it everyone finds smth., that satisfies one’s tastes. But be attentive & careful, not all films are useful. We’ve already studied a lot of information about cinema & some facts are new not only for you but for me too. So we begin our lesson with the history of the development of cinematography.



5. КИНО В АВСТРАЛИИ (проект).

6. КИНО В РОССИИ (проект).



T. – We have already reminded of some films, films which have got world recognition. Among them are the best films of the 20-th century, among them are the films which are very popular with the people of all the ages. But all these films are of different genres. What genres of films do you know? (musical, thriller, feature, comedy, action, documentary, detective, adventure, love story, historical, western, travel, science fiction, screen version of a novel, melodrama).

P. – By the way, “Gone with the wind” was the most successful film of all time until “Titanic” appeared in 1997. James Cameron is a director of this film. It is a drama, may be romance more. Fictional romantic tale of a rich girl & poor boy who meet on the ill- fated voyage of the unsinkable ship. “Titanic”, starring Leonardo DiCaprio & Kate Winslet, was the most expensive film ever made – it cost 200$ million to make.

T. - It also won the most Oscars of any film (11 including “Best Film”). Can you make up dialogues about this film?


(For example).

- What did you feel about the film?

- It was wonderful. I really enjoyed it. & you?

- Me too. At first I thought it was going to be a drag, but then it really got good.

- I’ve always liked such films. They are marvelous.

- What did you like best?

- The scene that grabbed me the most was one of sinking of the “Titanic”. It is so true to life, magnificent & horrible at the same time. & what did you find exciting?

- I’ve always liked love stories & melodramas. I did like the scene in the ocean. It was so touching in fact, I cried.

- Isn’t it a great film?

- Oh, yes!




 The play is full of love, youth & humanism. It is drama, may be romance. It was really marvelous. Thank you.



T. – Tastes differ. But we often discuss films we’ve seen with our friends. So your short dialogues.

1).- What do you think of the film?

- Oh, it was extremely good! I was kept in uncertainty up to the end. The story line was so mysterious.

- Yes, thrillers always keep audience in suspense. And this one is a really good thriller.

2). – It is a pretty good film. The story line is simple but touching.

- Yes, the plot is really very simple but melodramas don’t need to be complicated & mysterious. Usually they are naïve but we like them for it.

3). – Do you like the film?

- Oh, yes it was really good. I like films which are full of fights & adventures.

 - Oh, yes, you do. And this one was really stuffed with fights. I think there were too many of them.

- You simply don’t like action film, I guess.

4). – Did you watch TV last night?

 - No, I went to the pictures.

- What did you see?

- A wonderful film “My brilliant career”. It’s an Australian film, starring Judy Davis. The film is a screen version of a historical novel about life & love in turn.

- Were you familiar with the plot?

- No, I never read the book.

- What’s Judy Davis?

- She’s charming. And in the film the make up & clever photographer made her a real beauty. She is a very talented actress. The film had a good review in the press right from the start & then, you know, it won British Academy awards for the best actress.

- Did you notice the names of the producer & the director?

- No, I didn’t but what’s the difference?

- Don’t you know? I thought you were a movie fan. The producer makes all the business arrangements while the director’s in charge of the actual making of the film.

- Oh! It’s only the stars I really notice. Actually it was a pretty good cast.



P. – In the USA there is a special MPAA Rating System for films. Its responsibility is to classify films, label each film clearly so that cinema managers can control the audience for each picture.

 G. – General audience: all ages admitted.

This is a film which contains nothing in theme, language, nudity & sex or violence which would be offensive to parents whose younger children view the film. Some bits of language may go beyond polite conversation but are common everyday expressions. The violence is at a minimum.

 PG – Parental Guidance Suggested: some material may not be suitable for children.

This is a film which needs to be examined by parents before they let their younger children attend. Parents may consider some material unsuitable for their children. There may be unrespectful scenes or words in these films. There may be violence. There is no sex on the screen, although there may be some indication of sensuality.

R- Restricted: children under 17 require accompanying parent.

This is an adult film in some of its aspects. The language may be rough, the violence may be hard, & nudity & lovemaking may be present.

NC – 17 – No one under 17 is admitted.

This is an adult film & no children are allowed to watch it. The reason for not allowing children to such films can relate to the accumulation of very cruel or sexually connected language or sex & too much violence.

T. – Thank you. But what is your opinion about rating system?

P. – Film certificates are a good idea because if a film is very rude a certificate would prevent very young children from seeing it. But I do think some films are given high certificates when they shouldn’t be.

 P. – They are good because they can stop younger children seeing violent films. But they’re also useful to us all. They give you an idea of what kind of film you are likely to see.

P. – Let’s face it, we all want to watch films that we’re not really allowed to. But if we could actually see a violent or horror film there would probably be lots of scare children around.

T.- And what about film certificates & rating system in Russia.

P. – By the way it was very difficult to find any information about Russia. It appears that we have only restricted films:

                                       - unsuitable for teenagers – it means no one under 13 admitted.

                                       - unsuitable for young people – it means no one under 18 admitted.

                                       - and suitable for kids.

I think that’s all.



T. - Thank you! I think you know much about cinema. So the young – in their teens – look for their own identity and it is up to them what aims they will choose: money, career, power or love & other positive moral values. They have to decide what to choose in life so that in the end, they too, can behave like those old people taking the joy of every moment they are given by Providence.

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