English - speaking countries
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Петрова Наталия Семёновна

Материал для систематизации знаний о географическом положении англоговорящих стран и активизации страноведческого материала.


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                 Открытый урок на тему «English – speaking countries» в 7 классе

                                                          Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

Good morning boys and girls. How are you? I’m very well, thanks. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. There are some guests here. Good morning dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. I hope you’ll enjoy our work. As usual we start our lesson

with some questions. What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?

 2. Подготовка учащихся к усвоению учебного материала.

Today we have a lesson devoted to the topic "English speaking countries".

Pay attention to the motto of the lesson:

I’d like to travel all over the world

I’d like to learn about everything I want

The more I know the clever I am!

The questions I ask: What? Where? When?

 Let’s do some phonetic dream:

Advanced – передовой

Powerful – сильный, мощный

To share – делиться

To be shortened – укороченный

Emblem – эмблема

Financial – финансовый

To occupy – занимать

To stretch - расправлять  

3. Проверка знаний учащихся.


What do you know about English – speaking countries? What are they? What are the capitals of these countries? These and other questions we will answer today.

At first, let me introduce to you guests. Some guests were invited to our place. You are welcome. They I’ll tell us about English-Speaking countries but they do not tell the name of the country. Try to guess where they are from. Who’ll begin!

            1) Выступление учащихся


                - My country is situated on a group of islands lying in the north-west part of the                    

           continent of Europe. It is an island state. It’s one of the world’s smallest countries.    

            There are no high mountains, no very long river, and no great forest in my country. The

          head of the state is the Queen. My country consists of four parts. There you can meet

          people of different nationalities. (The United Kingdom of Great Britain)

- What country I am from?

- She is from The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

- Now Melissa will answer you questions about her country. If she answers correct you say «That’s right» if she answers incorrect you say «That’s wrong».

   Is your country consists of four parts? (The UK)        

  What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain? (London)

Where can you visit the Tower? (In London)

 Thank you for you story.

Do you want to make friend with British?

                    Another guest is from one of the richest countries in the world.


 My country is situated in the central part of the North American continent. It’s one of the most powerful and advanced countries in the world. It has the third largest population in the world. It’s a real melting pot. It is a highly developed industrial country. It is one of the richest countries in the world. It is washed by two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. The head of the state is president. The second important language in the United States is Spanish. (The United States of America)

  • What country I am from?
  • Would you like to ask some questions to Insur?
  • Who discovered America?(Christopher Columbus)
  • Who was the first president of the United States of America?(Gorge Washington)
  • What nationality are the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack London?(Americans)
  • What is the capital of the United States of America?
  • Another guest is from the second largest country in the world. Welcome to our place.
  •                                                                   Luiza

My country has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometers. It is the second largest country in the world. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The population of the country is over 26 million people. It is a federal state. There are two official languages in this country: English and French. The emblem of this country is the maple leaf. (Canada)

Pupils want to ask you some questions.

Is your country situated between two oceans?

  • What is the capital of Canada?
  • What is the national symbol of Canada?

Thank you for your story.

If I am not mistaken you name is Luiza. Are you from America?

Welcome to our place another guest. This country looks like Italy upside down.

  •                                                                 Marsel

  My country is situated south-east of Australia. It consists of two main islands and some smaller islands. My country looks like Italy upside down. The population of the country is over three million people. The official languages are English and Maori. It is known as the World’s Biggest Farm/ (New Zealand)

 Would you like to ask some questions?

What is the capital of your country?

  • Is your country famous for the bird kiwi?
  • What currency is used in New Zealand? (The New Zealand dollar)
  • Thank you.

                   Another guest is from one of the biggest island in the world. The symbol of this country is kangaroo.


 My country is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. My country has an area of nearly eight million square kilometers. The population of my country is over 18 million people. You can meet amazing animals in this country such as panda, kangaroo and many others. It is called sometimes “Oz” or “the Lucky Country” (The Commonwealth of Australia)

Thank you/ Pupils want ask some questions.

  • What is the capital of your country? (Canberra)
  • How many populations live in your country? (18 million people)
  • What are the famous animals in your country?
  • The English – speaking countries The term is used for the countries where the majority of population speaks English as their mother tongue. They are: Great Britain The United States of America Canada Australia New Zealand.

    2)Представления учащихся.

Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. It's very important to know traditions and customs of different people. It will help you to know more about the history and life of different nations and countries. One cannot speak about England without speaking about its traditions and customs.

 Our guests want to introduce us something interesting.

Mellissa, what would you like to show us?

 - I will sing a song «Do you live in London». London is a capital of Great Britain. It’s famous for many attractions such as the Tower of London, the London Eye, Hyde Park and British Museum/ London is a home to many museums, galleries, historical sites and parks that the whole family can enjoy. Let’s sing a song «Do you live in London». Now let’s sing together.

The song is very beautiful and melodious. Melissa, thank you . You’re done!

What are you prepared? What do you know about American cowboys? Who are they?

Insur. Cowboy – an American West cowboy. Cowboys played an important role in the settling of the west. Ranching was a big industry and cowboys helped to run the ranches. They would get up early in the morning. I invited to boys who will dance Cowboy Country Dance.

Thank you! You are the best American cowboys.

  Luiza, what would you like to show?

Let’s watch a video. Two men will speak native English. They  people talk about the weekend. Listen carefully and get prepare to answer the questions where usually go on weekend foreigners.

 You have listened two people talking about on weekend. Do you understand their conversation?

Luiza- Where did go Mark last weekend?

            What did he do there?

            Did he see bears?

            Did he afraid bears?

             Did Susan believe him?

             Did Mark surprised?

Mark was so upset. He thought that in the mountain were huge bears. But it was only a small fluffy animals’ shadow.

Thank you. Mark is an inattentive and absent-minded man.

Mike, are you prepared some game?

Mike: No? I am not.  I want to check you grammar. Do you know Past Simple? The song name is «What did you do today?». Let’s sing together.

Thank you. You know grammar very well.

Thank you very much. And what did you do today? OK! That all! Don’t forget Past simple.

Melissa, you are welcome!

In my country children like to watch Disney channel. Disney channel is my favorite programmer too.  Let’s watch the beginning of «Mickey Mouse» cartoon. Let’s sing together.

Thank you, Melissa. Do you know British cartoons? Do you know American cartoons? Do you any Russian cartoons? Thank you. Well done.

3) Разыгрывание диалогов.

You are from different parts of the world. Act out the dialogue. Introduce yourself, share some information about country and invite you new friend to visit it.

Amelia is from the UK and Melissa if from Australia.

 - Hi!

 - Hi!

-Is England the name of you country?

 - No, it isn’t. It called Great Britain.

 - Really? So, I’m sorry, I’m mistaken.

 - In my opinion you simply mix the names.

 - And what about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United Kingdom?

 - Yes, it’s the official name of my country. But you shouldn’t forget Britain is the United Kingdom, the name of the island of England, Scotland, Wales and

Northern Ireland.

 - Thank you.

 - Visit my country, please.

  - Good buy!

  - Buy, buy!

Thank you!

 Luiza wanted to visit Washington the one of the largest cities in the world.

Insur and Luiza would like act the dialogue for you.

- Hi!

 - Hi!

  • Is Washington well planned?
  • Yes, of course. In the centre of Washington you can see the Capitol connected with the White House by Pennsylvania Avenue.

 - Is the street long?

 -  It's a mile and a half long.

- The Capitol is the highest building in the US capital, isn't it?

- Sure. -  

 - Is there any monument to President Washington in the capital?

 - Certainly. It's in the Potomac Park; it was opened to public in 1888.

 - Than you.

 - You are welcome. Visit my country, please.

 - Good buy!

 - Buy, buy!

Ilnara and Farida wanted to visit English – speaking countries. Where are they going? Let’s listen them.

- Hi!

 - Hi!

  - Which English speaking countries would you like visit?

 - As for me, I’d like visit the UK.

 - Why?

- The UK is a country which language we learn at school.

- And you?

 - I would like visit Australia. Australia is famous for its amazing flora and fauna. It is the country of koalas, kangaroos and pandas.

 - Good buy!

 - See you later!

4) Ответы на вопросы.

a) Let’s continue our lesson.

Were you attentive?

Let me see how well you know the flags of the countries.

b)The next task is to look through the text and fill in the gaps. Use the geographical names in the box.

  • The UK                    The British        
  • The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  •                                                                                   Great Britain                   London                                      
  •                         English
  •  Britain                                                                      
  •             England               Scotland
  • Wales                      Northern Ireland


It is an island state. The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain   and Northern Ireland. Usually it is shortened to the UK or Great Britain. It’s one of the world’s smallest countries in the world. The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales   and Northern Ireland. In Britain you can meet people of different nationalities. The capital of the country is London which is situated on the Thames river. It’s the seventh biggest city in the world.

English is the official language of the country. People who live in this country are called the British. They are polite, reserved and conservative. They are proud of their country, the richest country in the world.

 c) There are six questions about English – speaking countries.

Name the country

1. One of the most powerful and advanced country in the world.( USA)

2. One of the world’s smallest countries. (The UK)

3. The third largest population in the world.(USA)

4. One of the biggest islands in the world. (Australia)

5. The second important language. (New Zealand, Canada)

6. The second largest country in the world.(Canada)

d) Match the countries and the word combinations

Great Britain      - Italy upside down   (New Zealand)    

   Australia             - an island state (Great Britain)

   New Zealand      - a “Lucky country” (Australia)

   the USA               - a real melting pot (The USA)

   Canada                - the second largest       country in the world

Thank you. You are good geographers.

5) Некоторые факты про России.

Some words about Russia

  • The continent (Russian Federation – is one of the largest country in the world)
  • The capital (Moscow)
  • Big cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok) 
  • The population ( more than 145 million people)
  • Official language or languages (is the only official state language, but the individual republics have often made their native language co-official next to Russian)
    weather (winters are quite cold, springs and autumns are cool and wet, summers are hot)

Thank you.

 6) Знакомство с городом Сочи.

Let’s continue our lesson.

 - Have you ever been in Sochi? Sochi is the largest Russian resort city. Why you parents chose this city as the place for their holidays in winter and in summer.

Aygel tells about Sochi.

  • The 2014 Winter Olympics will be in February in Sochi. This will be the first time that the Russian Federation will host the Winter Olympics.

4. Завершение урока.

 - Let’s draw a conclusion about English – speaking countries.

 - What are they? Name them.

 - What language is spoken in them?

 - Why do you learn English?

5. Подведение итогов урока.

 - Thank you for the lesson. I’ m very pleased and satisfied with you. I’m proud of my pupils. Next time we’ll speak about our country. Your home task is to write a letter to our new friends about Russia.

You get excellent marks. Thank for a good job. The lesson is over.


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