Harrow School. Текст с заданиями к нему.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Костина Елена Ивановна

Лексико-грамматическийтест  для учащихся 9 класса по теме "Harrow School".  После прочтения учащимся предлагаются разноуровневые задания.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Education in Britain. Harrow school.

  1. Study these words:

Was founded




Head master



Brighter future




Not allowed

Diverse range

Admission age


Gifted pupils

Extra charge


Harrow School


Harrow, the second best public school in the UK after Eton, was founded in 1572 as a public school for the children of poor farmers but rapidly became one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. Famous Old Harrovians include Winston Churchill and Lord Byron.

Why Narrow?

One of the reasons why parents choose Harrow is that its aim is "to produce young men who will go on to be leaders in their chosen professions" (B. Lenon, Head Master). This means that Harrovians are more likely to do well than people who went to ordinary schools. Why? Well, for one thing, the quality of education is better since the school has better resources and funding. For another, the school has excellent reputation: the fact that you are an ex-Harrovian is some kind of "passport" for a brighter future.


Harrow is an all-boys school with 800 pupils. It is a full boarding school with nineteen boarding houses. A boarding house is a building where pupils sleep and rest. Each boy either has a separate room or shares one with another boy. Boys7 security is one of the school's top priorities, so all boarding houses have three resident staff and very strong locks. Some also have a thick wall all around and a metal net over the yard. Even parents are not allowed there.

The school has outstanding facilities including the best golf courses, a swimming pool, the latest computers and even the best school theatre in the UK. All teachers live in the school to make sure that pupils are offered a diverse range of evening and weekend activities.

Good nutrition is also very important. Have a look at the average menu:

Breakfast:  Grilled Sausage, Bacon, Fried Egg with Fruit Juice Cereals

Lunch:         A choice of Breaded Fish or Roast Lamb with Potatoes or/and Vegetables Salads, Cherry Pie

Supper:  A choice of Burgers plus Pasta with Potatoes and Vegetables, Soup Fresh Fruit. Not bad, is it?

The lowest admission age for the school is thirteen. The school is very prestigious, so some parents apply as soon as their son is born! Normally parents register their son at least two years in advance. Most candidates have to attend an interview, do well in primary school and pass a test. There are some free places for gifted pupils but most pupils have to pay about £13,000 a year plus extra charges.

  1. Answer the questions about the text:

1) Is Harrow school only for boys or mixed school?

2) What is a boarding house?

3) What can you tell about the security?

4) How do students spend their free time?

5) How much must parents pay a year?

6) Can you study at Harrow free of charge?

  1. Make up questions:

1) When…

2) Tag

3) How many…

4) Who…

5) When…

  1. Let’s translate the menu.

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