Методическая разработка урока мужества: К 70-летию окончания Сталинградской битвы
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Методическая разработка урока мужества: К 70-летию окончания Сталинградской битвы




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The Stalingrad Battle began on July 17, 1942. Despite the stubborn resistance the enemy broke into the city on September 13. But the Soviet troops did not retreat across the Volga. They defended every street, every building. The defenders of Stalingrad took an oath: “… we swear that we shall defend Stalingrad to the last drop of our blood, to the last breath, to the last beat of our hearts and shall not let the enemy through to the Volga.” The Soviet soldiers kept their oath: the enemy was smashed at the walls of Stalingrad. Fascist Germany and its allies lost approximately a quarter of all their forces operating on the Soviet-German front. Ninety-one thousand soldiers and officers, headed by Field-Marshal Paulus, were taken prisoner.

The rout of the Hitlerites on the Volga was the turning-point of the Second World War. The Battle of Stalingrad aroused the admiration of the peoples that were fighting fascism and inspired the Resistance forces in enemy-occupied countries. After Stalingrad, the strategic initiative passed into the hands of the Soviet Supreme Command once and for all, and made it possible to begin a general offensive, and to start driving the enemy out of all Soviet territory. In the winter of 1942-1943 the North Caucasus and the Don steppes were set free and the Soviet troops lifted the siege of Leningrad.

There is a place in Volgograd, which is closely connected with the events of Second World War and with the Great Stalingrad Battle – in is the glorified Mamayev Hill with its “memorial complex “To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle”.

The construction of the monument was started in May, 1959 and was over on the 15th of October, 1967, when the memorial ensemble for the heroes of Stalingrad Battle was ceremonially opened.

Nowadays historical memorial complex “To the Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle” appears to be the most attended monument in Russia. It functions all year round with no days off, free of charge.

Square of Sorrow.

In the right corner of the Square there is a composition of a mourning mother with a dead soldier in her arms. His face is covered with a banner – a symbol of military honors.

The sculpture “Mother-Russia calls for!”

is a compositional center of the whole ensemble, it represents a figure of woman (its height is 52 meters), rapidly stepping forward. In her right hand she is holding a sword, which is 33 meters long and its weight is 14 tons. Together with the sword the height of the sculpture is 85 meters.

From the Square of Those who Fought to Death to Square of Heroes there are wide (40 m) granite stairs slowly narrowing up to 18m. Two ruined walls frame these five-marched stairs. The authors of this project had an idea of building two huge walls forming a corner and joining in perspective – so imagined ruins of the constructions demolished under the long firing and numerous bombing, damaged by the mines and automatic shooting – these walls witnessed the vigorous battle of the winter of 1942-1943. The spirit of the Stalingrad Battle and emotional mood of its participants are expressed in the images of the ruins and sculptural compositions. The length of the walls is 46 m, and the height goes up to 18m.

The hall of the Warrior Glory.

This is a cylindrical building, the diameter of which is 40m and height of this walls is 13,5m. The roof of the building has a hole, diameter of which is 8m. In the middle of the hall there is a hand holding a torch of the Eternal Fire surrounded by the speakers, delivering the sounds of the mourning melody of “Dreams” by Schuman.

To the right of the Square of the Heroes there are six monumental double-figured sculptural compositions, which reveal the heroism of the soviet people during the Stalingrad Battle.

Supporting a wounded friend, the soldier calls him to continue fighting the enemy to death.

A nurse, who is carrying a several wounded soldier out of the battlefield.

A marine, heading at the tank of the enemy with a bunch of grenades, and by his side there is a wounded soldier.

A soldier is supporting a deathly wounded officer, who stays in command of the battle.

A soldier picks up a banner from the hand of a falling wounded standard-bearer in order to continue the battle under the banner.

A young and old soldiers, throwing a fascist symbols and a snake, representing the fascist treachery, into the waters of the Volga.

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