Family Matters
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Савельева Екатерина Гавриловна

Презентация для урока  по теме " Моя семья"  Учебник " Английский в фокусе" 9 класс


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Слайд 1

Family Matters

Слайд 2

never gets off the phone? is always taking things without asking? never helps around the house? never switches the lights off? is always leaving things everywhere? never tidies up? plays loud music? doesn’t let you stay out late? is always there for you? helps you with your homework? Which member of your family…

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Parents interfere in the relationships with my friends

Слайд 5

Parents don’t like my hair cut

Слайд 6

Parents don’t like the music I listen to

Слайд 7

Parents think I’m lazy

Слайд 8

Parents think I waste much time with my gadgets

Слайд 9

Parents try to solve my personal problems without me

Слайд 10

Parents think I can have better marks at school

Слайд 11

Parents break their promises

Слайд 12

Parents think I’m lazy 91% Parents think I waste much time with my gadgets 89% Parents think I can have better marks at school 76% Parents interfere in the relationships with my friends 46% Parents don’t like the music I listen to 46% Parents try to solve my personal problems without me 30% Parents don’t like my hair cut 6% Parents break their promises 1%

Слайд 13

Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions : 1.Does mother sound offensive , demanding or agressive ? 2 .Why is she in such a mood ? 3.Did they make up at the end ? 4.What was the compromise ?

Слайд 14

Criticising Apologising That’s / It’s not very good / nice. Sorry! / I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again. You shouldn’t do / have done that. I’m (very) sorry. I didn’t realise … You drive me crazy / get on my nerves when you… Please forgive me. I didn’t mean to… I can’t stand it when you… I apologise . / I do apologise .

Слайд 15

Listening. B2 A B C D E 4 1 5 2 6

Слайд 16

WORD FORMATION. My great-grandmother , Frances Thompson , was a very 1)………… woman. She was a 2)………. But she also loved to paint and draw things. For years she tried to become a 3)……… artist , but she never became 4)………. However , she enjoyed teaching a lot , so she wasn`t 5)……. She taught in a primary school for forty years and when she retired she enjoyed a club in order to meet more people and managed to make friends 6)…………. I still have some of the paintings which she gave to me years ago. 1)TALENT 2)TEACH 3)SUCCESS 4)FAME 5)HAPPY 6)EASY

Слайд 17

My great-grandmother , Frances Thompson , was a very 1)TALENTED woman. She was a 2)TEACHER. But she also loved to paint and draw things. For years she tried to become a 3)SUCCESSFUL artist , but she never became 4)FAMOUS. However , she enjoyed teaching a lot , so she wasn`t 5)UNHAPPY. She taught in a primary school for forty years and when she retired she enjoyed a club in order to meet more people and managed to make friends 6)EASILY. I still have some of the paintings which she gave to me years ago.

Слайд 18

CINQUAIN. Line 1 : title -1 noun Line 2 : description – 2 adjectives , that describe line 1. Line 3 : 3 verbs , that relate to line 1. Line 4 : 4 or more words (a complete sentence) , that relate to line 1. Line 5 : one word (synonym of line 1that sums it up)

Слайд 19

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about your family Remember to say: who your family consists of what relations have you got in your family how you spend weekends what duties you have got in your family Homework :

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