Разработка урока 8 класс УМК Афанасьевой, Михеевой по теме Спорт и здоровье
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Разработка урока 8 класс УМК Афанасьевой, Михеевой по теме Спорт и здоровье

Развитие навыков монологической речи с использование времени Past Perfect Tense 


Предварительный просмотр:

Тема: Sport and health

Цель урока: обучение монологическому высказыванию.

Задача урока: развитие и совершенствование речевых навыков и умений, активизация лексики по теме Sport and health, отработка структур в Past Perfect Tense.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, текст

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент, речевая зарядка.

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Today we shall continue to speak about our attitude to sport. What kinds of sport do you know?  Read the words and choose the picture:

sports                                 games

a) boxing

b) cycling

c) long jumping

d) figure skating

e) weight lifting

f) judo

g) water skiing

h) golf

i) baseball

j) ice hockey

k) volleyball

1) badminton

m) water polo

n) rugby

Answer my questions:

Are you fond of sports?

Teacher: I knew that you are fond of sports. Will you advise me to go in for sports and why?


Teacher: How do you think going in for sports is hobby or necessity?


Teacher: Your friends from London came to you. They want to know about traditional Russian kinds of sports. What sports will you speak about and why? Make a list of sports.

Teacher: So, you say about your favourite kind of sports. Can you say how often you go in for sports? What are you doing it for?

Teacher: We had spoken about Russian tradition. You had said about Russian athletes. What famous Russian athletes do you know? In what sport did they become famous? Use Past Perfect


Teacher: Let`s image that you are a famous sportsman. Now tell us about what sport you were going for and what you was famous for. Use Past Perfect.


Teacher: На карточках записаны словосочетания, характеризующие виды занятий во время летнего отдыха. Один показывает в пантомиме действия, другие его отгадывают.

Teacher: «Интервью» Поговорите со своими друзьями и выясните:

а) каким видом спорта они занимались 2 сентября;

б) какой вид спорта увлек их на прошлой неделе;

в) занимались ли они в течение этой недели спортом и т.д.

Teacher: Now let`s read the text and decide which of these titles the best is for it.

Teacher: At home you shall make a presentation about your favourite kind of sport.

Your marks for the lesson…

The lesson is over. Good bye.


Таблица образования Past Perfect

Text. Read the text and decide which of these titles the best is for it.

a) Sport and People

b) Popular Sports

c) Sport and Health

Sport is one of the most popular pastimes all over the world. Lots of people watch sports programmes on television, support their teams at stadiums and go in for different kinds of sport. Some sports are common, others are not. It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about such team games as football or basketball or such athletics as running and jumping. At the same time there are sports and games that are less common, for example motor races, rock climbing and parachute jumping are not to everyone’s taste1.

Going in for sport gives you a lot of advantages. It gives you physical exercise, you spend a lot of time in the open air, you meet people who enjoy the same sport. Just think of the excitement of the moment when your favourite footballer scores a goal at the last moment of the match.

sports                                 games

a) boxing

b) cycling

c) long jumping

d) figure skating

e) weight lifting

f) judo

g) water skiing

h) golf

i) baseball

j) ice hockey

k) volleyball

1) badminton

m) water polo

n) rugby