Урок-закрепление в 11 «А» классе по теме: «Город и его архитектура» с применением обучающих структур сингапурского обучения.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Урок-закрепление материала в 11 классе по теме: "Город и его архитектура" с применением обучающих структур сингапурского обучения (УМК English XI О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева). На данном уроке обучающиеся закрепляют изученную лексику, выполняя задания с применением структур сингапурского обучения. В процессе работы обучающиеся совершенствуют свои коммуникативные умения, выполняя разнообразные и интересные задания.


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Предварительный просмотр:


T: Good-morning, students! Hope you are fine today and ready to start our lesson.

     Look at the board, please.


This is the motto of our lesson:

     The more you live,

     The more you travel,

     The more you travel,

     The more you see,

     The more you see,

     The more you learn

 And this is the epigraph of our lesson:

    “The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page”

                                                                                                             (St. Augustine)

Do you agree with this statement?

Students, what do you think about these words?

PP: answers

T: Yes, I agree with you.

Слайд 2.

Today we are going to speak about beautiful cities and famous sights. So the topic of our lesson is Town and its architecture.

Architecture, as you know, is the art and science of planning, designing and constructing buildings. Different cities look different due to their architecture, which gives them individuality.

Слайд 3.

And now let’s speak about architecture. Let’s do Rally Robin.

Look at your shoulder partner and discuss: What styles of architecture do you know? I’ll give you 15 seconds.

Table №1, student 2 your answer. (Gothic style, Renaissance style, Baroque and Rococo styles, Romanessque style)

Слайд 4.

T: Well done. And now let’s do Think-Write-Round Robin. And your task is: answer the question. You should think, write down the answer and then discuss in your group.

Слайд 5.

  1. What do you think of modern architecture?

Слайд 6.

  1. What city abroad would you like to visit? Why?

Слайд 7.

  1. Which of the world cities are the most interesting from the point of view of their architecture?

Table №2, student 3 your answer.

Слайд 8.

T: Let’s continue and speak about the most marvelous sights of St. Petersburg, London, Istanbul and Rome.

Let’s do Simultaneous Round Table.

Слайд 9.

Your task is to remember famous sights and write down on your sheets of paper, then to pass your paper to your partner and so on.

PP: answers

T: Table №4, student 3 your answer. Thank you.

Слайд 10.

So, let’s continue. Let’s do corners. Students, imagine you have the opportunity to go abroad. Your choice.  

Look at the corners (Istanbul, London, Paris, Rome). Please stand up and choose the city.

Thank you. And now find a partner and tell each other why you choose this city. I’ll give you 1minute.

PP: answers

T: I want to know your opinion about this city and its architecture.

     Thank you. Sit down, please.

Слайд 11.

Students, look at the board, please. This is an organic architecture. Students explain how you understand the term «organic architecture» (if you don’t know you may use the Internet)

PP: Organic architecture is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world through design approaches so sympathetic and well integrated with its site, that buildings, furnishings and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition.

T: Thank you.

     Do you like the idea of this style?

     How do you think this architecture is more suitable for big towns or the countryside?

PP: answers

Слайд 12.

T: And now open your books p.68 ex.7 So, let’s do AR Guide. Your task is to read 6 sentences and choose the right item to complete the sentences. I’ll give you 1 minute. And now let’s listen this text and check yourself. Students, have you change your opinion after listening?

PP: Yes/No.

T: Well done. I think you agree with me that all cities are very beautiful and our town Chistopol is beautiful, too. And now let’s speak about Chistopol. Oleg prepared a small excursion.

Слайд 13, 14.

P: Hello!  Welcome to Chistopol. Chistopol is an old, small, quiet, provincial town. It is situated on the left bank of the Kama River. It was founded in 1781.

 Слайд 15, 16.

Let’s start from K.Marx street. It is one of our central streets. There are many old fine buildings there. They are architectural monuments of the 19th century. One of them is Nickolsky Cathedral.

Слайд 17, 18.

Let’s go along the street. There is the Museum of Regional Studies to the right of you and Pedagogical College to the left of you. Both buildings are considered the architectural monuments of the 19th century.

Слайд 19.

We are coming to Teacher’s House. During the Great Patriotic War many famous writers, poets and actors lived in our town, such as Pasternak, Fadeev, Leonov, Bokov ect. They gathered together at this house, read their works, performed their plays.

Слайд 20, 21.

Now we are making our way to Alley of Heroes. We have 15 Heroes of the Soviet Union. Every year on the Victory Day many people come and bring flowers there.

Слайд 22, 23.

As you can see our town is very green with its parks and squares. They are very nice.

Слайд 24, 25.

We have crossed the central park now we are in Lenin Street. There is Pasternak’s museum in this street. We’ll stop here. Our tour has finished. I hope you have enjoyed this excursion. Thank you.

Слайд 26.

T: Thank you for your work. You were active, clever and creative students. We have done a lot of work. I like the work all of you and I give you good and excellent marks.

Now write down your home task. You should do a small project about any town (city) and its architecture.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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