Презентация для внеклассного мероприятия"Welcome to Murom"
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Презентация на английском языке о городе Муроме
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Ilya Murometz is the most famous of the mighty warriors, known as Bogatyrs , of the Russian " Bilyny " legends. This legendary hero was unable to move during his first 33 years of his life. Then one day he was visited in his house by the three Holy Old Men, who asked Ilya for some water. Ilya became furious, as he thought the Old Men were playing a joke on him when they commanded Ilya to get up, much to his own surprise, Ilya rose. From that moment on he became a warrior of extraordinary powers and the defender of the Holy Russia. Among his most famous deeds are: the single handed destruction of the Tatar army, sleight of the town of Chernigov and the capture of the Evil Bandit the Nightingale Whistler, (also known as " Solovey Razboynik " ), who had the power of killing people with his whistle. Ilya of Murom, a defender of the Lands of Russia, is portrayed a friend of the simple folk, a symbol of liberty and fairness, and sometimes as a raging rebel who dared to quarrel with the Duke of Kiev, and who almost destroyed the City of Kiev. In the end he returned to his senses, and Ilya Murometz became the Best Warrior and the Wisest Adviser to Duke Vladimir of Kiev .
Annunciation monastery was founded at the behest of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century. Before its founding the Temple of Annunciation was here where were found the relics of Murom`s Saints Princes Konstantin and his sons Michael and Fjodor . The story of the christening of the local inhabitants was connected with the name of Prince of Chernigov Constantine (Murom fell to his lot). In "the story of establishment of Christianity in Murom (16th century)is said: the pagans, not wishing to adopt Christianity killed the son of Prince Mikhail, approached the prince`s palace. The prince met in them holding no weapons, but only an icon of the mother of God (later it became known as the Murom`s icon of the mother of God). The icon brightens, and pagans were staggered with the miracle and adopted Christianity. Prince Constantine and his sons were canonized by the Church Cathedral in 1547.
In a remote part of the old Murom, on the Bank of the Oka River, stands a pair of temples – Resurrection Cathedral (1658g.) and the Vvedenskaya Church (1659g). The temples belong to Voskresenskiy monastery of which time of foundation there is no any information. It was first mentioned in 1566 . In the stories it is also known that the monastery was founded on the place where stood a country Palace of St Pyotr and Fevroniya . And now a little lower the monastery there is the Holy spring of St Pyotr and Fevroniya . Later this place was named Kozhevennaya sloboda .
The Trinity convent was founded in 1643 by a rich merchant of Murom in place of a church . According to a legend Prince Konstantin of Murom founded the wooden church in the name of Boris and Gleb , the first Russian Saints.The Trinity monastery is special and unique. It is famous for its tzrazcah , decorating the appearance of the temple. The monastery is also famous for its main shrine of Holy relics of St Pyotr and Fevroniya , patrons of family happiness and well-being.
If you want to visit Murom it will take you only an hour and a half to get there by car from our town. And if you come and see the town you will enjoy your trip. Murom is worth visiting.
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