Открытый урок в 10 классе на английском языке: "Стресс в жизни человека и как его преодолеть"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) на тему

Черкашина Светлана Федоровна

В  уроке раскрыты аспекты появления стрессов в жизни человека, что способствует появлению стресса и как вести себя в сложившейся ситуации. Предлагаются правила выхода из сложной ситуации и как друзья и близкие могут помочь тебе.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                   STRESS AND RELAXATION.

Objectives: to help students start thinking about health value; to practise relaxation techiques, discussing ways of dealing with stress, expressing opinions; to develop speaking, listening skills.

Equipment: SB Upstream Intermediate, Express Publishing Presentation.

Active vocabulary: stressful situation, to reduce stress, to combat stress, to strain, to shake off, to feel, to suffer from, muscles, lifestyle, to restore, to muster, tehniques, to be caused by, emotional tension, physical sufferings, to affect smb, physically and mentally.



T. Good morning, boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson, I think you’ll do your best during the lesson.


(To introduce the issue; to encourage spontaneous speaking)


T. Now, I’d like you to guess the theme of our lesson. Look at the pictures on the screen very attentively.

What is the problem with each person? What’s wrong with them?

C1. She can’t stop yawning. She must be overtired. The woman is having a splitting headache. She must work too hard. He may have got a parking ticket. He ought to relax. His work can’t be going very well. They must be stressed. They shouldn’t work so hard. He may have got a parking ticket. He ought to relax. His work can’t be going very well. They must be stressed. They shouldn’t work so hard..

T. You are absolutely right. All these people are stressed. Every day we get into different stressful situations. That’s why today we’ll speak about stress and relaxation.



(To present new active vocabulary; to practise listening for specific information; to enlarge vocabulary on the topic.)


T. Do you know how dangerous stress can be? It affects us both physically and mentally, so reducing stress is something that we should all try to do.

But before we speak how to combat stress let’s speak about how dangerous it is.

Not being able to get rid of tension and stress millions of people have real physical sufferings. American scientists say that people who don’t know how to reduce stress regularly feel;

13% splitting headache;

17% suffer from muscle pain and pain in joints;

30% pain in back;

60% have problems with sex;

70% of all painful symptoms are caused by muscle and emotional tension.

Knowing all these facts who can say what stress is? (Stress is reaction of our body to various extreme situations). But the most strange thing that we can’t live without stress. It is always in our life. We so often get into stressful situations. They can be very different end we also react differently in this or that situation.


(To practice exchanging opinions end expressing attitudes to stressful situations.)

Group work

T-P1,P2, P3

T. now look at the list below end rank the least stressful situations from 1 to 9, where “1” is the least stressful and “9” is most stressful. Compare your list to your partner’s and talk about the situation.

a) Being stuck in a traffic jam;

b) Doing the homework;

c) Waiting in a queue;

d) Being late for school/work;

e) Missing the bus/train to school/work;

f) Walking home alone at night;

g) Going to the dentist;

h) Talking an exam;

i) Not being able to sleep at night.


A. to me, going to the dentist is the most stressful situation. I can’t stand drills! What about you?

B. well, I just hate being stuck in traffic jams. I really get stressed when I have to sit and wait for ages.


(To practise predicting)


       T. Well, now when you know what stress is and what stressful  situations  are let’s speak about relaxation as the way of reducing stress. How do you understand the world to relax? Can you give definition  of relaxation? Try to do it.

        Well, relaxation is muscle and psychological relaxation for restoration of vital forces. The technique of relaxation can be mustered by everyone. Having mastered the technique of relaxation you can not only to have rest more efficiently but also to work more fruitfully. Don’t that knowing how to plunge  yourself  in the state of relaxation in a short period of time you can muster it practicing every day.

        Don’t  be afraid of for such practice. You need only 5-10 minutes every day. The ways of quick reducing stress are:

1. Physical exercises;

2. Deep breathing;

3. Relaxation;

4. Massage.

Activity techniques of relaxation


T. Now, I’ll show you some simple techniques of relaxation which you can practice not only at home but at school and even in the street.

Exercises “A mountain from your shoulders”

You can do it standing, sitting and even during the walk.

Put your shoulders up as high as you can, then put them far back and put them down. Doing this exercise you are shaking off muscle tension in the field of shoulders and back. You become surer; your mood is getting better.

Exercise “Controlling anger”

You can do it sitting or standing if you need you can do it while talking.

Breathe through your nose counting to 4. Breathe out through your mouth counting to 5. While breathing out relax your shoulders. Doing this exercise you can control negative emotions such as anger, fear, agitation (волнение). Do this exercise while you become calm.

“Relaxation through tension”

T. You can do it sitting comfortably on your chair. Bend your legs in knees and strain muscles of your  knees and then relax them.

Straighten out your legs and strain muscles of your things. Relax. Then repeat the process of tension and relaxation of the rest parts of your body: stomach, breast, arms, neck and face. Sit for some minutes relaxed. In the result you have relaxation of all your body and the tension or nerves, stress is shaked off.

Complex of exercises for your eyes

At  school and at home your eyes are tensed daily for 5-9 hours. That’s why we need to do special exercises to strengthen muscles of eyelids, to make bloodstream better and to make the work at short distances easier.

Sitting on a chair, touch the back of the chair – breath in. Then bend forward to the desk-breath out. Do this exercise 5-6 times.

Sit strait, hands on your waist. Turn your head to the right, look at the elbow of your right arm. Then turn your head to the left side and look at the elbow. Do it 5-6 times.

Sit touching the back of your chair, close your eyelids, close your eyes tightly, then open them. Do it 5-6 times.

Sit straight. Put your eyes up, then to the left, down, to the right, up. Now change the direction. Do it 5-6 times. Then stroke (погладьте) slightly your eyelids  by tips of your fingers. Open your eyes and blink quickly for some time.

Now look in front of you at the blackboard for 2-3 seconds, and then look at the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Do this exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise “Palming”

Rub your hands with all your might to warm them. Then put your elbows on the desk and close eyes by your palms. Don’t touch the eyes. You should concentrate and feel the warmth, then during 30-60 seconds direct this warmth into your eyes.

Rub your hands with all your might to warm them. Then put your elbows on the desk and close eyes by your palms. Don’t touch the eyes. You should concentrate and feel the warmth, then during 30-60 seconds direct this warmth into the eyes . The aim of palming is to give a full rest to your  eyes. Even 10 seconds of palming is very useful.

Treatment of your eyes by sunlight is one of the best exercises for restoration of your vision. Stand up to the sun, eyes closed. Turn your body and head in the tempo of vales to the left and to the right repeating to yourself: « The sun is going to the left,  then to the right and again to the left and so again and again and always  from me». Doing this exercise  avoid looking  at the sun. Do this exercise for 3-4 minutes. After this exercise you should do palming.


(To encourage oral exchange of opinions on the issue; to practice  speaking on the basis of Ss` personal experience; to brainstorm ideas; to practice the language of advice.)

Pair work


T. Well, now when you are fully relaxed let`s see how other people relax. Survey results for  500 teenagers show that:

28% watch TV;

24% spend time with friends;

12% read a book;

10% listen to music;

8%  play sports;

6% play a musical instruments;

5%  go  shopping;

3% go to the cinema;

3% go out for a meal;

2% play computer games.

 Pair work 2

T. Well, now let`s work in pairs. Looking at the table  talk about:

    Different ways to relax;

    Pros and cons of active and passive relaxation.

(Read through the survey results with smb. Read out the first prompt (подсказка) and brainstorm with smb to  find out other ways to relax and write the list on the board. GO through the list of activities and categorize them according to whether  they are active or passive.) You can add: get back  to nature, be satisfied  with less, focus on the family, help those in need  and change your lifestyle etc.)

Ex.9, p.73 (SB «Upstream Intermediate»).

T. Look at the pictures. Which would you do to help you relax when you are stressed? You can add your own ideas.

I prefer playing tennis to going to the gym.

I’d rather watch TV than play computer games.

(Discuss what you prefer doing to relax. Use the table below.)


I (really) enjoy/like/love prefer…  

I’m fond of/interested/in/keen on…

I find… quite exiting/relaxing/fascinating etc.


I don’t like…

I hate/can’t stand…

I’m not very fond of/interested in/keen on…

I find… a bit/rather boring/tiring etc.


A. I find painting quite relaxing.

B. Really? I’m not very fond of drawing, but I enjoy playing squash.

Ex. 36, p. 78 (SB “Upstream Intermediate”)

Your friend is feeling stressed out and wants to make some changes to his/her lifestyle:

Suggest ways to change his/her lifestyle in order to help reduce stress;

Reject his/her reasons for not being able to follow your advice, and suggest alternatives;

express your hope that everything will work out well.

(Explain the task and read through the prompts. Brainstorm with smb to elicit the vocabulary and write it on the board. Work in pairs. One takes the role of the stressed person and the other gives advice. Ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.)

                                                            III. SUMMING UP

T. Our lesson is over. I want to finish it with famous words of Ralph Waldo Emerson “The first wealth is health”. You should remember the man dies not from certain disease but from his lifestyle. And I wish you all to be healthy and happy. As James Clark says, “Never hurry. Take plenty of exercise. Always be cheerful. Take all the sleep you need. You may expect to be well”. Thanks to all of you. You have worked excellently today.


Your homework will be to write a letter of advice to your friend on how to reduce stress.  

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