Открытый урок в 10 классе "Личность. Субкультуры"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Сергеева Елена Сергееевна

вводный урок по теме субкультуры, ввледение и первичная тренировка лексики


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема. Личность. Субкультуры. (Identity. Subcultures)



 1.Тренировать учащихся в употреблении новых лексических единиц по теме «Личность. Субкультуры» в устной речи, при чтении текстов и ответах на поставленные вопросы, в интервью для достижения коммуникативной цели в рамках поставленных задач.

 2.Познакомить учащихся с понятием «личность», его содержанием и активизация лексики по теме в разных видах деятельности.


1. Расширять кругозор и словарный запас учащихся.

2. Обучение говорению – неподготовленной речи в ситуации непосредственного общения.


1. Развивать логическое мышление учащихся и смысловую догадку.

2. Развивать учебно-информационные навыки АГЧП.

3. Развивать учебно-коммуникативные навыки АГЧП на основе предложенных для выполнения упражнений.

4. Развивать учебно-организационные навыки работы при выполнении различных команд, как учителя, так и самих учащихся, при работе в различных режимах (T→Cl, P→Cl,T↔P, P↔P, P1→ P2→P3→P1), а также навыки самостоятельной работы.


1.Воспитывать любовь к английскому языку.

2.Воспитывать эстетический вкус.

3.Воспитывать культуру общения при выражении собственного мнения и построении интервью.

4. Социальная направленность и воспитание доброты, чуткого и внимательного отношения в людям в обществе, разнообразным субкультурам.


Учебник  10 класса «Миллениум» под редакцией Грозы О. Л. и др, рисунок – дерево с листьями, на которых напечатаны составляющие элементы личности, магниты; компьютер и проектор, компьютерная презентация с высказыванием, выражающим идею заявленной темы урока, текстом и фотографиями представителей различных субкультур,  опорные слова на доску для выражения мнения; раздаточный материал на каждого ученика – тексты, карточки с выражениями о личности, карточки с лексикой и заданием, карточки для интервью; цветные листочки с пожеланиями для каждого ученика.

Ход урока.

1. Начало урока.

1) организационный момент.

      - Good morning, dear students. Glad to see you. Take your seats, please/

      - What is the date today? What is the day today?

      - Who is away today? Do you know why? What’s wrong with ..?

      - And how do you feel today?

      - Are you lucky today?  I wish you good luck.


2) объявление цели урока.                

The aim of our lesson is to understand what the identity is, to learn the new words and to use these words in our speech. Today we are going to listen and read the text about different subcultures and discuss the problems of these subcultures. At the end of the lesson some of you will be interviewers and will take the interview.

2. Актуализация темы. /   Речевая зарядка.

The theme of our lesson is Identity and the subtitle is Subcultures. (Open the books at page 24, please).

 Let’s start our lesson from the saying of Albert Einstein. Look on the screen and read the saying, please (на экране появляется первый слайд с высказыванием и темой урока).

Identity is not created with what a person hears or says but does and makes.

- How do you understand it? What is the main idea of the expression?

- What do you imagine when you hear this word? What are your associations?

- What is the identity?

- Look at the blackboard. You can see a tree there. Let’s imagine that this is Identity. (на доске изображение дерева с ветвями и корнями). The basis of identity is our healthy mind (выражение помещается у основания дерева).

You have got sheets of paper with the words constituting the notion “IDENTITY”. Use the special phrases on the blackboard and express what the identity is. (По мере того как дети называют, из чего состоит личность, учитель помещает фразы в виде листьев на дерево)

  • Psychological qualities: sincere, enthusiastic, aggressive, sensitive, optimist etc
  • Society
  • Culture of the country and the region
  • Appearance
  • Family: parents, traditions of the family
  • Views on life and attitude to life
  • Education: kindergarten, school, university
  • Interests and hobbies

- Please, make a conclusion.

3. Введение новых лексических единиц и первичное закрепление.

Our theme is closely connected with the new words given on page 26. Open it, please. Look on the screen or on the page and repeat after me these words. Your task is to match the word and the translation. (раздаются листочки с фразами и дети работают индивидуально на листочках)

  • make a statement
  • get one’s message across
  • like-minded
  • narrow-minded
  • take their believes to extremes
  • tension between
  • protest against
  • hurt people physically

  • напряжение между
  • единомышленники
  • протестовать (против)
  • с узким мировоззрением, ограниченные
  • навязывать свое мнение
  • впадать в крайности
  • причинять людям физический вред
  • заявлять о себе

- Let’s check the translation. What do all these words mean? ( these are qualities of people)

- Now you are to translate my sentences from Russian into English.

1. Hippies make statements with their clothes.

2. Punks like to get their message across very much.

3. Pete and Jack are brothers and they are like-minded people.

4. Skinheads always take their beliefs to extremes.

5. There is a tension between people of different groups.

6. Hippies protest against aggression.

7. Punks often hurt people physically

4. Подготовка к прочтению текста с одновременным прослушиванием.

- What are my sentences about? (About identity and different groups in the society)

- Look on the screen. There you can see different subcultural groups existing in our society and they are quite different.( на экране изображение разных субкультур)

- What can you tell us about them?

- Do you know any people belong to such groups?

- Your task is to listen and read the text on the screen and be ready to answer the question “What subcultural groups are described in the text?”

5. Прослушивание и прочтение текста об истории субкультур с экрана.

When Rock-n-Roll appeared in the 1950s, it became popular with young people. It had a great effect on people’s lives. The first group which appeared in the late 1950s was the Teddy Boys. Their clothes were of King Edward VII, the beginning of the 20th century (Ted / Teddy - abbreviations of Edward). This was like revolution in fashion: long jackets with velvet collars, tight trousers and brightly coloured socks. Their shoes had very thick rubber soles and long hair was swept upwards and backwards.

In the mid 60-s the Mods became the leaders of teenage fashion. They were called so because of the modern style of clothes: short hair, smart suits, and long green coats with hoods. The Mods rode scooters, which they usually decorated with a lot of lights and mirrors.

There was a tension between the Mods and the Rockers. Like Teddy Boys, the Rockers listened to rock-n-roll. They rode powerful bikes, had long untidy hair, wore thick leather jackets and drank alcohol.

At the end of the 1960s a new group appeared whose ideas started in California in the USA -The Hippies. They made a statement with their philosophy of peace and love.

Hippies wore simple clothes, blue jeans and open sandals and grew their hair very long. They lived together in large communities. It was their protest against the materialism of the 1960s.

The 1970s saw the appearance of the Skinheads, who got their name because they cut their hair extremely short or shaved it off. They wore very short trousers, large boots and braces.

Skinheads took their beliefs to extremes. They got their message across hurting Asian and black immigrants physically in the streets and in their home. Their slogan is “Britain for white people only”.

Towards the end of the 1970s another style of music and dressing appeared – the Punks (punk – Am.E. immoral). They sang songs about anarchy and destruction and use bad language. There are many other youth groups nowadays in the world. Mostly they are closely connected with the time of this or that type of music popularity.

6. Беседа по тексту.

- What subcultural groups are described in the text?

- When did they appear?

- What are their interests?

- What clothes do they wear?

- How do they look?

- How do they make statements about their subcultures?

- What groups are aggressive / peaceful?

Let’s put the groups to the right order of appearing in the society.

 the Mods

 the Rockers

 the Punks

  the Skinheads

 the Hippies

the Teddy Boys

     - Would you like to belong to such a group? Why?
    - What group do you like /don’t you like? Why?

    7. Повторное чтение текста и закрепление лексики урока.

Read the text once more and put the appropriate words into the gaps. Work in pairs: 

When Rock-n-Roll appeared in the 1950s, it became popular with young people. It had a great effect on people’s lives. The first group which appeared in the late 1950s was the Teddy Boys. Their clothes were of King Edward VII, the beginning of the 20th century (Ted / Teddy - abbreviations of Edward). This was like revolution in fashion: long jackets with velvet collars, tight trousers and brightly coloured socks. Their shoes had very thick rubber soles and long hair was swept upwards and backwards.

In the mid 60-s the Mods became the leaders of teenage fashion. They were called so because of the modern style of clothes: short hair, smart suits, and long green coats with hoods. The Mods rode scooters, which they usually decorated with a lot of lights and mirrors.

There was a tension (1)____________the Mods and the Rockers. Like Teddy Boys, the Rockers listened to rock-n-roll. They rode powerful bikes, had long untidy hair, wore thick leather jackets and drank alcohol.

At the end of the 1960s a new group appeared whose ideas started in California in the USA -The Hippies. They (2)________a statement with their philosophy of peace and love.

Hippies wore simple clothes, blue jeans and open sandals and grew their hair very long. They lived together in large communities. It was their protest (3)___________the materialism of the 1960s.

The 1970s saw the appearance of the Skinheads, who got their name because they cut their hair extremely short or shaved it off. They wore very short trousers, large boots and braces.

Skinheads took their (4)___________________. They got their (5)___________across hurting Asian and black immigrants (6)____________________in the streets and in their home. Their slogan is “Britain for white people only”.

Towards the end of the 1970s another style of music and dressing appeared – the Punks (punk – Am.E. immoral). They sing songs about anarchy and destruction and use bad language.




beliefs to extremes  



8. Проведение интервью.

Look on the screen, please. There are two main questions to the auditory: 

1.Would you like to belong to such a group? Why?
2. What group do you like /don’t you like? Why?

- Who wants to be the interviewers? (4 students)

Your task is to ask these questions and note the answers of the guests and other students. Then you should make the conclusion about preferrings of the audience.



Question 1: 

Would you like to belong to such groups, subcultures? Why?

Question 2: 

What groups, subcultures do you like/

don’t you like? Why?



Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6

Person 7

Person 8

The result


    Group 1/2

Question 1: 

Would you like to belong to such groups, subcultures? Why?

Question 2: 

What groups, subcultures do you like

 / don’t you like? Why?



Person 1

Person 2

Person 3

Person 4

Person 5

Person 6

The result

9. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Look on the screen for the last time and write down your hometask:

   1. Learn the new words by heart on page 26.
  2. Ex.2 p.24-25.Read and translate the text. Match the titles and the paragraphs. Answer the questions alongside the text.

10. Подведение итогов.

- What are your impressions of the lesson?

- Did you like it? / What didn’t you like?

- What was difficult?

- What was especially interesting?

- Whose work did you like best of all?

- I’m very pleased with your answers especially I’d like to notice the work of...

- Your marks are…

- I wish you good luck. Take these sheets of paper with different wishes for you.

The lesson is over, good-bye.


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