Открытый урок в 4 классе по теме "Let's go shopping"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку по теме

Конспект и презентация к открытому уроку в 4 кдассе по теме "Let's go shopping". Урок обучения диалогической речи по теме "Пойдем за покупками!"


Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 «Б» классе

Учитель: Гильманова А.А.

Тема: “Let’s go shopping” (обучение диалогической речи по теме).

Учебно-методический комплекс – “Enjoy English ”, учебник для 4-го класса общеобразовательных учреждений, М.З. Биболетова, О.А. Денисенко, Н.Н. Трубанева, изд. “Титул”, 2010 г.

Оборудование: компьютер, медиапроектор, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал, видео по теме  

Время реализации: 1 урок (45 минут).

Задачи урока:


  • расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме “Покупки ”;


  • развить навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
  • развить творческие способности учащихся;


  • формировать коммуникативные умения;
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к работникам торговой сферы.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.
  2. Постановка целей урока и мотивация.
  3. Активизация лексического материала по теме “Shopping”.
  4. Физкультурная минутка.
  5. Обучение диалогической речи по теме “Shopping”.
  6. Рефлексия
  7. Этап подведения итогов урока.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. (2 мин)

Teacher - Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Children - Fine, thanks.

Teacher – Today is the 20-th of March, Wednesday. (Слайд 1)   It’s spring. The weather is fine and sunny today. Let’s begin our lesson. First, let’s train our tongue. (Слайд 2)  

II. Постановка целей урока и мотивация. (3 мин)

Teacher -Look at this screen. (Слайд 3 - Видео по теме “Let’s go shopping”)

Teacher -What is the idea of our lesson today?

1 - I think we will speak about shops.

2 - I think we will speak about shopping.

3 - I think we will go shopping in our lesson.

4 - I think we will do the shopping

Teacher – Yes, you right. Well, what is the theme of our lesson? (Слайд 4)

Учащиеся читают тему урока “Let’s go shopping for food and clothes”

Teacher – Today we will revise words and expressions about shopping, speak about shops and learn how to speak in the shop.

III. Активизация лексического материала по теме “Shopping”. (15 мин)

Teacher – First let’s revise words. Where do people buy food and clothes? Let’s revise the names of shops. (Слайд 5).

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и читают слова. 

Teacher –What food do people buy? (Слайд 6).

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и читают слова.

Teacher – What do people wear in different seasons, winter, autumn and summer?

(Слайд 7).

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и читают слова.

Teacher – Good. And now let’s answer the questions. (Слайд 8).

1. Do you like to go shopping?

2. Is there a shop near your house?

3. How often do you go shopping?

4. When do you like to do the shopping?

5. What do you usually buy?

6. What is your favourite shop?

7. Did you go shopping yesterday? Why?

Учащиеся смотрят на экран и отвечают на вопросы.

Варианты ответов учащихся:

  1. Yes, I do. I like shopping very much.
  2. Yes, there is a big shop near my house.
  3. I usually go shopping on weekends.
  4. My family and I like to do the shopping on Sundays.
  5. We usually buy food, toys, stationery.
  6. My favourite shop is Toy shop.
  7. Yes, I did. I went shopping yesterday because I wanted to buy some sweets.

Teacher – Your hometask was to present your favourite shop. Let’s listen to some shop assistants and guess the names of their shops.

Учащиеся рассказывают о своих магазинах, а группа угадывает их.

Teacher – Yes, you right! And we have some customers today. Let’s listen to them.

Teacher – Thank you for your answers. What and where do you buy? Let’s do some exercises. Look at the screen and match food and shop.

  1. Make up sentences. (Слайд 9). Учащиеся составляют устные высказывания.

We buy…at the…

  1. Put the words in the right column. Here are the cards. (Слайд 10).

Put the words in the box in the right column.


a shirt





a cap


a dress





a suit

Clothes shop

Shoe shop


Учащиеся выполняют Карточку 1

Teacher –Let’s check. And now look at the screen and check. (Слайд 10)

Clothes shop

Shoe shop


a shirt



a dress






a cap



a suit


  1. Read the sentences and decide whether they are true or false. (Слайд 10).

Here are the cards.

1. The pet shop sells animals. true

2. You buy sweets at the chemist’s. false

3. You buy bread at the baker’s. true

4. The grocer’s sells meat. false

5. You buy carrots at the greengrocer’s. true

6. You buy butter at the grocer’s. false

7. You can’t buy shoes at the clothes shop. true

Учащиеся выполняют Карточку 2

Teacher –Let’s check. And now look at the screen and check. (Слайд 11)

IV. Физкультминутка. (2 мин)           (Слайд 12)

V. Обучение диалогической речи по теме “Shopping”. (20 мин)

Teacher – And now we know about shops and shopping products. Look at the screen. You see two questions. (Слайд 13 - Видео по теме “Let’s go shopping”). We will watch a video about two young girls who went shopping one day. Watch the video very carefully and then answer the questions:

  1. What is the name of the shop?
  2. What did the girl buy?

Варианты ответов учащихся:

- It’s a clothes shop. (It’s a clothes department)

- She bought a short white coat.

Teacher – You are right. The girl bought a short white coat in the clothes shop.

Teacher – Now let’s guess who said those phrases. (Слайд 14). Look at the example.

Who said which phrase?

 E.g.: Can I help you? – Shop assistant

1. May I try it on?

2. It’s on sale!

3. Do you have it in red?

4. Yes. What size do you take?

5. I’ll take it!

6. How much is it?

7. How is it?

8. Yes, we do.

9. It’s beautiful!

Учащиеся выполняют Карточку 3

Teacher – Now let’s match the phrases from the video. (Слайд 15).


1. May I try it on?

2. Do you have it in red?

3. How much is it?

4. How is it?

a. Yes, we do.

b. It’s beautiful!

c. Yes. What size do you take?

d. It’s on sale!

                                                                                       (Answer: 1c  2a  3d  4b)

Учащиеся выполняют Карточку 4

Teacher – We will work again with this video next lesson. It’s time to remember our friends Tom and Tim. Open your Students book on page 88 ex. 8. “Tom and Tim in the shop”. Listen and complete the conversation. (Слайд 16).

Teacher – The next task is to make the dialogue correct. (Слайд 17).

Read the phrases to make the conversation

  • Yes, of course.
  • Here you are.
  • Thank you.
  • How much are they?
  • They are 20 pounds.
  • Excuse me, can you show me the trousers?

Учащиеся располагают фразы диалога в нужном порядке.

Teacher –Now look at the screen and check (Слайд 17).

  • Excuse me, can you show me the trousers?
  • Yes, of course.
  • How much are they?
  • They are 20 pounds.
  • Here you are.
  • Thank you.

Teacher – Act out the dialogue with your classmate. (Ученики инсценируют диалог.)

Teacher – Well. Now change the underlined words and act out a new dialogue with your classmate. (Ученики инсценируют новый диалог.)

Teacher – Do you remember Miss Chatter? One day she came to the shop and… Our last task is to restore the dialogue (Cлайд 18).

Restore the dialogue

  • Can I help you?
  • I would like to try a T-shirt and jeans.
  • What colour?
  • Blue, please.
  • Any problem, madam?
  • I’d like a smaller size. Does it suit me?
  • It looks good.
  • How much are the jeans?
  • 20 pounds.
  • Here you are.
  • Thank you.

Ученики выполняют задание.

Teacher – Now look at the screen and check (Слайд 18). At home you will do a card

with a new dialogue. Here are your cards. Look at the screen and write down your homework: 1. Workbook, ex.19 p.52; 2. do a card (Слайд 19).

VI. Рефлексия. (2 мин)

Teacher - Наш урок подошел к концу, и теперь давайте подведем его итоги. Вспомните, что мы сегодня сделали на уроке:

1) потренировали гласные и согласные звуки;

2) повторили и закрепили лексику по теме «Покупки»;

3) научились представлять магазин;

4) просмотрели обучающее видео по теме урока;

5) научились вести беседу в магазине. 

VII. Подведение итогов урока. ( 1 мин)

Teacher - I thank everybody. You were very active. All of you have excellent marks. (прокомментировать ответы учащихся). The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The 20-th of March Wednesday

Слайд 2

Let’s remember sounds

Слайд 3

I think we will… g o shopping. h ave breakfast. d o the shopping. s peak about shopping. p lay football. speak about shops. watch video about shopping. dance. d raw pictures. b uy clothes or food.

Слайд 4

Let’s go shopping for food and clothes

Слайд 5

- a bakery [ ə ' beikәri ] = the baker’s - a butchery [ ə 'but ∫ әri ] = the butcher’s - a fishmongery [ ə fi ∫ˏ mΛŋg әri ] = the fishmonger’s - a diary [ ə ' dε ә ri ] - a greengrocery [ ə ' gri : n ˏ gr əυ s ә ri ] the greengrocer ’ s - a grocery [ ə ' gr əυ s ә ri ] = the grocer ’ s - a sweet shop [ ə ' swi:t ∫ ɔp ] - a shoe shop [ ə '∫ u: ∫ ɔp ] - a clothes shop [ ə kl'əυ ð z ∫ɔ p ] Read the names of shops

Слайд 6

Read the names of food porridge milk bread tea honey chocolate meat ham juice coffee yogurt fruit banana egg vegetable candy tomato nut sweet potato cabbage cookie

Слайд 7

Read the names of clothes coat jacket raincoat sweater dress skirt shirt suit T-shirt blouse jeans shorts trainers boots shoes trousers mittens gloves

Слайд 8

1. Do you like to go shopping? 2. Is there a shop near your house? 3. How often do you go shopping? 4. When do you like to do the shopping? 5. What do you usually buy? 6. What is your favourite shop ? 7. Did you go shopping yesterday? Why? Answer the questions A customer

Слайд 10

We buy…at the…

Слайд 11

Put the words in the right column Clothes shop Shoe shop Grocery boots a shirt spaghetti trainers sandals shoes a cap coffee a dress salt tea shorts pepper a suit a shirt a dress shorts a cap a suit boots trainers shoes sandals coffee tea spaghetti pepper salt A shop assistant

Слайд 12

1. The pet shop sells animals. 2. You buy sweets at the chemist’s. 3. You buy bread at the baker’s . 4 . The grocer’s sells meat. 5. You buy carrots at the greengrocer’s. 6. You buy butter at the grocer’s. 7. You can’t buy shoes at the clothes shop . Read the sentences and write true or false True False True False True False True

Слайд 13

Who says which phrase ? E.g .: Can I help you? – Shop assistant 1 . M ay I try it on? 2. It’s on sale! 3. D o you have it in red? 4. Yes. What size do you take? 5. I’ll take it! 6. How much is it? 7. How is it? 8. Yes, we do. 9. It’s beautiful! Customer Shop assistant Customer Shop assistant Customer Customer Shop assistant Shop assistant Customer

Слайд 14

1. M ay I try it on? 2. D o you have it in red? 3. How much is it? 4. How is it? a. Yes, we do. b. It’s beautiful! c. Yes. What size do you take? d. It’s on sale! Match the phrases 1c 2a 3d 4b

Слайд 15

Read the phrases to make the conversation. Yes, of course. Here you are. Thank you. How much are they? They are 10 pounds . Excuse me, can you show me the trousers ?

Слайд 16

Restore the dialogue. Can I help you? I would like to try a T-shirt and jeans. What colour ? Blue, please. Any problem, madam? I’d like a smaller size. Does it suit me? It looks good. How much are the jeans? 25 pounds. Here you are. Thank you. … … … … … …

Слайд 17

Hometask : 1. Workbook, ex. 19 p.5 2 2. Do a card

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The 20-th of March Wednesday

Слайд 2

I think we will… g o shopping. h ave breakfast. d o the shopping. s peak about shopping. p lay football. speak about shops. watch video about shopping. dance. d raw pictures. b uy clothes or food.

Слайд 3

Let’s go shopping for food and clothes

Слайд 4

- a bakery [ ə ' beikәri ] = the baker’s - a butchery [ ə 'but ∫ әri ] = the butcher’s - a fishmongery [ ə fi ∫ˏ mΛŋg әri ] = the fishmonger’s - a diary [ ə ' dε ә ri ] - a greengrocery [ ə ' gri : n ˏ gr əυ s ә ri ] the greengrocer ’ s - a grocery [ ə ' gr əυ s ә ri ] = the grocer ’ s - a sweet shop [ ə ' swi:t ∫ ɔp ] - a shoe shop [ ə '∫ u: ∫ ɔp ] - a clothes shop [ ə kl'əυ ð z ∫ɔ p ] Read the names of shops

Слайд 5

Read the names of food porridge milk bread tea honey chocolate meat ham juice coffee yogurt fruit banana egg vegetable candy tomato nut sweet potato cabbage cookie

Слайд 6

Read the names of clothes coat jacket raincoat sweater dress skirt shirt suit T-shirt blouse jeans shorts trainers boots shoes trousers mittens gloves

Слайд 7

1. Do you like to go shopping? 2. Is there a shop near your house? 3. How often do you go shopping? 4. When do you like to do the shopping? 5. What do you usually buy? 6. What is your favourite shop ? 7. Did you go shopping yesterday? Why? Answer the questions A customer

Слайд 9

We buy…at the…

Слайд 10

Put the words in the right column Clothes shop Shoe shop Grocery boots a shirt spaghetti trainers sandals shoes a cap coffee a dress salt tea shorts pepper a suit a shirt a dress shorts a cap a suit boots trainers shoes sandals coffee tea spaghetti pepper salt A shop assistant

Слайд 11

1. The pet shop sells animals. 2. You buy sweets at the chemist’s. 3. You buy bread at the baker’s . 4 . The grocer’s sells meat. 5. You buy carrots at the greengrocer’s. 6. You buy butter at the grocer’s. 7. You can’t buy shoes at the clothes shop . Read the sentences and write true or false True False True False True False True

Слайд 12

Who says which phrase ? E.g .: Can I help you? – Shop assistant 1 . M ay I try it on? 2. It’s on sale! 3. D o you have it in red? 4. Yes. What size do you take? 5. I’ll take it! 6. How much is it? 7. How is it? 8. Yes, we do. 9. It’s beautiful! Customer Shop assistant Customer Shop assistant Customer Customer Shop assistant Shop assistant Customer

Слайд 13

1. M ay I try it on? 2. D o you have it in red? 3. How much is it? 4. How is it? a. Yes, we do. b. It’s beautiful! c. Yes. What size do you take? d. It’s on sale! Match the phrases 1c 2a 3d 4b

Слайд 14

Read the phrases to make the conversation. Yes, of course. Here you are. Thank you. How much are they? They are 10 pounds . Excuse me, can you show me the trousers ?

Слайд 15

Restore the dialogue. Can I help you? I would like to try a T-shirt and jeans. What colour ? Blue, please. Any problem, madam? I’d like a smaller size. Does it suit me? It looks good. How much are the jeans? 25 pounds. Here you are. Thank you. … … … … … …

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